D11701 , :y- --- -- - _ — _� Whit�"— City Cl�rk G I TY O F S A I 1\'T ��A U L Pink — Finane�D�pt. C�nary— Oept. U�FIGF. OF TNI: MAYUR ^I f�A � No: U u ADMINISIRATIVE ORDER rn_��_�� • Bl'IX,ET I2E�7SI0\ Date: �U :�D�IL��ISTR.�TI��E ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Secti n 1 07.4 of The City Charter and based on the reque t of the Director of t D p rt nt of�'�dld°C���������4�%���'-� to amend the 19�budget of the -� �und.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget Fund 960 GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND %0-89991-0613-00000 Pending Bond Sale Interest Payment $379,913.00 (301,212.50) $ 78,700.50 960-89991-0611-00000 G.O. Long Term Debt Interest - 0 - 301,212,50 301,212.50 ------------ ------------ ------------ $379,913.00 - 0 - $379,913.00 • Fund 963 G.O. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - STREETS 963-89391-0613 Pendinq Bond Sale Interest Payment $ 62,000.00 (62,206.25) $ 99,793.75 963-89391-0611 G.O. Lonq Term Debt Interest - 0 - 62,206.25 62,206.25 ------------ ----------- ----------° $162,000.00 - 0 - $379,913.00 Adjust debt service budqets to provide the fundinq necessary for expenditures out of proper debt service accounts. � � Prepared by:Activi anager Approved by;l� 1/� R uested by:Depertment director < pate , �/ . 1./� � 10I DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N0 � 14 8 5 7 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON&P ONE • INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIflECTOR �CITY COUNCIL hirley Davis 292�7038 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(D TE ROUT NGFOR �BUDGET DIRECTOR a FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. Oi1DER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) � TOA1 CrdIl TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA,GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 2 Jose Jovellana ACTION REQUESTED: This Administrative Ord�r adjusts the debt service budgets to reflect accurate accounting codes for proper payment of long term debt. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Re�ect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING GUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION � CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this personHirm ever wo�ked under a Co�tract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE , YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? _STAFF � YES NO _DIS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? YES NO Explaln all yas answers on separate sheet and attach to groen sheet INITIATINO PROBIEM,ISSUE,OPPOpTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): • RECcI�EQ ac VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' ��.���.� r'� ! v ` ��pp� rN� � ��,�p MA�T,q���OF�R��OR Nr SERV��Es DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ����I�/t� OCT � 2 199? bu�u�:� ��ric.t DISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVEq: FF��.��.��/F�1 OCT24 � � ����r�' ';:L'_�+:�"� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S _� COST/ VENUE TED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��