D11638 wn;t. - c�tv c�..k G I TY O F SA I 1\'T ��A U L Pink — Fin�ne�O�pt. C�n�ry— D�pt. UFI'IGN: OF Ttil: MAYUR �I I��� No: ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER _ ��_(�� Bi'IX,ET ItF�7SI0� Date: - GY'aY1tS M8I]a.g2II1BTl.t ���ZS�.����)�ER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of to amend the 19�budget of the fund.t Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amen said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget CD Year XV ----------------------------------- Unspecified Contingency P6-100-39518-0589-61999 $516,940.37 ($43,500.00) $473,440.37 Transfer to CD Year XVI 43,500.00 CD Year XVI ----------------------------------- Merriam Park Community Center $385,000.00 $43,500.00 $428,500.00 P6-100-37603-0565-61066 • Transfer from CD Year XV 43,500.00 (43,500.00) --$---'-----------------$---------$---'--�-��- Totals 428 500 00 0 00 428 500 00 �'( _� Prep f t er Approved by:Ma Requested by: rt t diroctor Date t�► i638 DEPARTMENT/OFFIC�JOOUNdL DATE INITIATED PED/Director's Of�ice/Bob Hammer 09/06/91 GREEN SHE NO. 8474 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE � INITIAUDATE— Bob Hammer x3255 1�C�`' u�� ���T,�,�N�RECiOR ��� R CIL 3T BE ON COUNpL A¢€I�iQA BY(QATE) ROUTINO �BUDfiET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICE3 DIR. LV/A �Mpvpq(Op A881gT,W7] �CG"TL7 TOTAL N OF SIONATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP AL�LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Review and approval of the attached Administrative Order/Budget Revision will provide the CDBG Year 16 "Merriam Park Community Center Rehabilitation" pro�ect with an additional $43,500 to complete the reahbilitation of the facility. HECOMMENDAnONS:�vww•W« ' (a) COUNCIL REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINfi OOMM18810N _,_CIVIL 8ERWCE WMMIBSION �YST PHONE NO. _pB OOMMITrEE _ _8TAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT __. BUPPORTB VI�NCH COUNqL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATINfi PROBLEM.ISSUE� lWho.What�Wh�n.WMrs.Mlhy): A number of unforeseen problems developed as the rehabili.tation of this facility commence . Attached is a nemorandum which details problems with the plumbing, excavation, elevator a d electrical systems. The additional financing will allow the project to be completed. ADVANTl1(iE81F APPROVED: The rehabilitation of the Center will be able to be completed. DIBADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: None RECEIVED SEP 101991 � CITY CLERK DISADVANTM3E$IF NOT APPFiOVED: The center will: not be able to be completed, and the building will be unusable. TAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION = 43.SOO.00 CO$T/REVENUE SIlDAETED(GRCLE ON� � NO F��o�� Communi�v Development Block Grant ��n N�� p�_i nn-�7�3-OS65-61066 FINANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPUUN) . - �W