D11672 wn+t. - c�tv ci..k (�I TY O F SA I 1\'T ��A U L Pink — Financ�D�pt. C�nsry— D�pt. UNY'IGN OF TFIR MAYUR �I '��� No: • ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER I ,�_/1l I3L'IX,EI'ItE�'ISIO� Date: �� :���ZSTR.����)��R,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Finance & Ma.nagement Services to amend the 19�1_budget of the reneral fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget Department of Executive Administration General Government Account Retiree Insurance GL-001-09002-0431 3,085,067.00 (15,000.00) 3,070,067.00 GL-001-09002-0219 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 3,085,067.00 0.00 3,085,067.00 • • . by:Activity Manager Apprpved , yor � Req sted by:Depertment df or I\ � Date �i- �.�. y� l�f I(o�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED *t� ♦ V 1 O 1 Finance/Risk Mana ement a� CpmmC C9r20-91 REEN SHEET �" � CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL OIl .T. Guilfoile �L92-6240 pgg�GN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(D E) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER a p�qYOR(OR ASSISTANT) � N A ' TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: ' Approval of administrative order for a budget amendment RECOMMENDA710NS:Approve(A)or Reyect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN(i QUESTIONB: _PLANNING COMMISSION �CIViI SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO ` 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? _STAFF _ YES NO _DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separats she�t end ettech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORtUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): On August 30, 1991, MEDICA submitted a renewal packa.ge for 1992 health benefits which included mandates unacceptable to the City. The mandates included increased costs to the City (approximately $1,000,000) , increased out-of-pocket expenses to employees and retirees (from $1,200 annually to a possible maximum of $6,000) , and the possibility of MEDICA terminating '.the contract if enrollment decreased by more than 107. REBM, with full support of the LMC ;on Health, decided to find another health care provider. This search must be completed within a six week time frame and requires the services of the City's Risk ' nal consultant fees are estimated to be $15,000. TA S IP APPqOVED: The City will be able to continue to provide a health benefit package with physician selection for its employees and retirees and assure that the carrier selected has a well-rounded benefit packa.ge and a correct funding arrangement. RECcIVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. SEP 2 4 1991 "�►' � 0 1991 MAYOas oFFic� oFF��,i G� ��+E uiRECT�R aE�'ART�rtENl 4F FINANCE �NQ �iAfLAt��'��A�NT SE��/IC�S DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City will not have the expertise necessary to review benefit packa.ges and financing management of healthcare providers. RECEIVED OCT 0 3 1991 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1 S�OOO.OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE NO FUNDING SOURCE GI+ ACTIVITY NUMBER O9OOZ FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) a U�