D11760 Whit• — Cicy C�erk CJ I TY O F ►SA I 1`'T ��A U L Pink — Financ�OeDt. Canary— D�pt. c�r•�icr: OF TFIE MA1'�)R /-1I ���o 11 No: tJ • ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER 13['IX,ET I2E\'ISIO� Date: f�s�-�� :���ZS�.����)RDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Cnmmuni tv�y�__ p��hl ir Heal th to amend the 19��budget of the General fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget 0 finAi,iri CnNnBAL FUi+D uui-ua260-ulii Aut{INI3T&ATiON - PS&30HNfiL 3302,118,Ou #5,000,00 ;"s09,1I8.G0 �Oi-03202-Gill BUILGINC - PfisSONNEL 372,160,00 �;3,560.b0} #68,660.60 GGl-u"s2G4-G111 HnALiH i,ABGBATOBY - P�830NNBL 381,994,00 3810,00 382,8�4.00 Ou1-0320o-G111 BISTH � DBATH - PBBSONNHL 3131,290.00 91,836.00 9133,126.Q0 061-03208-Oili DAYCABB - PfiHSONNEL 342,863,00 (31,I6�.G0) 94I,7G3,0� OG1-�32u�-Oiil AID9; HfiAI,TB CABfi - PfiB�ONNEL 3I78,454,00 9:37,0�7 3ii8,591.0� 0"vi-63210-Gili GSHTAI, HfiAi,Tfl - "rfi&SONNBi, 362,459.60 (�2,000,00) 360,469.00 G01-032i2-Glii FQQD INSPfiCTIONs" - Ffi&S6NNEL 3350,928,00 (;10,365,0"vj 9340,063,G0 • OOI-032I3-Q111 fiNVIfiONM�NiAL - "rB830NMfiG �Z88,485,Ou ii2,080,�0i �iBo,465,dG OOi-03214-Oi11 KBDICAL Bfii3O�DS - PB&SONNfii, 300,943.OG i�17,500,00) $43,443.00 Ou1-03216-0111 KnDIC�b HAliAGBKnNT - Ffi&90HNBt, 3288,483.G4 i'9,406.00► g279,083,OQ OOi-032i6-G111 TJBfiacu6GSi"s CONTBGL - PBBSONNBI, '88,633,�0 �9,403.00 397,436,00 GOl-a321&-blii AHIHA� i3ON'fR6L -PBH90NNBL 33i5,4�0.00 �10,370,Od �323,770.�� 001-03226-0111 HGU3ING INSFSi;TION - PBHSGNNBL ;507,977,00 914,286,00 $32i,263.00 u6i-03227-Oili W&BC6ING i� BGA�DINC - Pfi&�GNNnL �97,703.00 93,a5a,�0 31G1,061,G0 001-03228-�ill SWBfiPS - FnB9"uNh�i, ;106,7G6,00 3i,670,00 3i14,276,00 GGi-032QQ-Q22i ADHiNI3T8ATI0N - PGSTAGB 35,4�0,��? 32,G00.00 �7,460.G0 OQ1-03200-6245 ADHIAISTBATION - PUBLICATIuNS ;0.00 g5oo,00 3506.0� G�71-032G0-03o9 ADKINISTBATION - OFFICB SiJPFLIB3 34,�28.00 S4,OOO,OG 38,G28.00 GOi-G3212-0226 FOOD &BCULATION - TBLBPHONfi 30.00 31,OOG,00 f1,00G.06 OG1-0"s2i�-6"s69 HfiDICAL BBCORDS - OTABB - SUFPLI�s3 30,60 31,006.00 31,G00.0� GGi-03218-0299 ANIHAb CONT80L - OTHfiB - MIBC. 32,2&8.06 ;2,OOO.GO ;4,288,OG Oui-G32Ei-OZ34 RBfiC6ING � BGABDING - KILBAGfi 30�00 31,70G.00 3i,i0Q.00 OOi-G32Z7-0245 WBBCEING 8� BOABDINC - PUBI,iCATI0N3 90,00 31,50G,00 3i,5G0,G0 �Gi-03227-�299 WRfiCHINC h aGABDING BLDGS. 313,45d,00 9�,OuG,00 319,45u,OG OGi-G3230-0299 SUH ABATfiKBNT1PBOP CLBABUP - OTHB& HI3C 3221,730,�0 �4,698,00 ;226,498.00 OGi-u3202-G222 BuII,DINC KAINT, - TfiLfiPBGNB liu 314,193.00 i33,000,00i 3i1,193,00 061-�32G2-0261 BUILDING liAIt1T. - FIflB INSUBANCB 33,957.Q0 (�1,000.00) �2,957,Od OOI-03202-027"s BUiGDINC HAIHT, - BQUIP gfiFAIB 37,012,00 {92,0OO,OG) ;5,Q12,00 001-032G2-027� BUIL"uiNG HAINT. - BfiPAI& �2,593,00 (31,OOO,GO) ;1,593.00 601-Os"262-�292 BuiL"uiAC NAIIii. LAUNDSY SBHVICB 92,�7i,Q0 ($2,�00.00) 9571,00 �Oi-6320i-0293 BiJILGINU NAINT. - SBiifiB CHAgGfiS ;9,i88.GG i91,000.Q0) 33,788.00 • �.,, � a Prepared by:Activity Manager qp ��� Requested by:Depertmen director ,�� De� W�i2e — City C�erk G I T Y O F ►.�. A I 1\'T ��A U L Pink — Finsnc�Dept. C�narV— Dept. c�r•�[cr: OF Ttil: MAYOR No: 71 11�160 • ADMINIS"IRATIVE ORDER z Q Bl'IX,ET itI;�7tiI0\ Date: I Z -J' I � :��I�ZS�I�R.����)RDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of�uY7�-�JC�uj_�ps___�q�l1 1 C Heal th to amend the 19�.]._budget of the G2tle1"d� fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended �� Budget Change Budget PAGB 2 OGi-03200-0275 BIRTA � DfiATfl BfiCOBD9 - OFF fiQUIP - &fiPAIB �3,280.00 (;2,004,00) ;1,28G,00 001-G32I2-0857 FOOD "ufiGU�,AiiON - DATA P&OCBSSItiC ;3,50G,u6 ($609.uuj 3i,891,G0 0�7i-032i2-0849 fiNVI�DN. SANIT. - OTAB� - SPSCIAL $i,200,00 (4990.00) 3210,Ou 001-03214-GB16 NBDICAL RfiC0�D8 - DAiA P80CB59iNG 30.00 (91,OOO.ub1 (91,OOO.oa) 001-03215-0816 MfiDICAL NGKT. PEOGBAH - DBSB9 ;1,d73.00 (�103,QOj ;970,OG G�l-d3216-u219 CallMUNiCABLE DISfiABB CONTROL - r"BB - OTHE& 314,u06,00 (34,400,0�3j =iu,Gu0.G0 • 06i-032i8-0822 ANINAL CONTOL - TBUCBS �i3,500,00 ff1,500,00) 312,006,00 Qui-03225-0815 nNYI80NKBNTAI, PBOG&AH ADNINISTBATION - DB9BS ;275.00 tf97,00) 3178.00 Gui-03213-0831 BNViHONNSNTAL HONITGBING - BADIO CBQUIP, 5200,00 f;2�10,00} ;0,00 OOi-03228-0219 �I�ICNBOBA00D 3NSBP3 F&BS - OTHB& 31,80�,00 j;1,884.00) 'O.Ou 001-03i2n-0234 NBIGH906fl00D SfifiBPS - MILBAGB fi,400.00 (;200.00j 31,2GO,d0 401-G3E28-G362 lifiIGHBOBA00D SwfifiPS - DUPLICATiNG ;2,834,GG fs2,6Q0,00} ;254,00 001-03228-G819 NBIGNBOBHOOD 9fiBBPS - OTHBB fi�UIP, ;4,000,00 (;4,000,60► =0,00 -------------- ------------ -------------- ;3,306,686,00 ;G,00 �3,306,686.00 -------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ -------------- irBBBfiAS, VA�IGUS HBALTH GfiI�BBAL FUND ACTI4ITI68 NBBD 9PfiNDIIIG AUTHOBITy TO CLBAR CBBDIT BALAACfiS; AND WflBBfiAS, THfiRn IS AUT606ITY IN VA$IOUS OTHBB CfiNB&Ai, FUND ACTIVITi�B iHAT COULD BB T&ANSFBR&BD. THBBBFG&B Bfi &BSOLYBD, THAT THE MAYOa APP&OVfiS THfi CHANGB TO THfi 199� BUDGBT. • � Prepared ivity Man�er Appr bY� Ya Requested by:Department di or �� � /�,,,�� p8� (rli DEPARTM[NT/OFFICEIOOUNCIL DATE INITIATED �f'�� 555 Ceda.r St GREEN SHEET No. f�1 �4 CONTACT PERSON R PNONE INITUU DATE INITIAL/pATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY OOUNCIL A�� GTY ATTORNEY GTY CLERK BE COUNqL AOENDA BY( TE) ppU7M�10� g BUDOET aRECTOR �J FIN.8 MOT.SERVIt�8 DIR. � �MAVOR(OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL#►OF SIQNATURE P (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SK�NATUR� ACiION RE�UESTED: Signatures on Administrative Order transferring spending authority between various object codes. � i ; REOOMMENDATIONB:Approw(N c► (Rl COUNdL COMMITTEEJRESBARCH REPORT _PLANNINO COMMISSION �CIVIL SERVI�COMMISSION ��Y� PI10NE NO. _CI8 COMMITTEE � _�� COMMENTB: i _DISTRICT COURT _� SUPPORTB WHlql OOUNCIL OBJEC11WE1 INIT1A71NCi PFiOBLEM.188UE.OP NITY(1Nho.Whet,YVMn�Whsro.Wh�: Various Public Hea;lth activities need additional spending authority to cover spending until the end of t�e year. There is spending authority in other activities that can be transferred. ; i � ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: i � alary needs will �e covered and there will be no deficit activities. oisnov�rr�oes iF�r+�ovec: NONE ; i � asrov�wrROes iF Nor�veo: � Salary and spendin� accoutns will be in the deficit. ; RECEIVED , ; oEC 0 31991 I CITY CLERK � I 74,000 OTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN3ACTI�1 = CO�T/REVENUE S!lDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Gener�l Fund ���N�� Vari ous FINANG/1L INFORMATION:(EXPL/UI� I. . j d�v �