Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (City) entered into a"Conective Plan AgreemenY' regarding the
2 Institutional Network with Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc. (d.b.a. MediaOne) on December 22, 1997
3 (Council File 97-1552);
4 WHEREAS, the Corrective Plan Agreement incorporates the Corrective Plan dated December 18, 1997;
5 WHEREAS, the Corrective Plan states that the upgrade will be completed by August 1, 1998, unless the time
6 for compietion is extended in accordance with the Conective Plan Agreement;
7 WHEREAS, the City may e�end the upgrade deadline beyond August 1, 1998;
8 WE�EREAS, MediaOne has presented a letter agreement and requested an extension of the upgrade completion
9 deadline until September 30, 1998, except that, in the event of written notice from MediaOne to the City stating
10 reasons for an additional extension, such deadline will be November 15, 1998;
11 WHEREAS, City staff have reviewed the extension request and consider it to be reasonable based on delays
12 caused by design changes which resulted in an improved and expanded Institutional Netwark, and delays due to
13 storm damage;
Council File # q$ -'� 00
Green Sheet # �� � �
14 WI3EREAS, the letter agreement also clarifies the concept of "adjacenY' buildings and defines all City and
15 other public buildings that will receive free drops (E�ibit A) and establishes prices for certain other sites
16 (Exhibit B);
1 TEIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Mayor and Director of Financial Services aze hereby authorized to
2 enter into the letter agreement and with MediaOne, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein
3 by reference.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date
By: �
Approved by
by�CqfuryEi� Secretary
te, ����
��/ � i � . /
Form Appr d by City At rney
By: �
DepartmenUO�ce/councit: Date Ini6ated Green Sheet No. 63910 �p �( �C
Technology & Management Svcs. 7/29/98
Contact Person & Phone: InitiaUdafe InitisUdate
Holly Hansen 266-8875 � 1�p�e� Du 4 c�� co�,a�il
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date) Au�9� ? City Attomey ti _ City Cledc
Number Einancial Serv D"u.� _ Fic�ancial Serv/acctg
� For 3 Mayor (Oc Asst) _ Civil Serrice Commission
Total # of Signature Pages �_ (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approve a"letter agreemenY' between the City of Saint Paul and Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc.
(d.b.a MediaOne).
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R) Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad for this department?
Planning Commission Yes No
CIB Committee 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Civil Service Commission Yes No
3. Does Ynis persoNfirm possess a skilf not normaHy possessed by any current city
employee? Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issue, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why�:
The City and MediaOne entered into an agreement regarding the upgrade of the institurional network; some
changes need to be made to that agreement to update that document and reflect current circumstances.
�; rs;
AdvantageslfApproved: pc�;�'���' ��"':.���
����1 E��-..
The upgrade and construction of the institutional nerivork will proceed. Ju�. ������
DisadvanWges If Approved �
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Construction could be interrupted as the issues and clarifications addressed in the `letter agreemenY' would not be
in effect.
Toql Amount of Transaction: $ CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: N/A Activity Number:
Financial Information: (Explain)
This is Sroadband. This is the .a a}. 3uly 24, 1998
Holly M. Hansen
Cable Communications Officer
City of St. Paul
CITY HALL, Suite 68
15 West Kellogg Boulevud
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Holly:
This letter agreement is a result of various conversations between MediaOne representatives
and the City of St. Paul regarding service of MediaOne's Institutional I�Tetwork to an expanded
numher of St. Paul institutions, inteipreting and clarifying the concept of "adjacent" buildings to the
Institutional Network for the purpose of receipt of free drops, adding certain non-adjacent buildings
to the Insritutional Network during the nutial Institutional Network upgrade at MediaOne's expense,
and establishing a new deadline for completion.
Specifically, MediaOne and the City agree that the obligations of the Corrective Plan dated
December 18, 1997, and Corrective Plan Agreement between the parties dated December 22, J997
all of which have been incorporated into various transfer and franchise documents (all of the above
collectively the "Institutional Network Corrective Plan Documents"}, are amended to reflect the
1. At the time of initial Institutional Network upgrade, MediaOne will provide an
Institutional Network drop at no charge to the institutional buildings identified in
E�ibit A hereto. This obligation and the obligations set forth in Sections 2, 3, 4 and
5 below, shall supersede the obligations set forth in Section 6(a) or 6(b) of the
December 18, 1997 Conective Plan and any attachments thereto or any inconsistent
provisions of the Institutional Network Corrective Plan Documents.
2. After the initiat upgrade of the Institutional Network is complete, in addition to the
buildings identified in E�ibit A hereto, MediaOae will provide, upon written request,
one free Institutional Network coaaaal drop to each public or private school, public
library branch, police or fire station, community center or public building or to such
other public institutions as the city may reasonably request from time to time if such
facility is adjacent to the then-existing Institutional Network path (regardless of
specific accessibility). For purposes of establishing entitlement to a free drop on the
Institutional I�Tetwork after completion of the initial upgrade of the Institutional
Network, any newly constructed qualifying institutional building or newly requesting
qualifying institutionai building as described above will be considered adjacent to the
9785 Maroon Cirde, Suire 400
Englewood, CO iA} 12
qg -�100
Holly M. Hansen
July 24, 1998
Page 2
Institutional Network and thereby entitled to a free Institutional Network drop if it is
writhin 400 feet of the netu ork.
3. At the time of initial upgrade of the Insfitutional Network, MediaOne will provide one
Institutional Network drop to any of the institutional buiidings identified in E�ibit B
hereto if, by August 15, 1998 (or such later date as company deems feasible for any
particular site), such institution agrees to pay the appropriate chazge set forth on
Exhibit B. It is understood that such charge is an estimated incremental cost minus
the first 400 feet (without design costs included) and is based on an initial project cost
averaging methodology.
4. After the initial upgrade of the Institutional Network is complete, due to the loss of
certain efficiencies and price changes, it is anticipated that the costs to provide an
Institutional Network drop to any facility listed on Exhibit B will be higher than the
charge set forth in E�ibit B. Nonetheless, desi�n work associated with extension to
buildings set forth in E�chibit B will be done as part of the initial upgrade of the
Institutional Network, thereby containing any costs which must be contributed by the
affected institution at some later date.
After the initial upgrade of the Institutional Network is complete, in addition to the
buildings identified in E�ibit B hereto, MediaOne will provide, upon written request,
one Institutional Network coaxial drop to each public or pzivate school, public library
branch, police or fire station, community center or public building or to such other
public institutions as the city may reasonably request from time to time if such faci]ity
is not adjacent to the then-existing Institutional IQetwork path (regardless of specific
accessibility) upon payment by such institution of the cost of providing such drop.
For purposes ofthis agreement, any newly constructed qualifying institutional building
or newly requesting qualifying institutional building as described above will be deemed
not adjacent to the Institutional Network and thereby not entitled to a free
Institutional Network drop if it is excess of 400 feet of the network.
6. The deadline for completion of the Institutional Network upgrade shall be September
30, 1998, except that, in the event of written notice from MediaOne to Caty stating
reasons for an additional ea-tension, such deadline will be November 15, 1998. This
deadline shall supersede any time frame or deadline for completion of the Institutional
Network upgrade set forth in Section 5 of the December 22, 1997 Conective PIan,
Agreement Section 1(a) ofthe December 18, 1997 Cosective Plan or any inconsistent
provisions of the Institutional Network Corrective Plan I7ocuments.
qg -'100
Holly M. Hansen
July 24, 1998
Pase 3
We believe this letter agreement reflects the understandings of MediaOne representatives and
the City. This agreement reflects exciting additional improvements to the Institutional Network and
is a foundation for a very successful endeavor. In order to give this agreement effect, please have this
document executed by the City below and provide a photocopy of the completed document to us.
Very truly yours,
By_ � `� � �, t� �`'-�-�—�
` *✓
cc: Jolui F. Gibbs, Esq.
This _ day of , 1998.
Its: Mayor
Its: Director ofFinancial Services
Ftom Roger Sm�enson To Holry Hansen Date. 7/29/98 Time 12 45 75 PIN Page 2 of 7
Q8 -�00
Er.h�bit A
Saint Paui Institutional Netvdork Upgrade
lnitial Free Connections
by Phase and Segment
July 28,1998
From Roger Saenson 7o Holly Hansen D2te 7/29�98 Time 12 45 t 4 PI.A Page 3 of 7
qg `'� 0 O
Exhibit A
Fr,om Rooer Swenson To Holly Hansen Date 729/98 Time 12 45 14 Pls Page d of 7
�g -`1
Exhibit A
F!om Roge( Swenson To Holly Hansen Date 7/29/98 Time 12 a5 t4 Pf 1 Page 5 of 7
�xn,�a a
�lg -`loo
From Roaer Sv.�enson To Holly Hansen Date 729198 Time 72 45 74 Pld Page 6 of 7
°lg _`100
Exhibd A
Frpm Roger Swenson To Holty Hansen Dzte� 7/29/98 Time 72 45 7a PIN Page 7 of 7
�� _�oo
Exhfbd A
From. Rogef Swenson To Holly Hansen Date� 7/29/98 Time� 127 36 PM Page 2 of 3
qa 100
Exhibit B
Saint Paui Institutional Network
Potential Non-Adjacent Connections (over 400 feet}
BUILDING NAME ADDRESS Distancetol-Net Charge°
Phase �, Segment'I
Hazel Park Pum m Station 1585 E Ma land Ave 500 5 189 39
Phase '1, Segment 2
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase'I, Segment 3
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 2, Segment 14
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 2, Segment 15
Hi hland Park Clubhouse 9-Hole 1797 W Ed cumbe 470 5 132 58
Hi hland Park Golf Mamtenance Sho 7259 Montreai Ave. 641 S 456 44
Phase 1, Segment 4
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 4, Segment 11
Dunnin Field Recreation Genter 1221 Marshall Ave 640 $454 55
Dunnin Baseball Stadium 1230 Marshall Ave 640 $454 55
Phase 4, Segment 12
Como Park Conservator 1325 Alda St. 847 $ S46 09
Como Park Golf Ciubhouse 1431 N Lexin ton P 704 � Si5 76
Como Park Golf Maintenance Bid 7387 N lexin ton Pkw 1476 $ 1,92424
Como Park Lakeside Pavilion 1339 N- Lexin ton Pkw 2456 � 3.893.94
Como Park Classroom & Auditonum Midwa & Horton 900 S 946 97
F;om: Roggr Swenson To: Holly Hansen Date 7/29/98 Time: 127 36 PM Page 3 of 3
Exhibrt B
Phase 5, Segment 5
7owntown Beat Office
Phase 6, Segment 8
4sphalt Pavinq Plant Offi�
Phase 6, Segment 9
No sites beyo�d 400 feet
Phase 7, Segment 6
Auto Impountl Lot Office/�
Phase 7, Segment 7
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 7, Segment'10
`Based on initial upgrade cost averaging, minus the first �TOtal S 24 632 58
40� feet of cable a�d mcremental design cost
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (City) entered into a"Conective Plan AgreemenY' regarding the
2 Institutional Network with Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc. (d.b.a. MediaOne) on December 22, 1997
3 (Council File 97-1552);
4 WHEREAS, the Corrective Plan Agreement incorporates the Corrective Plan dated December 18, 1997;
5 WHEREAS, the Corrective Plan states that the upgrade will be completed by August 1, 1998, unless the time
6 for compietion is extended in accordance with the Conective Plan Agreement;
7 WHEREAS, the City may e�end the upgrade deadline beyond August 1, 1998;
8 WE�EREAS, MediaOne has presented a letter agreement and requested an extension of the upgrade completion
9 deadline until September 30, 1998, except that, in the event of written notice from MediaOne to the City stating
10 reasons for an additional extension, such deadline will be November 15, 1998;
11 WHEREAS, City staff have reviewed the extension request and consider it to be reasonable based on delays
12 caused by design changes which resulted in an improved and expanded Institutional Netwark, and delays due to
13 storm damage;
Council File # q$ -'� 00
Green Sheet # �� � �
14 WI3EREAS, the letter agreement also clarifies the concept of "adjacenY' buildings and defines all City and
15 other public buildings that will receive free drops (E�ibit A) and establishes prices for certain other sites
16 (Exhibit B);
1 TEIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Mayor and Director of Financial Services aze hereby authorized to
2 enter into the letter agreement and with MediaOne, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein
3 by reference.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date
By: �
Approved by
by�CqfuryEi� Secretary
te, ����
��/ � i � . /
Form Appr d by City At rney
By: �
DepartmenUO�ce/councit: Date Ini6ated Green Sheet No. 63910 �p �( �C
Technology & Management Svcs. 7/29/98
Contact Person & Phone: InitiaUdafe InitisUdate
Holly Hansen 266-8875 � 1�p�e� Du 4 c�� co�,a�il
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date) Au�9� ? City Attomey ti _ City Cledc
Number Einancial Serv D"u.� _ Fic�ancial Serv/acctg
� For 3 Mayor (Oc Asst) _ Civil Serrice Commission
Total # of Signature Pages �_ (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approve a"letter agreemenY' between the City of Saint Paul and Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc.
(d.b.a MediaOne).
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R) Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad for this department?
Planning Commission Yes No
CIB Committee 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Civil Service Commission Yes No
3. Does Ynis persoNfirm possess a skilf not normaHy possessed by any current city
employee? Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issue, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why�:
The City and MediaOne entered into an agreement regarding the upgrade of the institurional network; some
changes need to be made to that agreement to update that document and reflect current circumstances.
�; rs;
AdvantageslfApproved: pc�;�'���' ��"':.���
����1 E��-..
The upgrade and construction of the institutional nerivork will proceed. Ju�. ������
DisadvanWges If Approved �
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Construction could be interrupted as the issues and clarifications addressed in the `letter agreemenY' would not be
in effect.
Toql Amount of Transaction: $ CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: N/A Activity Number:
Financial Information: (Explain)
This is Sroadband. This is the .a a}. 3uly 24, 1998
Holly M. Hansen
Cable Communications Officer
City of St. Paul
CITY HALL, Suite 68
15 West Kellogg Boulevud
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Holly:
This letter agreement is a result of various conversations between MediaOne representatives
and the City of St. Paul regarding service of MediaOne's Institutional I�Tetwork to an expanded
numher of St. Paul institutions, inteipreting and clarifying the concept of "adjacent" buildings to the
Institutional Network for the purpose of receipt of free drops, adding certain non-adjacent buildings
to the Insritutional Network during the nutial Institutional Network upgrade at MediaOne's expense,
and establishing a new deadline for completion.
Specifically, MediaOne and the City agree that the obligations of the Corrective Plan dated
December 18, 1997, and Corrective Plan Agreement between the parties dated December 22, J997
all of which have been incorporated into various transfer and franchise documents (all of the above
collectively the "Institutional Network Corrective Plan Documents"}, are amended to reflect the
1. At the time of initial Institutional Network upgrade, MediaOne will provide an
Institutional Network drop at no charge to the institutional buildings identified in
E�ibit A hereto. This obligation and the obligations set forth in Sections 2, 3, 4 and
5 below, shall supersede the obligations set forth in Section 6(a) or 6(b) of the
December 18, 1997 Conective Plan and any attachments thereto or any inconsistent
provisions of the Institutional Network Corrective Plan Documents.
2. After the initiat upgrade of the Institutional Network is complete, in addition to the
buildings identified in E�ibit A hereto, MediaOae will provide, upon written request,
one free Institutional Network coaaaal drop to each public or private school, public
library branch, police or fire station, community center or public building or to such
other public institutions as the city may reasonably request from time to time if such
facility is adjacent to the then-existing Institutional Network path (regardless of
specific accessibility). For purposes of establishing entitlement to a free drop on the
Institutional I�Tetwork after completion of the initial upgrade of the Institutional
Network, any newly constructed qualifying institutional building or newly requesting
qualifying institutionai building as described above will be considered adjacent to the
9785 Maroon Cirde, Suire 400
Englewood, CO iA} 12
qg -�100
Holly M. Hansen
July 24, 1998
Page 2
Institutional Network and thereby entitled to a free Institutional Network drop if it is
writhin 400 feet of the netu ork.
3. At the time of initial upgrade of the Insfitutional Network, MediaOne will provide one
Institutional Network drop to any of the institutional buiidings identified in E�ibit B
hereto if, by August 15, 1998 (or such later date as company deems feasible for any
particular site), such institution agrees to pay the appropriate chazge set forth on
Exhibit B. It is understood that such charge is an estimated incremental cost minus
the first 400 feet (without design costs included) and is based on an initial project cost
averaging methodology.
4. After the initial upgrade of the Institutional Network is complete, due to the loss of
certain efficiencies and price changes, it is anticipated that the costs to provide an
Institutional Network drop to any facility listed on Exhibit B will be higher than the
charge set forth in E�ibit B. Nonetheless, desi�n work associated with extension to
buildings set forth in E�chibit B will be done as part of the initial upgrade of the
Institutional Network, thereby containing any costs which must be contributed by the
affected institution at some later date.
After the initial upgrade of the Institutional Network is complete, in addition to the
buildings identified in E�ibit B hereto, MediaOne will provide, upon written request,
one Institutional Network coaxial drop to each public or pzivate school, public library
branch, police or fire station, community center or public building or to such other
public institutions as the city may reasonably request from time to time if such faci]ity
is not adjacent to the then-existing Institutional IQetwork path (regardless of specific
accessibility) upon payment by such institution of the cost of providing such drop.
For purposes ofthis agreement, any newly constructed qualifying institutional building
or newly requesting qualifying institutional building as described above will be deemed
not adjacent to the Institutional Network and thereby not entitled to a free
Institutional Network drop if it is excess of 400 feet of the network.
6. The deadline for completion of the Institutional Network upgrade shall be September
30, 1998, except that, in the event of written notice from MediaOne to Caty stating
reasons for an additional ea-tension, such deadline will be November 15, 1998. This
deadline shall supersede any time frame or deadline for completion of the Institutional
Network upgrade set forth in Section 5 of the December 22, 1997 Conective PIan,
Agreement Section 1(a) ofthe December 18, 1997 Cosective Plan or any inconsistent
provisions of the Institutional Network Corrective Plan I7ocuments.
qg -'100
Holly M. Hansen
July 24, 1998
Pase 3
We believe this letter agreement reflects the understandings of MediaOne representatives and
the City. This agreement reflects exciting additional improvements to the Institutional Network and
is a foundation for a very successful endeavor. In order to give this agreement effect, please have this
document executed by the City below and provide a photocopy of the completed document to us.
Very truly yours,
By_ � `� � �, t� �`'-�-�—�
` *✓
cc: Jolui F. Gibbs, Esq.
This _ day of , 1998.
Its: Mayor
Its: Director ofFinancial Services
Ftom Roger Sm�enson To Holry Hansen Date. 7/29/98 Time 12 45 75 PIN Page 2 of 7
Q8 -�00
Er.h�bit A
Saint Paui Institutional Netvdork Upgrade
lnitial Free Connections
by Phase and Segment
July 28,1998
From Roger Saenson 7o Holly Hansen D2te 7/29�98 Time 12 45 t 4 PI.A Page 3 of 7
qg `'� 0 O
Exhibit A
Fr,om Rooer Swenson To Holly Hansen Date 729/98 Time 12 45 14 Pls Page d of 7
�g -`1
Exhibit A
F!om Roge( Swenson To Holly Hansen Date 7/29/98 Time 12 a5 t4 Pf 1 Page 5 of 7
�xn,�a a
�lg -`loo
From Roaer Sv.�enson To Holly Hansen Date 729198 Time 72 45 74 Pld Page 6 of 7
°lg _`100
Exhibd A
Frpm Roger Swenson To Holty Hansen Dzte� 7/29/98 Time 72 45 7a PIN Page 7 of 7
�� _�oo
Exhfbd A
From. Rogef Swenson To Holly Hansen Date� 7/29/98 Time� 127 36 PM Page 2 of 3
qa 100
Exhibit B
Saint Paui Institutional Network
Potential Non-Adjacent Connections (over 400 feet}
BUILDING NAME ADDRESS Distancetol-Net Charge°
Phase �, Segment'I
Hazel Park Pum m Station 1585 E Ma land Ave 500 5 189 39
Phase '1, Segment 2
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase'I, Segment 3
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 2, Segment 14
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 2, Segment 15
Hi hland Park Clubhouse 9-Hole 1797 W Ed cumbe 470 5 132 58
Hi hland Park Golf Mamtenance Sho 7259 Montreai Ave. 641 S 456 44
Phase 1, Segment 4
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 4, Segment 11
Dunnin Field Recreation Genter 1221 Marshall Ave 640 $454 55
Dunnin Baseball Stadium 1230 Marshall Ave 640 $454 55
Phase 4, Segment 12
Como Park Conservator 1325 Alda St. 847 $ S46 09
Como Park Golf Ciubhouse 1431 N Lexin ton P 704 � Si5 76
Como Park Golf Maintenance Bid 7387 N lexin ton Pkw 1476 $ 1,92424
Como Park Lakeside Pavilion 1339 N- Lexin ton Pkw 2456 � 3.893.94
Como Park Classroom & Auditonum Midwa & Horton 900 S 946 97
F;om: Roggr Swenson To: Holly Hansen Date 7/29/98 Time: 127 36 PM Page 3 of 3
Exhibrt B
Phase 5, Segment 5
7owntown Beat Office
Phase 6, Segment 8
4sphalt Pavinq Plant Offi�
Phase 6, Segment 9
No sites beyo�d 400 feet
Phase 7, Segment 6
Auto Impountl Lot Office/�
Phase 7, Segment 7
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 7, Segment'10
`Based on initial upgrade cost averaging, minus the first �TOtal S 24 632 58
40� feet of cable a�d mcremental design cost
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (City) entered into a"Conective Plan AgreemenY' regarding the
2 Institutional Network with Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc. (d.b.a. MediaOne) on December 22, 1997
3 (Council File 97-1552);
4 WHEREAS, the Corrective Plan Agreement incorporates the Corrective Plan dated December 18, 1997;
5 WHEREAS, the Corrective Plan states that the upgrade will be completed by August 1, 1998, unless the time
6 for compietion is extended in accordance with the Conective Plan Agreement;
7 WHEREAS, the City may e�end the upgrade deadline beyond August 1, 1998;
8 WE�EREAS, MediaOne has presented a letter agreement and requested an extension of the upgrade completion
9 deadline until September 30, 1998, except that, in the event of written notice from MediaOne to the City stating
10 reasons for an additional extension, such deadline will be November 15, 1998;
11 WHEREAS, City staff have reviewed the extension request and consider it to be reasonable based on delays
12 caused by design changes which resulted in an improved and expanded Institutional Netwark, and delays due to
13 storm damage;
Council File # q$ -'� 00
Green Sheet # �� � �
14 WI3EREAS, the letter agreement also clarifies the concept of "adjacenY' buildings and defines all City and
15 other public buildings that will receive free drops (E�ibit A) and establishes prices for certain other sites
16 (Exhibit B);
1 TEIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Mayor and Director of Financial Services aze hereby authorized to
2 enter into the letter agreement and with MediaOne, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein
3 by reference.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date
By: �
Approved by
by�CqfuryEi� Secretary
te, ����
��/ � i � . /
Form Appr d by City At rney
By: �
DepartmenUO�ce/councit: Date Ini6ated Green Sheet No. 63910 �p �( �C
Technology & Management Svcs. 7/29/98
Contact Person & Phone: InitiaUdafe InitisUdate
Holly Hansen 266-8875 � 1�p�e� Du 4 c�� co�,a�il
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date) Au�9� ? City Attomey ti _ City Cledc
Number Einancial Serv D"u.� _ Fic�ancial Serv/acctg
� For 3 Mayor (Oc Asst) _ Civil Serrice Commission
Total # of Signature Pages �_ (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approve a"letter agreemenY' between the City of Saint Paul and Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc.
(d.b.a MediaOne).
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R) Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad for this department?
Planning Commission Yes No
CIB Committee 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Civil Service Commission Yes No
3. Does Ynis persoNfirm possess a skilf not normaHy possessed by any current city
employee? Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issue, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why�:
The City and MediaOne entered into an agreement regarding the upgrade of the institurional network; some
changes need to be made to that agreement to update that document and reflect current circumstances.
�; rs;
AdvantageslfApproved: pc�;�'���' ��"':.���
����1 E��-..
The upgrade and construction of the institutional nerivork will proceed. Ju�. ������
DisadvanWges If Approved �
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Construction could be interrupted as the issues and clarifications addressed in the `letter agreemenY' would not be
in effect.
Toql Amount of Transaction: $ CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: N/A Activity Number:
Financial Information: (Explain)
This is Sroadband. This is the .a a}. 3uly 24, 1998
Holly M. Hansen
Cable Communications Officer
City of St. Paul
CITY HALL, Suite 68
15 West Kellogg Boulevud
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Holly:
This letter agreement is a result of various conversations between MediaOne representatives
and the City of St. Paul regarding service of MediaOne's Institutional I�Tetwork to an expanded
numher of St. Paul institutions, inteipreting and clarifying the concept of "adjacent" buildings to the
Institutional Network for the purpose of receipt of free drops, adding certain non-adjacent buildings
to the Insritutional Network during the nutial Institutional Network upgrade at MediaOne's expense,
and establishing a new deadline for completion.
Specifically, MediaOne and the City agree that the obligations of the Corrective Plan dated
December 18, 1997, and Corrective Plan Agreement between the parties dated December 22, J997
all of which have been incorporated into various transfer and franchise documents (all of the above
collectively the "Institutional Network Corrective Plan Documents"}, are amended to reflect the
1. At the time of initial Institutional Network upgrade, MediaOne will provide an
Institutional Network drop at no charge to the institutional buildings identified in
E�ibit A hereto. This obligation and the obligations set forth in Sections 2, 3, 4 and
5 below, shall supersede the obligations set forth in Section 6(a) or 6(b) of the
December 18, 1997 Conective Plan and any attachments thereto or any inconsistent
provisions of the Institutional Network Corrective Plan Documents.
2. After the initiat upgrade of the Institutional Network is complete, in addition to the
buildings identified in E�ibit A hereto, MediaOae will provide, upon written request,
one free Institutional Network coaaaal drop to each public or private school, public
library branch, police or fire station, community center or public building or to such
other public institutions as the city may reasonably request from time to time if such
facility is adjacent to the then-existing Institutional Network path (regardless of
specific accessibility). For purposes of establishing entitlement to a free drop on the
Institutional I�Tetwork after completion of the initial upgrade of the Institutional
Network, any newly constructed qualifying institutional building or newly requesting
qualifying institutionai building as described above will be considered adjacent to the
9785 Maroon Cirde, Suire 400
Englewood, CO iA} 12
qg -�100
Holly M. Hansen
July 24, 1998
Page 2
Institutional Network and thereby entitled to a free Institutional Network drop if it is
writhin 400 feet of the netu ork.
3. At the time of initial upgrade of the Insfitutional Network, MediaOne will provide one
Institutional Network drop to any of the institutional buiidings identified in E�ibit B
hereto if, by August 15, 1998 (or such later date as company deems feasible for any
particular site), such institution agrees to pay the appropriate chazge set forth on
Exhibit B. It is understood that such charge is an estimated incremental cost minus
the first 400 feet (without design costs included) and is based on an initial project cost
averaging methodology.
4. After the initial upgrade of the Institutional Network is complete, due to the loss of
certain efficiencies and price changes, it is anticipated that the costs to provide an
Institutional Network drop to any facility listed on Exhibit B will be higher than the
charge set forth in E�ibit B. Nonetheless, desi�n work associated with extension to
buildings set forth in E�chibit B will be done as part of the initial upgrade of the
Institutional Network, thereby containing any costs which must be contributed by the
affected institution at some later date.
After the initial upgrade of the Institutional Network is complete, in addition to the
buildings identified in E�ibit B hereto, MediaOne will provide, upon written request,
one Institutional Network coaxial drop to each public or pzivate school, public library
branch, police or fire station, community center or public building or to such other
public institutions as the city may reasonably request from time to time if such faci]ity
is not adjacent to the then-existing Institutional IQetwork path (regardless of specific
accessibility) upon payment by such institution of the cost of providing such drop.
For purposes ofthis agreement, any newly constructed qualifying institutional building
or newly requesting qualifying institutional building as described above will be deemed
not adjacent to the Institutional Network and thereby not entitled to a free
Institutional Network drop if it is excess of 400 feet of the network.
6. The deadline for completion of the Institutional Network upgrade shall be September
30, 1998, except that, in the event of written notice from MediaOne to Caty stating
reasons for an additional ea-tension, such deadline will be November 15, 1998. This
deadline shall supersede any time frame or deadline for completion of the Institutional
Network upgrade set forth in Section 5 of the December 22, 1997 Conective PIan,
Agreement Section 1(a) ofthe December 18, 1997 Cosective Plan or any inconsistent
provisions of the Institutional Network Corrective Plan I7ocuments.
qg -'100
Holly M. Hansen
July 24, 1998
Pase 3
We believe this letter agreement reflects the understandings of MediaOne representatives and
the City. This agreement reflects exciting additional improvements to the Institutional Network and
is a foundation for a very successful endeavor. In order to give this agreement effect, please have this
document executed by the City below and provide a photocopy of the completed document to us.
Very truly yours,
By_ � `� � �, t� �`'-�-�—�
` *✓
cc: Jolui F. Gibbs, Esq.
This _ day of , 1998.
Its: Mayor
Its: Director ofFinancial Services
Ftom Roger Sm�enson To Holry Hansen Date. 7/29/98 Time 12 45 75 PIN Page 2 of 7
Q8 -�00
Er.h�bit A
Saint Paui Institutional Netvdork Upgrade
lnitial Free Connections
by Phase and Segment
July 28,1998
From Roger Saenson 7o Holly Hansen D2te 7/29�98 Time 12 45 t 4 PI.A Page 3 of 7
qg `'� 0 O
Exhibit A
Fr,om Rooer Swenson To Holly Hansen Date 729/98 Time 12 45 14 Pls Page d of 7
�g -`1
Exhibit A
F!om Roge( Swenson To Holly Hansen Date 7/29/98 Time 12 a5 t4 Pf 1 Page 5 of 7
�xn,�a a
�lg -`loo
From Roaer Sv.�enson To Holly Hansen Date 729198 Time 72 45 74 Pld Page 6 of 7
°lg _`100
Exhibd A
Frpm Roger Swenson To Holty Hansen Dzte� 7/29/98 Time 72 45 7a PIN Page 7 of 7
�� _�oo
Exhfbd A
From. Rogef Swenson To Holly Hansen Date� 7/29/98 Time� 127 36 PM Page 2 of 3
qa 100
Exhibit B
Saint Paui Institutional Network
Potential Non-Adjacent Connections (over 400 feet}
BUILDING NAME ADDRESS Distancetol-Net Charge°
Phase �, Segment'I
Hazel Park Pum m Station 1585 E Ma land Ave 500 5 189 39
Phase '1, Segment 2
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase'I, Segment 3
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 2, Segment 14
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 2, Segment 15
Hi hland Park Clubhouse 9-Hole 1797 W Ed cumbe 470 5 132 58
Hi hland Park Golf Mamtenance Sho 7259 Montreai Ave. 641 S 456 44
Phase 1, Segment 4
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 4, Segment 11
Dunnin Field Recreation Genter 1221 Marshall Ave 640 $454 55
Dunnin Baseball Stadium 1230 Marshall Ave 640 $454 55
Phase 4, Segment 12
Como Park Conservator 1325 Alda St. 847 $ S46 09
Como Park Golf Ciubhouse 1431 N Lexin ton P 704 � Si5 76
Como Park Golf Maintenance Bid 7387 N lexin ton Pkw 1476 $ 1,92424
Como Park Lakeside Pavilion 1339 N- Lexin ton Pkw 2456 � 3.893.94
Como Park Classroom & Auditonum Midwa & Horton 900 S 946 97
F;om: Roggr Swenson To: Holly Hansen Date 7/29/98 Time: 127 36 PM Page 3 of 3
Exhibrt B
Phase 5, Segment 5
7owntown Beat Office
Phase 6, Segment 8
4sphalt Pavinq Plant Offi�
Phase 6, Segment 9
No sites beyo�d 400 feet
Phase 7, Segment 6
Auto Impountl Lot Office/�
Phase 7, Segment 7
No sites beyond 400 feet
Phase 7, Segment'10
`Based on initial upgrade cost averaging, minus the first �TOtal S 24 632 58
40� feet of cable a�d mcremental design cost