D11750 ... , ,_� .-K- . ; -z-�-- _ Whit• — City Cl�rk Ci I TY O F SA I 1\'T ��A U L Pink — Finsnee Dept. C�nsry— p�pt. QN'FIGF. OF THt: MAY�)R �'I�5O No: • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER I - 1 Bl'IX;E'I'ItF�'ISIOX Date: ���ZS�.��'E�)�ER,Consistent with the aut�qority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of to amend the 19��-budget of the fun ,the Director of the Department of Finance and M�nagement Services is au horized o amen � bu g n the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget 20121-0319 Misc supplies $7,500 +10,000 $17,500 20181-0819 Equipment-Appliances 11,100 -10,000 1,100 20121-0271 Building Maintenance 1,750,000 +130,000 l,'89b,000 201�+].-0122 Event Services-part time 206,963 -50,000 156,g63 20121-011l Maintenance-full time 370,�+�+6 -80,000 290,�+�+6 NET C�ANGE 0 . A new policy for inventory items under $500 was made this year by Finance. Since these items are no longer included as equipment inventory, but rather supply inventory, a transfer of funds is necessary to the miscellaneous supply budget. Design and architect feas for major improvements to the facility have been more than what was origina],1y planned. Also, the Civic Center Authority is planning additional major improvements to be made to the facility to better serve the Civic Center's clients and users. A transfer of funds is needed to pay for these additional fees and improvements. . � ���. Prepared by:Activity Manager Approved by:Ma r � • � Requested by:Depertment director Date � �11750 �PARTM[NTIOFFICE/COUNCIL I DATE INITIATED St. Pau Civic Center 11/18/91 GREEN SHE�T NO. �$��A� CONTACT PERSON 8 PNONE ((,13�' �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOH Qr �aTV�uNa� Richard Geyer 24�-7361 � � NuM�R FOR �CITY ATTORNEY CtTY CLERK, ST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DA ROUTMId BUDOET DIRECTOFI FIN.d M�T.8ERVICE3 aR. �MAYOR(OR AS818TANT) � TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PA (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GiNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Amend ivic Center Budget as per attached i � , RECOMMENDATION8:Approw W c►R� (Pn COtlNCll COMMiTT REPORT OPTIONAL _PIANNINO COAAMISSION _�L�RVI�WMM18810N �YST PHONE NO. I _GB COMMITTEE _ OOMMENT8: _STAFF _ _DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WNICM OOUNdL OBJECTIVE MIITIATINQ PROBLEM.ISSUE, (Who.WMt.NRwn�WMro�WhY): Additi nal Improvements/new equipment inventory policy require the Civic Center budget to be amended as per attached I I I ADVANTA(iE8 IF MPFiOVED: � Invoic�s and fees will be paid from the correct budget � i ; � � � ANTAOES IF APPROVED: Nor� N�� ly 199� i ����� ��.���E � l � DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: � � Invoic s and fees will not be paid F7ECEIVED NOV 2 51991 ' CITY CLERK ; TAL AMOUNT Of TRANSACTI = COST/I�VENUE WOOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO i FUNDINO SOURCE � ACTMTY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) i j ��