D11739 White — City Clerk No. D I� ��-I Pink — Finance Dept. f I_�/1^ I Canazy — Dept. Accounting Date «J Blue — Engineer �n — Contractor CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Mears Park Electrical System C90-3R003-4882-34055 , known as Contract X.- 010661City Project No. L89-17-1,7G. Gombold Electric Inc. , Contracta, is composed of the following: 1. Reduce service size from 1000A to 600A, including reduced breakers. Deduct $2,345.00 2. Change in event lighting equipment cost. Add 1,560.00 NET DEDUCT $ 785.00 • ded�ctions ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Maya, approves the foregoing-aeid�t3ec:s made in ac- cadance with the specifications in the sum of � 785.00 , said amount to be�dec��edhe lump sum con- K 010661 credited to: sideration named in the contaract, known as contractxi. , and which amount is to be €i�atreed-frea�- Original Contract Sum $136,865.00 684-70201-0565-69117 Change Orders to Date + 28,770.00 Amount this Change - 785.00 New Contract Sum 164,850.00 APPROVED AS TO FORM ` �$ 19� Gombold Electric Inc. iatant it Contractor �� � 19 � / By letters dated 8/20/91, 10/7/91 �a�er up . o ar s Recreati n 19 `�� .. Chi E neer l 1 � �/ Head partme of ce q � �1r y� 1� �19 Director of Comm�t nity Services Adm nistrative Ass tant to the Mayor �an. /�-.� �i�e-z� , _�,-„—...s+,.f � � 'DI 1739 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL ��� DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET N° �HOO� CS/Parks and Recreation 11I5I91 INIT • INITIAUDATE TACT PERSON&PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCI� n Gan 'e/John Wi r�ca 292-7400 ASSIGN CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK M T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(D TE) NUMBER FOR gUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8�MOT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTING NA ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn '� Parks �R � PI 1° TOTAL#OF SI(iNATURE PAiGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement N�V ' 6 1yy� Mears Park Electrical RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Rsject(R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING UESTI _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1• H8S thi8 pefSONfifR1 eV@f WOfked Und@f 8 CO�t�BCt fOP thi6 d9p8�tmetlt?�O/� �� _CIB COMMI7TEE _` YES NO V �STnFF _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? ����" �1[9�� YES NO � /qT J _DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any currerTt�lpl ee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB.IECTIVE? YES NO ���r�j�y Explain all yes answers on aeparate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATINCi PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Need to accept credit for change in electrical service size and approve additional cost for event lighting. � ECf/�F� o� N��14 js�y ��,fi'��aF � ANTAOE3IFAPPROVED: �I{��h�q �T �f I(�'�L.�r,Q .� GE� F-��� /,� Ci ty wi 11 re�ei ve credi t due and contractor wi 11 recei�rp�� for addi ti onal work required. � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None RECEIVED Nov 2 01g91 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Contractor will not receive proper payment and City will not receive credit due. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S �785.OO� COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE 684�7OZO1—O5G'rJ—'E)911� ACTIVITYNUMBER C90-3R003-0882-34055 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) rJ 9// lJ V1!