D11717 White — City Cl�rk C I TY O F SA I 1�'T ��A U L
Pink — Fina�e�DeDt.
Csnsry— Oept.
()N'1''I(il: nF TFiY.' MAY�)R �I '� � �
• Bl'IX,ET ItF\7�I0� Date:
�D�IL�'ISTR�TIt�ORDER,Consistent with the authorit granted to the Maxor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and
based on the request of the Director of the Department of Carmni�ty Services - Libraries
to amend the 19�'�budget of the J,.Lhr�l'�LAICJS R O"at'Yt'S fund,the Director of the Oepartment
of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner:
Current Amended
Budget Change Budget
Division of Libraries
350-33426 - LSCA Library Literacy Program
33426-0219 Fees - Other profess services -0- 1 ,250.00 1 ,250.00
33426-0241 Printing 3,700.00 (1 ,783.42) 1 ,916.58
33426-0369 Oth�r office supplies 263.00 2U6.02 469.02
33426-0381 Books, periodicals, etc 13,240.00 786.02 14,026.02
33426 -0816 Cabinets , bookcases 3,297.00 (458.62) 2,838.38
20,500.00 -0- 20,500.00
Budget adjustments to reflect budget in correct line items - in
�onformance with Federal Grant guidelines.
repar • ctivity r Approved by:Mayor
Requested by:Depertment director �� � ��,.�1 Date