D11699 White - City Clerk No. D I � �� Pink - Finance Dept. lo' ����1 I Canary - Dept. Accounting Date �� Slue - Engineer Green - Contractor . CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as installation/supply of automatic skyway doors at various locationG h o �gho�,t the Sk}�g� SvctPm_ , Purchase Order 4� 9 1 Di tri t known as ��xxxxx��[��g i�p, 15 , Door Masters, Inc_ , Contracta, is composed of the following: Automatic Door Addition Furnish and supply all labor, services, materials, equipment, supervision and incidentals required for delivery and installation of a single pair of automatic, bi-parting aluminum doors at the west end of the skyway bridge over Minnesota Street between East Fifth and Sixth Streets, as noted on the attached Exhibit "A". All work to be accomplished in accordance with the contract specifications and City/PED requirements; subject to: • A. Satisfactory completion of all contract stipulations and covenants as a result of the aforementioned change and all work affected thereby, B. The rights of the City are not prejudiced, and C. All claims against the City related to or as a consequence of the aforementioned change are satisfied. ORDERED, That the City of Sainr Paul, thcough ita Mayor, approves the foregoing adc�itions made in ac- cadance with the specifications in the sum of $ 6.131.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- Purchase Order 46009811 sideration named in the contract, known as��� , and which amount is to be financed from: 1991 CIB for skyway accessibility (C91-7R031-0739) ; and the contract time remains unchanged. APPRO AS TO 19 Door Masters, Inc. Assistant City Attorney Co ct ��r�� __�19�_ y ngineer • lg t � � C ef n ' e r Head o D par e t f Fin ce ��1- ��� 19 �/ ��, � Directot of pE Administrative Assistant to the Mayor `°�� � �I 11d� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED 0 �13 7 0 3 P,ED i z��a •��•.��� GREEN SH L�E/V • CONTACT PERSON&PHONE I N I T I A I N I T I A L/D A T E �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY UNCIL DAROLD MC MAHAN ', EXT. 3333 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY fj]`�„G�TYCLERK NUMBER FOR N��Q� UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY( ATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR ����f&MOT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER m MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN �UY� /y�(q, TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE P�4GES I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) . cMa�an ACTION REOUESTED: City execution of the attached Contract Change Agreement No. 3 replacing manual leaf doors iri the Skyway System, on the east side of Norwest Bank with automatic RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or eject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNIN6 COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? �CIB COMMITTEE �_ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _A STAFF _ YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COUR7 � 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OB,IECTIVE? YES NO Skyway accessibility Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet an�attaeh to groen sheet /j'� �'"' INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO TUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): ��:�,. ,� 7 Provide increased public accessability �; `'��%':{ .� + F' �' i��; .�N �`q�;,'- ''� �'?I ,. � ,�:f ,, >.:; z,,,^; <.,,,:; •�;,: �..; � � �1j/�/vY �'/�4. !v � v�.'�l f�/C� RyjCFs VANTAOES IF APPFOVED: Same as abovie DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None DI3ADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: ' A less efficient skyway system. ;�7�(;�t�iF_�t OCT 2�. 1�.9'I (;lTY (;� :���>��: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTNON S 6,131.OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE 1991 CIB ACTIVITYNUMBER �9� �4���T�T'— FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �+ $C1 �� �Q O�O w��3� t',I �` d W