D11689 ! � City of Saint Paul n Office of the Mayor No: �� ��p g`1 � ADMI1vISTRATIVE ORDER Date: �� "Z�"Q I ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and Oxfam America jointly planned and carried out the 1990 Tvvin Cities Oxfam America Hunger Banquet as an educational and coalition-building event for the local community; and WHEREAS, the event brnught together people from all walks of life to discuss hunger and its relationship to Saint Paul and the world; and WHEREAS, arrangements for the use of the Landmark Center space were made through the City of Saint Paul and a $200.00 fee was agreed upon by the City of Saint Paul and the Landmark Center; NOW, THEREFORE, the prnper City ot�icials are hereby authorized to pay the Landmark Center the sum of$200.00. �o/i�l • Charge to 050-9Ci�0�i-0299. APPROVED AS TO FORM � Assist nt City Atto ney Depart ent Directo �. � , ._ Date � — -- Administrative Assistant to Mayor R �,,.+�-`�� i�E�E�� i E� �I lb8�9 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL ���� �TOE 1-I�=E� � G R E E N �F� T 1��. _15 211 y CONT CT PERS PHONE IN T L/BA� INITIAUDATE '•' m DEPARTMENT OR C�TY COUNCIL �b Fi�s y 3.� 3 ASSION CITY ATTORN�j� CITY CLERK T BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY DATE) NUMBER FOR gUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.8 MQT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTING y� a� � OpDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) IV TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE GES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: �__ _ � /� St Qr1 0.0�Y1tic:�t.. O�a�.K. cc,�.c�'!1 D r i Z i�w�q.. ��.�. �v � �t'kt. rna.�,� ('�° .r.r �pa.e�. ►�c,��-�.. ° - - - -i � ' RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or eject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION �CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract fOr this department? YES NO _CIB COMMITTEE � 2, Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF � YES NO _DISTRICT CouR7 T 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTMVE? YES NO ' Explaln all yes answers on separete sheet and ettach to gresn shest INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO TUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): �/�,,�./I+LJ�GG� Q.��,�.�..�- `�o c.ou-e-r' �- �'�- l�90 �x a.m �a-nq�c,cac.� �� �. luo v`�.r�►l�c�'; �490. �.t�rt�+�t� ! tNaS Go- S I�'�SeY'u�c.aQ 4-�t,� �►. �� a�� dx�an'�� . � a�f `f-�ic l.�x.r�o�r►�-,� Q�m�✓'lC�.• /�'S a /�.s�f o� a..�r trr�or dh �t p °� �.�,r cx.r� i vacc c�ra no!` �� un�,'/ 4cf, �T 4 !. ANTAGES IF APPROVED: �p,,,R,a,Q,vnwt,k, �'�c.�c.t-cr t,��+:(.� b�c- 1�acaQ. �a r s.�C.ct, r'ea'c-�!`a.2. � RECc►VEp DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ` 15 1991 /�� ; �'�'F�CE r�F TH ,��� �p�MENT p��N�r�R �, 1VA��ME�T SERV►�S DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: l.�a,r�a�ina.r� '(�,�i��tr uJ� �tof �e �/�, ct.�c.aC cvt.l.L Kot a•f.l.�t,� us' �o rcnf �� �. � ��,�rt ���;tt���:t� '; -:�CT � 8 � � � �� �ITY G��e�;�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIO�N S `^�' � COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE I ACTIVITY NUMBER O S����j� �b� FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) i �J(/�l ��