D11644 _ �. _ _ _ ..� - - - __--- White - Cuy Clerk No. D ( ���� Pink - Finance Dept. (� ���„q� Canazy - Dept. Accounting Date Slue - Engineer Green - Contractor • CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0._�_ ADMINI.STRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Street Lighting S�stem on: Svr,�rAN�ArKER CSSP Year IV. , Activity# known asZ��Qc6r 2908a City Project No.�9-V-8p40 , Contracta, is composed of the following: Deduct five (5) lighting units not installed on Lyton Place. $-4,493 .75 � Additional work performed on contract: Remove and replace 22 sidewalk panels $ 1 ,375.00 Trench and restore 1Ufl ' of conduit on Atwater 190.00 Install one pullbox 125.00 Relocate two lighting units on Sylvan 860.00 • Trenching 385 ' of conduit 2gg .�5 Furnish & install wire btwn. unit "H" & "I" on Park 260.00 Replace existing conduit across Sycamore at Sylvan 300.00 Net contract change $-1 ,095.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of � -1 ,0 9�_c1 n, said amount to be added to the lump sum con- � Activity sideration named in the contract, known as��rsot� �9 n R2 , and which amount is to be financed from• 1989 CSSP; Log 5-6606, Page D-46. C89-2T622-0784-29082 D TO F M �" 19 � PA Ececr�cca 2�,� c. . 6 � Cit ey Contractor �19� By �� y� �Q� C _� V '�CJ 1 g� Chi n�nee Head of artment of Finance . �19� Director of A Mayor � �O ( � I"�� Ib4y P�a��wo�s-Trat�c E `9ineer�r� e���/si GREEN SH�f T No. �27 � ���� g�Na � �,►� `�"� Len Schu�e 292-6289 ��, �rrn�w�r � �r�ra.�ac YE d+ AAWiQA Yv " dbElt et�o�oEr pn�'�7!a�t .R1:a 1K�r.�ENVK�aa r MAYORlORAt491�TA��-.--.�_ �uso�s�►n�a ccxa��u.wc�►�s�� -��11 Approve the atta�ched miMstrative Order fo�Cont�+ct�tu�l�r�etme�t t�to, 1: Ugh#tng on Sytva� Adcer;89-V-8040: Co ractor: LP.D. Electric, lnc. � , " nEaaown�sea�d�rr��rs war iu+sw�t�r� I+ _PWMqrMlo Co1�M1IS6ioN _GVN. RvK:E ooMwt8eloa t. Ft�tl�is p�norvMm awr warlc�d und�r a aonlraat 1or tl�d�p�r�lnYl ��.F�D .�,,.CI�oOMAAR'TEE — ---- YE8 N� �r•• �e.$T,� —_ 2. ►��.��m��.�•�»� SEP ..._o�cr oa,t+c� s. oo..,hb p�no�m Pa.....�dx nac�►po...d b�r anr a�ront at}g►.mpi�►.f� 1�1 �,��.�� � �,,,..�»�M..�..�..�,�.��.�..�.��TY A�►-�RN ; EY P (MIFIO�YW111 , AE.YN�1l$ � . Deduction and add�tion I work, not shown in the c.ontrac�and n�essery fbr prc�ject c�>�npletlor�. (See atta�ched Admin! ative Clyder). _ � i �� i SEP 0 6 "199i ��� �: ��� � ; ity will pay onty for w�rk at�uatly pertormed. � R�CE�VED . . ; � , � SEp101991 � C�'F'tCE QF TME DI � pE RECT M,r�s��aaoveo: MAWq E � �EMENr SERV�CES NOf18 i j ; ( � I i 1 o�o�v�wr��Nor,w�ao , i Contr�t cannnt be fin�lized. R�CEIVED ' �� 1319.91 , ; j �ClTY CLERK ; mr��ciurr o�ru►�ancr�:� -1,095.00 c�osr�v���t�a+� v�s Ncs ���� 1989 CSSF�; Log 5-6606, P. D-46 �xrvrrr�n CB�-�'1'622�0784-��$2 j �a�uncw.rsot�rw►TqN:�xau►u+l ! OI'igiil�l C011t�d: $38,646.00 - Char�e f�rder No. 1: -�.q��.0�1 C�'W �ina1 Gontraet Surn: 7 551.OQ