D11673 . CITY OF SAlNT PAUL , OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: No: ��16�,3 � BUDGET REVISION �ate: 10-3-�I— Approved Coples to: -Clty Clerk(OriqinaQ -Flnance DepYs Accountin�Division -Requestinp Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEFi. Consistent with the authority p�anted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the�irector oi the Department of Community Services to amend the 19 91 budget of the g u , e rec or o Flnance and Mana�ement Services Depa men au or z o amen sa n e n9 manner. DEPARTMENT�DMSION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED LEDGER�FUND,ACTIVITY.OBJECT,PROJECT BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION SPECIAL SERVICES FUND SPENDING PLAN 325-23102-0121 PART TIME CERTIFIED 15,783.00 3,000.00 18,783.00 325-23102-0219 FEES-OTHER PROFSNL SERVICES 140,000.00 10,000.00 150,000.00 325-23102-0357 ATHLETIC/RECREATION 37,080.00 (3,000.00) 34,080.00 325-23102-0439 FRINGE BENEFITS 3,053.00 3,000.00 6,053.00 325-23102-0819 APPLIANCES 7,000.00 (2,000.00) 5,000.00 325-23111-0448 MISC EXPENSES 5,424.00 (3,000.00) 2,424.00 • 325-23112-0299 OTHER-MISC SERVICES 20,000.00 (4,000.00) 16,000.00 325-23122-0131 CERT. TEMP/CERTIFIED 42,595.00 (1 ,000.00) 41 ,595.00 325-23123-0371 ELECTRICITY � 4,000.00 (1 ,000.00) 3,000.00 325-23123-0439 FRINCE BENEFITS 2,796.00 1 ,000.00 3,796.00 325-23124-0385 FOOD SERVICE SUPPLIES 800.00 (500.00) 300.00 325-23124-0533 MATHERIAI FOR RESALE 16,000.00 (1 ,000.00) 15,000.00 325-23140-0131 CERT. TEMP/CERFITIED 11 ,856.00 (3,000.00) 8,856.00 325-23140-0219 FEES-OTHER PROFSNL SERVICES 2,000.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 325-23140-0439 FRINGE BENEFITS 875.00 (500.00) 375.00 325-23143-0299 OTHER-MISC SERVICES 27,500.00 5,000.00 32,500.00 325-23144-0299 OTHER-MISC SERVICES 8,410.00 3,000.00 11 ,410.00 325-23144-0389 OTHER-MISC SUPPLIES 3,000.00 (2,000.00) 1 ,000.00 325-23144-0439 FRINGE BENEFITS 11 ,975.00 (2,000.00) 9,975.00 325 ALL OTHER SPENDING 2,973,326.63 0.00 2,973,326.63 ------------- ------------ ------------ 3,333,473.63 0.00 3,333,473.63 _____________ ____________ ____________ ADJUST 1991 BUDGET TO REFLECT PROPER ACCOUNTING FOR EXPENSES AND COMPLY WITH SECTION 10. 10 F THE CITY CHARTER. Z �fs� Prepared . Date � uested by: Department Director Date Approved by: Ma Date _ ( �� �Ilb�3 . DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED O co�un�t se��� S Parks ���' 9-24-91 GREEN SHEET N. _ 14925 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INIT INITIAL/DATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL ASSIGN CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK Vic Witt enstein' 292-7409 NUMBERFOR � 0 UST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY( ATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn C TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE GES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 5 Parks ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of admit�istrative order amending the spending plan of Fund 325 - `S�� �+ �' ���il Spe�caa�l Services, � RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or e)ect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION .T CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depertment? _CIB COMMITfEE YES NO � 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? ASTAFF —� YES NO _DiSTRIC7 COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO , Explaln all yes answers on ssparate aheet and attach to grssn sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPP RTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Ad�ust 1991 budg�t to reflect proper accounting for expenses. VANTA(iES IF APPROVED: Budget will be i�i compliance with Section 10.10 of the City Charter. DISADVANTA�ES IF APPROVED: ' REC��''�,D None. ' SEP �� ,�� ►��� �3�t��r:.i �rr�t;E DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVEq: Budget will not �be in compliance with Section 10. 10 of the City Charter. RECEIVED ! �GT 0 3 1591 ITY CLE TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC�TION $ —�— COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES O FUNDiNG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMAT�ON:(EXPLAI�I) ��