D11722 White — City Clerk G I TY O F ►SA I N T PA U L Pink — Finance Oept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: �II72� ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER I' . �� w�' Date: • • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, the Street Maintenance employees performed over and above their duties during the recent 29 inch snowfall and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Department of Public Works would like to thank these employees on November 12, 1991 for their effort and, WHEREAS, the Department would like to serve coffee and doughnuts at this thank you gathering, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Department of Public Works is authorized to charge the cost to activity code 42310-0389 at an estimated cost of $300.00. • APPROVE� AS�T`O FORM /` ' ,� ,,. .� ;, ^^�� �-,- ,�:' , - / , "�� i.- !' .� : � ,1'�� A�sjStant City Attorney ment Head �-, � ,` gp ��� Date � l i Administrative Assistant to Mayor