D11657 �-- „ White' - Citq Clerk No. � I � �� � Pink - Finance Dept. l o' I _n I Canary - Dept. Accounting � Date `� Slue = Engineer reen - Contractor CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0.�_ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement descrfbed as Street Lighting System on: ST. .TF.R - K i i ogg tn F.1 Pvpnl-h Act 'vit ' known as�}�t�IK�22LQ.3 City Project No. 90-V-0$40 Contracta, is c�nposed of the following: � Additional work, not shown in the contract and necessary for contract completion, described in the attached contractor invoices. TOTAL AMOUNT: $16,350.00 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, thtough its Maya, approves the fore�going adc�itions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 1 6�,�5(l_(l(l, said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the conlzact, known as���- 2 910 3 , and which amount is to be financed from: Log R-1708; Page D-44, c90-7R013-0739-29103 APP VED AS TO FO ig Ki1]mer Electric Co. Inc. ss' t Ci t ey . Contractor �-z9 �99� By ��� � �19�, h e gineer Head o p ent of inance • __�19 �� Director of ayor �� , � �� �6�� Public Worics - Traffic�ngineering 8�20�91 GREEN SHEET No. �ooa� CONTACT PER80N i PHONE N�ITWJDATE INITIAUDATE Len Sch�ulte 292-628 ���- ,��" �, m�� cm�rro�v �/_ cirv ctFFUc eE oN oouNC�.�rw�►er�a►T gwnNO T a►�croR F�.a Mar.sERV�s aR. o�n �u►roa tc�ass��rm TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAG � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREy /QG �I��3 4� �r�t�a�srEo Approve the attached Adm�nistrative Order for Contract Change Agreement No. 1: Lighting on St. Peter St.;C�y Project No. sav-osao. Contractor:Killmer Electric�Co., Inc. �:�"°t�a (Po PER90NAL SERVICE CONTiiACTS MtJST ANSWER THE FOLLOYVINQ CUESTIONR: _PLIINNN�O COMAAI8810N _C SERVICE C�dMISSION 1. Has this persaVfirm ever worked under a contract for fhis department? _CIBCWAMITTEE —� YES NO g STAFP _ 2. Has thi8 perswVBrm ever been a city empbyeeT _Dis'rR�TCOUtiC� YES NO _ — 3. Does thia persoNflrm posaess a skkill not rwrmmally possed by any aurent ary employee? SUPPORTS WHK�I o0U1�MC�OBJECTII�� YES NO NAIghbOPhOOd3 Explain all yos ansvwn on separat�shNt snd�ttaeh to proan sha�t � iNITIATINf�PROBlEM.133UE.OPPORTU ITY(WHO.WHAT.WHEN.Nh1ERE.WHY): I Kbsk installation in Rice P�rk and other locations required unforeseen work,as detailed by Contractor's invoices,nu�ers 1-8,and 13. Additional wqric, not shown in the corrtract and necessary for co�ract compietion,as described in attached irnoioes, also. ' i kLCcIV�p j S�p �� ,9 a��, , 91 �wtao�s�ewPriovm: _ A�� F ntractor can be paid fof extra work performed. ��G�ANp���f�l����CR RECEIVED �T �E����s S EP 19 1991 MAYOR'S OFFICE DISADVANTAOES IF APPF�VED: None � �o�o�� s�� ��' ' cG� 1�' `� ti � � cq� �� a��� DISAOYANTAOES IF NOTAPPROYED: � Contractor cannot b� paid for extra work. � RECEIVED � SEP 3 0 1991 i CITY CLERK TOTAL AIYIOUN'f OF TRANSACTI(f N i �6,350.00 CO3TlREYENUE BUD(3ETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES No �uNrn�a souRC� Log R-1�708; Page D-44 ACITVITY NU�MBER G90-7R013-0739-2,�,1�3 FMIANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAII� I Original Contract: $64,435.00 .�Rp�O �4� �w Chan e Order#1: Final�orrtract Sum: