98-696ORIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Council File # 9Q' -�q G Green Sheet �17T6� �C T Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has received a grant from the Minnesota Department 2 of Public Safety, in the amount of 5100,000 for Community Notification for the period 3 July 1,1997 to June 30, 1999, and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety requests a designated authority for the eaecution of 6 agreements, and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 �8 29 30 31 32 33 34 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accept this grant award for $100,000 for the Community Notification Grant and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety. by Department of: OC/ItllIEV (/ Blakey J Bastrom ,� Coleman ,J Harris � Lantry ,� Reiter Adopted by Co ci :, Da Adoption ertified by C BY� � l� Approved by o : D: By: ✓ I: Fc : to Council: DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIl. DA7E INITIATED � PoliceDeparhnent 6/24/98 GREEN SHEET �►o. 61006 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INmAUDA7E INmauDA7E ChiePFitlIley 292-3588 � o�aaneexrort�crox 5 crrccauwca /y¢ �/q MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) ^ ' "'�0 �� � .. �i0 1�I�'ATTORNEY �CLERK '� �I �nrvu�CW.SQtNCESD �FlWWCIALSQN/ACGTG , -r �mnYOR(ORASSIST/WI)� I I u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Signahues requested on the attached Council Resolurion accepting the Community No6fication Grant from the Depariment of Public Safety in the amount of $1OQ000 RECOMMENDATION ApprOVe (A) ol' Rejett (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a conVact for ihis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent cily employee? YES NO 4. Is this personlfirtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO Explain atl yes answers on separete sheet and aHach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Depar[ment will utilize the gant for community notificaGon for the release of sexual offenders, we will receive funding for personnel wsts to���t the Community notification legislative mandates. JU� 17 i998 �e •� ����,�.,R� ��.�_.�� - '� �t .� ls3iAt"�.Lid e - _,,. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ��� J�L 2 � l999 The Saint Paul Police Department will receive grant funds of $100,000 for costs „�:, associated with the Community Notification Program. � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � , ,e � None � - - ----°--__ _ s��4 - DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED "' "'-' c = �� ' ,�j;*,�;; � - 'W�3:_\r.�� u _�� �j The Saint Paul Police Department will not receive grant funds of $100,00Q: rr' ` .. , 3 q ��, �� c3�� , . . � f:�";' ;i _ _ -?�- �� a � ��� � .. u.._�:�'i TOTA� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1 OO,OOO COSLREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDMG SOURCE DBpHtLwOIIt OPPIIb�1C S3f0ty ACTIVITY NUMBER �i� �w FINANCIAL INFORMAiION (EXPLAIN) STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT AGREEMENT Community Notification Grant q� —�`1c� OR1G1�1,��� SFY 7998 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 6860 Appr.Unit 686 Entry Locn Object Cod° 5600 Requisition No. Contract No. Order No 6000-� 07 FY98 1��- , 6000-11 � 6000-1 � � FY98 6000-107A FY99 ���)�'t< 6000-111A FY99 Vendor Number Commodity Code Totai Obligation Total Obligation FY 98 066790002 00 5100,000.00 $50,000.00 THIS COOPERATIVEAGREEMENT, by and betweenthe Stateof Minnesota, Departmentof Public Safety, (hereinaftercalled the STATE) 2nd Saint Paul Police Department, 100 East Eleventh Street, Saint Paul, MN 5510'I. (hereinafter called GRANTEE), witnesseth thzt: WHEREAS, the Governor has designated the STATE as the agency responsible for administration of funds available to the State of Minnesota under provisions of Chapter 239, Articie 1, Section 7, Subdivision 8, of the 1997 Minnesota Legisiative Session; and WHEREAS, the STATE is authorized under the provisions of 1997 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 239, Article �, Section 7, Subdivision 8 to make grant contracts from state funds to reimburse local governmental units that have incurred costs impiementing community notifications for released sex offenders; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for the purpose specifed in Attachment 1; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duiy qualified and willing to carry out the tasks described in Attachment 1. NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows: SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEMENT. GRANTEEwili carry out those tasks described in this agreement and the tasks described in the grant application as stated in Attachment 1 of this agreementwhich is hereby incorporatd by reference and made a paR of this agreement. CONSIDERAi ION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. A Consideration for all services performed and goods or materials suppiied by the STATE as follows. Compensation shall be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget, included in Attachment 1 of this agreement. Reimb�rsement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessariiy incurred by GRANTEE in performance of this agreem°nt m an amount not to exceed N/A dollars (S N/A l; provided, thatthe GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for travei and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no greater amountthat provided in the current "Commissioner's Plan" promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Reiations. GRANTEE shail not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred outside of the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approvai for such out of state travel from the STATE. Page 1 of �/ St. Paul Po'_ice Denartment/Community Noti£ication Grant q�-�9G 3. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed FiftyThousandDollars(550.000.00)fromJuly'I,'1997 throughJune30,1998 andFiftyThousandDoilars f550.000.001 from Juiy I, 1998 through June 30, '1999. B. Terms of Payment. Full payment for the first year of this Grant Agreementwiii be paid to the GRANTEE by the STATE within 30 days of the execution date of this agreement. Full payment for the second year of this Grant Agreement will be paid to ihe GRANTEE by the STATE within 30 days of July �, �998. 2. Payments are to be made for the STATE funds obtained by the STATE through the Community Notification Grant authorized by Chapier 239, ARicle 1, Section 7, Subdivision 8, of the 1997 Minnesota Legislative Session. If at any time funds become unavailable, this agreement shall be terminated immediately upcn written notice of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE. In the event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rate basis, for services satisfactorily performed for which State funds are availabie. The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE. 3. The GRANTEE will expend grant funds allocated for this project according to the attached pro�ect budget included in At±achment 1 of this agreement. The GRANTEE w:il submit a revised budget for any deviation of � 0% or more between the ailowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by the STATE before any expenditures can be made based on the revised budget 4. The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE uniess prior approval tor an axten;ion has been granted by the State's authorized agent and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duiy executed. Unused funds must be returned to the STATE within 30 days of the ending date of the agreement. iil. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. Ail services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant shall be performed to the satisfaction of the STATE as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accord with all applicab� federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. GRANTEE shall not receive payment forwork found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance, rule, or regulation. IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to return funds to the STATE for any work the STATE in its sole discretion determined to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state or local law, ordinance, rule or regulation. V. REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. If a GRANTEE does not fulfill obligations under the agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if GRANTEE violates conditions of the agreement, the STATE may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-day notice of the effective date of the action. GRANTEE shail be entitled to payment for work or service satisfactorily per�ormed for which state funds are available. This Grant Agreement may aiso be canceled by the STATE at anytime with or without cause upon 30 days written notice to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation, GRANTEE shaii be entitled to payment de'termined on a pro rata basis for work or services satisfactorily performed. Vi. TERMS OF GRANTThis grantagreementshall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is obtain� by the STATE, pursuantto MS �6B.06, Subd. 2, and shall remain in effectuntil June 30, 1999, or until all obligations set foRh in this grant contract have been satisfactorily fuifiiled, whichever occurs first. The GRANTEE may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after July. 1. 1997. VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the purposes of this agreement is Pamela J. Docken, or her successorin office, Department or Pubiic Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55�0�-2�2fi. Such ageni shall have final authoriry for accepiance o� GRANTEE'S services Page 2 of �/ St. Paul Police Departm=nt/Community Notification Granc � � ak'-`9� VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning project progress through such reasonable means as the . STATE may find convenient. These will include the following and shall be submitted to the STATE's authorized agent per Section VII of this agreement: A. GRANTEE shall make any and all project records , repor[s and other data available to the STATE upon request; this includes submission oi copies of any reports, data, surveys (including survey instruments), or other materials for review and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six copies of all materiais produced by the project following production of the materials. B_ Permittingperiod�csit2visitsbytheSTATE'sauthonzedagent,otherSTATEsta"rforotheremployeesoftheState of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE. C. If initiated, participation in statewide data collection and cooperatfon with a desfgnated evaluator on behalf of the STATE, for the purpose of statewide evaluation efforts and assistance with individual project evaluation plans. IX. ACCOUNTING, AUDIT AND RETENTION OF RECORDS. A. GRANTEE will establish a separate account of this project and will maintain fiscal records in accordance with generallyacceptableac�cunting principles. GRANTEE's records, documen[s, and accounting procedures and practices for this pro�ect shall be subject to the examination of the STATE's authorized agent and by the LegislativeAuditor. Fiscal records shall be retained for a period of three years following submission of the final report. B. The books, records, documents, and accountirg procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or consultant reievant to this agreement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized agent and the iegislative auditor. X. NONDISCRIMINATION. As a condition of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it wiil meet all appiicable requirementsof the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (nondiscrimination on the basis of handicapping conditions), and of any applicable state civil rights statutes XI. ASSIGNMENT. GRANTEEwill neitherassign nor transferany rights of obligatia�s under this agreement without th2 prior written consent of the STATE. Xil. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND PRODUCTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, instruments, curriculum, videotapes, training manuals, media messages, or other documents or products (hereinafter called documentsorproducts)preparedbyorforGRANTEE intheperformanceofitsobligationsunderthisagreementshall be exclusive property of the STATE. All such documents or products shall be remitted to the STATE by GRANTEE upon compietion, termination, or cancellation of this agreement. GRANTEE shall not use, willingly allow, or cause to have such materials used for obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE. XIIi. OWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT. All right, title and interest in ail copyrightable material which GRANTEE shall conceive or originate either individuaily or jointly with others, and which anses out of the performance of this agreement, will be the property of the STATE and are by this a9reement assigned to the STATE along with ownership of any and all copyrights of the copyrightabie material. GRANTEE also agrees, upon the request of the STATE, to execute all papers and perform ail other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register copyrights on such materials. Where applicabie, works of authorship created by GRANTEE for the STATE in performance of this agreement shail be considered "works made for hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act. XIV. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing, and shall be execut°d by the same parties who executes the original agreement, or their successors. XV. LIABILITY. To the extent permitted by law, GP.ANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agents, and empioyees harmless from any and aii claims or causes of action rising from the performance of this agreement by GRANTEE or Page 3 0° 4/ St. Pau1 Police Department/COmmua�ty P?oti£ication Graat °tF-`9(, GRANTEE'Sagentsoremployees. ThisclauseshalinotbeconstruedtobaranylegalremediesGRANTEEmayhave for the STATE's failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this agreement. XVI. WORKER'SCOMPENSATION TheSTATEatirmsthatGRANTEEprovidedacceptableevidenceofcompliancewith the worke:s' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, 176.181, Subdivision 2. XVII. DATAPRIVACYACT. TheGRANTEEagreestocomplywiththeMinnesotaDataPracticesActasitappliestoalldata provided by the STATE in accordancewith this agreement and as it applies to al! data cseated, gathered, generated or acquired in accordance with this agreement. XVIII ANTITRUST. GRANTEE hereby assigns to the State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and/orservices provided in connectionwith this grant agreementresulting from antitrust violations which arise under the antitrust laws of the United States and the antitrust laws of the State of Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the grant to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED I �. GRANTEE 2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY B 'q �/ � By 7itle: ` � } ' Title Date: Date By: Title: Date 3 ATTORNEY GENERAL 4. ENCUMBERED BY Approved to sign on behaif ofthe Attorney General as to form and execution By: By. Date: Date Person(s) signing ihe agreement and obligating GRANTEE to the conditions of the agreement, must be authorized A ceRified copy of the resolution authorizing the GRANTEE to enter mto this agreement and designating person(s) to execute this agreement must be atiached hereto. NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE is other than a government agency, it is required by Mi�nesota Statutes, Section 270.66, to provide the social security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers could result in action to require you to file state iax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. These numbers will be available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations ny c o� c� S�. Pau1 �o;.ice Depzrr.mentjCommuniLy Not?£ication Grant Attachment 1 Page 1 of 7 MI\NESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY i����� 1997 STATE OMn'If3US CRI:�4E ACT COiVIMUNITY NOTIFICATION GI2��NT ST. PAUL PI2E - CONTIZACT APPLIC.ATIO�` CO\TRACTIt�3G AGENCY: Use your le�al name Project Director Name: and full address. This is the fiscal agent with whom the grant aereement �vill be executed. Lt. .lohn vonastek � Sex Crines Unit S2in[ Pau1 Police Dep�rtment Saint Pau1 Police Department 100 E. llch Strect 100 E. 11[h S[ree[ St. Pau1 M\ 55101 Saint Paul, M� >i!O1 ' 'I�elephone Number ( G7 2 ) 291-illl Pa� ?��umbcr ( ) COI�'TRAC"I� MAILING ADllRGSS (If different Contact Name: i�ldll3�)OV�� Amy 13rown Acting Research & Grants Manager Saint Pau1 Police Depa:tment 100 ::. ll�n S[., S�. Pau1, MN 55101 Tclephone \wnber ( 612 ) 292-3507 I'a� Numb�r ( 01 Z) 292-3542 Projec[ Stan Uate: ��l �, �997 Yroject I;nd Date: Ju�e 30, t99� A�IIv Ta� Lxemot ID = go25o9 Federal Employce ID n 41-6005521 Grant :\n�ount Available: 512�.000.00** Grant �mount Requcsted: �100,000 00 "'�Thc totai sppropriation «�as �500,000 for [wo ycars . 1 lo��c��cr, thc abovi; amount will be dividcd beni-eeu \�Iinncapolis and St. Paul as a flat grant. I hc halancc to bc awardcd on cost rcimhurscmcnt basis to all applicants in the statc. PI20JECT INFORMAT[O\ SHEET l. flpplication Agency (with w�hich contract is to be e�ecuted) Attachment 1 Page 2 of � a �.`q� Legal ��ame Street - City - Zip � Pl�one Saint Pau1 Police Dent. 100 E. llth Street �612� 292-3558 , � 2. Autliorized Official Le�al \Tame Street - City - Zip Phone h'illiam l:. Pinney 100 E. llth Street St. Paul, PSN SS10i (6121 292-358fi ,. Operatin�, A<,e:ncy (if difterent from #1) Le�al Name Street - City - Zip Phone { ) 4. Contact Person for further information on application Lesal t�iame Street - City - Zip Phone Amy Brown 100 E. llth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 �612� 292-3507 >. 7 certif;� that the inPormation contained herein ue and accurate to the best of my kno��'led,c and tliat I submit t�s application it bql�alf of the applicant a��ency. Si�_nature of Authorized OfficiaL' Z'jt�� : Chie: oi Police / Date: 2/1 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 7 P I20JECT SUMMARY � � � �� � PROJECT SU�I�I.�RY Attachment 1 Page 4 of � Community Noti�cation Plan: a� -c��� This policy estaofishes procedures for community notifica!ion, as deemed appropria,e, relative to the releas° of sexual orienders inro �he Ciry of Sai�t Paul. I� is the po!icy of the Sain, Paul Poiice Deparmeat (SPPD) [e provide infor.na:ion authorized by la�v, consisteoc n;�n tne iieeds oi �uoiic szfety, �vhiie maintair:in� the le�zliy reauirec privzcy zne other ri�hts oi the orznder. Tne SppD ��ill exercise any and alt discre[ion a�:or�ed by app(icable la�.s. - The Minnesotz Deoaam°nt oi Corrections will procide tne SPPD �vitn noufication of se� o«znder reieases as soon zs a resdence for the offeeder is established. The notificztion will be in a form of"Oriender Fact Sneet"and background packet. A review of a(I fact ;heecs and chzne° of address notices �vill occur under the direction of the Sez C;imes lir.i� Commander At a minimum, the S°x Crimzs Unit �vill revie�v the nle with �he aoprooriare corrections pzrsonnel, no[iirv �ictims/witnesses, ard forv✓ard copies of tnz Oaenders Fact Shee� to the incesti?ati�e lizucznant in each oi the �hree patrol districts. Acciens be}ond those minimalty rzquired ior fevel one, nvo, or thrze cviil occur at the direc:ion o: thz Se� Crimes linit Commander, consistent �vi�h Deoarment of Correceions Guidelines :�ction Proposal for Level I: " Contact probztion cauer ior uodate on o�er.der stztus � Phy'sical ceri.`ic C�5°\llcl OiiEP.C°:'S dG.�iC2S5 Oi?C° pEC Ye3t • EdUCci!011dl COR1iilU(iliy tP.z°!!!745 iOCUSiCi� on pe,;onal, business �ne home ;aiec� �c[ion Proposa! for Level 2: � Contac: orobation o�:icer for uoea;e on o�ender sca�us • Limitzd communitp nocifica:ion according ro euideiines (parks, schools, ne;<�i�borsl � Physical verificz.ion of sesuai offenders' addresses every six mon�hs • Educationaf community meeungs focusinQ on pzronal, business, and home sa[ery Action Proposa] for Level 3: 5 ° CO'ttD� communi.y nouncztion to includ� li�z:aturz droo oFappropriate nei_hberhooe r,ou icauon o� schoo!;, pzrk;, media, ecc (Th�s ��'ill include all preparation :or in:pac� e❑ neienborhood) • Edecaeienaf communicy me�un��s �ocusino on oersonal, business, and home sa`z:y o Verificauon of se�ual o�ieneer's .�ddress en a quz<<erl�� basis The SPPD «i!1 pa� �icioa,e : s a memo: r o: �h� End or Coa�:nement Revie�.v Board (�hu cos<<�on �� n bi-;veeki}' comr:�i[mz::[) Personnel Ftequirements: The SPPD t�.1�i hire "r.C��lil0"'.li �2;Svili'�� i0 IRiD!Z:112�; il:� COiIItriU[l(Cy f10CICICdUOt7 �°�U�?[:�'° �,,,.;�dateS T��ii �lili restti; tn ore po1 ice oi; ic« .. �� �.".� de;ica! Posi[ion m Attachment 1 Page 5 of 7 °l � ' `gG PROGRAM BUDGET Provide the proposed budeet for this project for the time frame listed on pa�e I(one) of this application. Specify the budeet amount that will be covcred by this nrant. YEAR ONE 1 � Total Proposal Proposed Amount Requested 13udget From DPS for This Purposc Personnel 78,669 50,000 FringeBenefits 22,027 Contract Services Travel Training Printing/Posta�c 15 , o00 Telephone Rent/Mortgaoe UtiIities Insurance Maintenance/Repair Supplies Equipment 2 , 300 Other (Specify) Totals 117,946 50,000 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 7 l� I YEAR TWO Personnel Fringe Benefits Contract Services Trave( 'l�raining Printing/Posta<,c Telephone RenUMortgage Utifities Insurance Maintenance/Repair Supplies Equipment Other (Specif} ) Totals T�+�o Ycar Total Total Proposaf 13udget 78.669 * 22,027 20 000 1 �f1�fi9F 238,692 Proposed Amount Requcsted From DYS for This Purposc 50.000 �0,000 100,000 � No 211owance for increzse has been included - Attachment 1 Page 7 of 7 �l �'�� � PERSONNEL BUDGET List all staff paid partialt}' or wholly with DPS sources for this pronram. Year 1 Position Titic xF.T.E. DPS-Funded Non-DPS- Total Salary (for In this program Salary (do NOT Funded Satxry % of position in including fringe tEiis program) benefitc) Police Ofii_ccr Cierk 111 ]00% 100% Year 2 45,365 '�,635 0 28.669 45,365 33,304 Position Tittc FF.T.E. DPS-Funded Non-DPS- Total Salary (for In t/ris program Salary (do NOT Fundcd Salar}� % of position in including fringc tf1iS [7t'Odi'atTl� benefits� Police Officer ]00% 45,365 0 45,365 C1erk i?I 100% 4,635 28,669 33,304 ` l=.�I�.E-- List amount oCstaCf time each position spends in this program. I=or e�ample, iCa fuil- timc ncrson �xorks 40 perccnt timc in this program and 60 perccnt timc in at�other program, you ���ould onl� list 40 percent. ORIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Council File # 9Q' -�q G Green Sheet �17T6� �C T Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has received a grant from the Minnesota Department 2 of Public Safety, in the amount of 5100,000 for Community Notification for the period 3 July 1,1997 to June 30, 1999, and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety requests a designated authority for the eaecution of 6 agreements, and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 �8 29 30 31 32 33 34 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accept this grant award for $100,000 for the Community Notification Grant and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety. by Department of: OC/ItllIEV (/ Blakey J Bastrom ,� Coleman ,J Harris � Lantry ,� Reiter Adopted by Co ci :, Da Adoption ertified by C BY� � l� Approved by o : D: By: ✓ I: Fc : to Council: DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIl. DA7E INITIATED � PoliceDeparhnent 6/24/98 GREEN SHEET �►o. 61006 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INmAUDA7E INmauDA7E ChiePFitlIley 292-3588 � o�aaneexrort�crox 5 crrccauwca /y¢ �/q MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) ^ ' "'�0 �� � .. �i0 1�I�'ATTORNEY �CLERK '� �I �nrvu�CW.SQtNCESD �FlWWCIALSQN/ACGTG , -r �mnYOR(ORASSIST/WI)� I I u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Signahues requested on the attached Council Resolurion accepting the Community No6fication Grant from the Depariment of Public Safety in the amount of $1OQ000 RECOMMENDATION ApprOVe (A) ol' Rejett (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a conVact for ihis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent cily employee? YES NO 4. Is this personlfirtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO Explain atl yes answers on separete sheet and aHach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Depar[ment will utilize the gant for community notificaGon for the release of sexual offenders, we will receive funding for personnel wsts to���t the Community notification legislative mandates. JU� 17 i998 �e •� ����,�.,R� ��.�_.�� - '� �t .� ls3iAt"�.Lid e - _,,. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ��� J�L 2 � l999 The Saint Paul Police Department will receive grant funds of $100,000 for costs „�:, associated with the Community Notification Program. � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � , ,e � None � - - ----°--__ _ s��4 - DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED "' "'-' c = �� ' ,�j;*,�;; � - 'W�3:_\r.�� u _�� �j The Saint Paul Police Department will not receive grant funds of $100,00Q: rr' ` .. , 3 q ��, �� c3�� , . . � f:�";' ;i _ _ -?�- �� a � ��� � .. u.._�:�'i TOTA� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1 OO,OOO COSLREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDMG SOURCE DBpHtLwOIIt OPPIIb�1C S3f0ty ACTIVITY NUMBER �i� �w FINANCIAL INFORMAiION (EXPLAIN) STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT AGREEMENT Community Notification Grant q� —�`1c� OR1G1�1,��� SFY 7998 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 6860 Appr.Unit 686 Entry Locn Object Cod° 5600 Requisition No. Contract No. Order No 6000-� 07 FY98 1��- , 6000-11 � 6000-1 � � FY98 6000-107A FY99 ���)�'t< 6000-111A FY99 Vendor Number Commodity Code Totai Obligation Total Obligation FY 98 066790002 00 5100,000.00 $50,000.00 THIS COOPERATIVEAGREEMENT, by and betweenthe Stateof Minnesota, Departmentof Public Safety, (hereinaftercalled the STATE) 2nd Saint Paul Police Department, 100 East Eleventh Street, Saint Paul, MN 5510'I. (hereinafter called GRANTEE), witnesseth thzt: WHEREAS, the Governor has designated the STATE as the agency responsible for administration of funds available to the State of Minnesota under provisions of Chapter 239, Articie 1, Section 7, Subdivision 8, of the 1997 Minnesota Legisiative Session; and WHEREAS, the STATE is authorized under the provisions of 1997 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 239, Article �, Section 7, Subdivision 8 to make grant contracts from state funds to reimburse local governmental units that have incurred costs impiementing community notifications for released sex offenders; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for the purpose specifed in Attachment 1; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duiy qualified and willing to carry out the tasks described in Attachment 1. NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows: SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEMENT. GRANTEEwili carry out those tasks described in this agreement and the tasks described in the grant application as stated in Attachment 1 of this agreementwhich is hereby incorporatd by reference and made a paR of this agreement. CONSIDERAi ION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. A Consideration for all services performed and goods or materials suppiied by the STATE as follows. Compensation shall be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget, included in Attachment 1 of this agreement. Reimb�rsement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessariiy incurred by GRANTEE in performance of this agreem°nt m an amount not to exceed N/A dollars (S N/A l; provided, thatthe GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for travei and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no greater amountthat provided in the current "Commissioner's Plan" promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Reiations. GRANTEE shail not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred outside of the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approvai for such out of state travel from the STATE. Page 1 of �/ St. Paul Po'_ice Denartment/Community Noti£ication Grant q�-�9G 3. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed FiftyThousandDollars(550.000.00)fromJuly'I,'1997 throughJune30,1998 andFiftyThousandDoilars f550.000.001 from Juiy I, 1998 through June 30, '1999. B. Terms of Payment. Full payment for the first year of this Grant Agreementwiii be paid to the GRANTEE by the STATE within 30 days of the execution date of this agreement. Full payment for the second year of this Grant Agreement will be paid to ihe GRANTEE by the STATE within 30 days of July �, �998. 2. Payments are to be made for the STATE funds obtained by the STATE through the Community Notification Grant authorized by Chapier 239, ARicle 1, Section 7, Subdivision 8, of the 1997 Minnesota Legislative Session. If at any time funds become unavailable, this agreement shall be terminated immediately upcn written notice of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE. In the event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rate basis, for services satisfactorily performed for which State funds are availabie. The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE. 3. The GRANTEE will expend grant funds allocated for this project according to the attached pro�ect budget included in At±achment 1 of this agreement. The GRANTEE w:il submit a revised budget for any deviation of � 0% or more between the ailowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by the STATE before any expenditures can be made based on the revised budget 4. The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE uniess prior approval tor an axten;ion has been granted by the State's authorized agent and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duiy executed. Unused funds must be returned to the STATE within 30 days of the ending date of the agreement. iil. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. Ail services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant shall be performed to the satisfaction of the STATE as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accord with all applicab� federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. GRANTEE shall not receive payment forwork found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance, rule, or regulation. IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to return funds to the STATE for any work the STATE in its sole discretion determined to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state or local law, ordinance, rule or regulation. V. REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. If a GRANTEE does not fulfill obligations under the agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if GRANTEE violates conditions of the agreement, the STATE may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-day notice of the effective date of the action. GRANTEE shail be entitled to payment for work or service satisfactorily per�ormed for which state funds are available. This Grant Agreement may aiso be canceled by the STATE at anytime with or without cause upon 30 days written notice to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation, GRANTEE shaii be entitled to payment de'termined on a pro rata basis for work or services satisfactorily performed. Vi. TERMS OF GRANTThis grantagreementshall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is obtain� by the STATE, pursuantto MS �6B.06, Subd. 2, and shall remain in effectuntil June 30, 1999, or until all obligations set foRh in this grant contract have been satisfactorily fuifiiled, whichever occurs first. The GRANTEE may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after July. 1. 1997. VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the purposes of this agreement is Pamela J. Docken, or her successorin office, Department or Pubiic Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55�0�-2�2fi. Such ageni shall have final authoriry for accepiance o� GRANTEE'S services Page 2 of �/ St. Paul Police Departm=nt/Community Notification Granc � � ak'-`9� VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning project progress through such reasonable means as the . STATE may find convenient. These will include the following and shall be submitted to the STATE's authorized agent per Section VII of this agreement: A. GRANTEE shall make any and all project records , repor[s and other data available to the STATE upon request; this includes submission oi copies of any reports, data, surveys (including survey instruments), or other materials for review and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six copies of all materiais produced by the project following production of the materials. B_ Permittingperiod�csit2visitsbytheSTATE'sauthonzedagent,otherSTATEsta"rforotheremployeesoftheState of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE. C. If initiated, participation in statewide data collection and cooperatfon with a desfgnated evaluator on behalf of the STATE, for the purpose of statewide evaluation efforts and assistance with individual project evaluation plans. IX. ACCOUNTING, AUDIT AND RETENTION OF RECORDS. A. GRANTEE will establish a separate account of this project and will maintain fiscal records in accordance with generallyacceptableac�cunting principles. GRANTEE's records, documen[s, and accounting procedures and practices for this pro�ect shall be subject to the examination of the STATE's authorized agent and by the LegislativeAuditor. Fiscal records shall be retained for a period of three years following submission of the final report. B. The books, records, documents, and accountirg procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or consultant reievant to this agreement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized agent and the iegislative auditor. X. NONDISCRIMINATION. As a condition of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it wiil meet all appiicable requirementsof the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (nondiscrimination on the basis of handicapping conditions), and of any applicable state civil rights statutes XI. ASSIGNMENT. GRANTEEwill neitherassign nor transferany rights of obligatia�s under this agreement without th2 prior written consent of the STATE. Xil. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND PRODUCTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, instruments, curriculum, videotapes, training manuals, media messages, or other documents or products (hereinafter called documentsorproducts)preparedbyorforGRANTEE intheperformanceofitsobligationsunderthisagreementshall be exclusive property of the STATE. All such documents or products shall be remitted to the STATE by GRANTEE upon compietion, termination, or cancellation of this agreement. GRANTEE shall not use, willingly allow, or cause to have such materials used for obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE. XIIi. OWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT. All right, title and interest in ail copyrightable material which GRANTEE shall conceive or originate either individuaily or jointly with others, and which anses out of the performance of this agreement, will be the property of the STATE and are by this a9reement assigned to the STATE along with ownership of any and all copyrights of the copyrightabie material. GRANTEE also agrees, upon the request of the STATE, to execute all papers and perform ail other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register copyrights on such materials. Where applicabie, works of authorship created by GRANTEE for the STATE in performance of this agreement shail be considered "works made for hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act. XIV. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing, and shall be execut°d by the same parties who executes the original agreement, or their successors. XV. LIABILITY. To the extent permitted by law, GP.ANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agents, and empioyees harmless from any and aii claims or causes of action rising from the performance of this agreement by GRANTEE or Page 3 0° 4/ St. Pau1 Police Department/COmmua�ty P?oti£ication Graat °tF-`9(, GRANTEE'Sagentsoremployees. ThisclauseshalinotbeconstruedtobaranylegalremediesGRANTEEmayhave for the STATE's failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this agreement. XVI. WORKER'SCOMPENSATION TheSTATEatirmsthatGRANTEEprovidedacceptableevidenceofcompliancewith the worke:s' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, 176.181, Subdivision 2. XVII. DATAPRIVACYACT. TheGRANTEEagreestocomplywiththeMinnesotaDataPracticesActasitappliestoalldata provided by the STATE in accordancewith this agreement and as it applies to al! data cseated, gathered, generated or acquired in accordance with this agreement. XVIII ANTITRUST. GRANTEE hereby assigns to the State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and/orservices provided in connectionwith this grant agreementresulting from antitrust violations which arise under the antitrust laws of the United States and the antitrust laws of the State of Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the grant to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED I �. GRANTEE 2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY B 'q �/ � By 7itle: ` � } ' Title Date: Date By: Title: Date 3 ATTORNEY GENERAL 4. ENCUMBERED BY Approved to sign on behaif ofthe Attorney General as to form and execution By: By. Date: Date Person(s) signing ihe agreement and obligating GRANTEE to the conditions of the agreement, must be authorized A ceRified copy of the resolution authorizing the GRANTEE to enter mto this agreement and designating person(s) to execute this agreement must be atiached hereto. NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE is other than a government agency, it is required by Mi�nesota Statutes, Section 270.66, to provide the social security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers could result in action to require you to file state iax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. These numbers will be available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations ny c o� c� S�. Pau1 �o;.ice Depzrr.mentjCommuniLy Not?£ication Grant Attachment 1 Page 1 of 7 MI\NESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY i����� 1997 STATE OMn'If3US CRI:�4E ACT COiVIMUNITY NOTIFICATION GI2��NT ST. PAUL PI2E - CONTIZACT APPLIC.ATIO�` CO\TRACTIt�3G AGENCY: Use your le�al name Project Director Name: and full address. This is the fiscal agent with whom the grant aereement �vill be executed. Lt. .lohn vonastek � Sex Crines Unit S2in[ Pau1 Police Dep�rtment Saint Pau1 Police Department 100 E. llch Strect 100 E. 11[h S[ree[ St. Pau1 M\ 55101 Saint Paul, M� >i!O1 ' 'I�elephone Number ( G7 2 ) 291-illl Pa� ?��umbcr ( ) COI�'TRAC"I� MAILING ADllRGSS (If different Contact Name: i�ldll3�)OV�� Amy 13rown Acting Research & Grants Manager Saint Pau1 Police Depa:tment 100 ::. ll�n S[., S�. Pau1, MN 55101 Tclephone \wnber ( 612 ) 292-3507 I'a� Numb�r ( 01 Z) 292-3542 Projec[ Stan Uate: ��l �, �997 Yroject I;nd Date: Ju�e 30, t99� A�IIv Ta� Lxemot ID = go25o9 Federal Employce ID n 41-6005521 Grant :\n�ount Available: 512�.000.00** Grant �mount Requcsted: �100,000 00 "'�Thc totai sppropriation «�as �500,000 for [wo ycars . 1 lo��c��cr, thc abovi; amount will be dividcd beni-eeu \�Iinncapolis and St. Paul as a flat grant. I hc halancc to bc awardcd on cost rcimhurscmcnt basis to all applicants in the statc. PI20JECT INFORMAT[O\ SHEET l. flpplication Agency (with w�hich contract is to be e�ecuted) Attachment 1 Page 2 of � a �.`q� Legal ��ame Street - City - Zip � Pl�one Saint Pau1 Police Dent. 100 E. llth Street �612� 292-3558 , � 2. Autliorized Official Le�al \Tame Street - City - Zip Phone h'illiam l:. Pinney 100 E. llth Street St. Paul, PSN SS10i (6121 292-358fi ,. Operatin�, A<,e:ncy (if difterent from #1) Le�al Name Street - City - Zip Phone { ) 4. Contact Person for further information on application Lesal t�iame Street - City - Zip Phone Amy Brown 100 E. llth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 �612� 292-3507 >. 7 certif;� that the inPormation contained herein ue and accurate to the best of my kno��'led,c and tliat I submit t�s application it bql�alf of the applicant a��ency. Si�_nature of Authorized OfficiaL' Z'jt�� : Chie: oi Police / Date: 2/1 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 7 P I20JECT SUMMARY � � � �� � PROJECT SU�I�I.�RY Attachment 1 Page 4 of � Community Noti�cation Plan: a� -c��� This policy estaofishes procedures for community notifica!ion, as deemed appropria,e, relative to the releas° of sexual orienders inro �he Ciry of Sai�t Paul. I� is the po!icy of the Sain, Paul Poiice Deparmeat (SPPD) [e provide infor.na:ion authorized by la�v, consisteoc n;�n tne iieeds oi �uoiic szfety, �vhiie maintair:in� the le�zliy reauirec privzcy zne other ri�hts oi the orznder. Tne SppD ��ill exercise any and alt discre[ion a�:or�ed by app(icable la�.s. - The Minnesotz Deoaam°nt oi Corrections will procide tne SPPD �vitn noufication of se� o«znder reieases as soon zs a resdence for the offeeder is established. The notificztion will be in a form of"Oriender Fact Sneet"and background packet. A review of a(I fact ;heecs and chzne° of address notices �vill occur under the direction of the Sez C;imes lir.i� Commander At a minimum, the S°x Crimzs Unit �vill revie�v the nle with �he aoprooriare corrections pzrsonnel, no[iirv �ictims/witnesses, ard forv✓ard copies of tnz Oaenders Fact Shee� to the incesti?ati�e lizucznant in each oi the �hree patrol districts. Acciens be}ond those minimalty rzquired ior fevel one, nvo, or thrze cviil occur at the direc:ion o: thz Se� Crimes linit Commander, consistent �vi�h Deoarment of Correceions Guidelines :�ction Proposal for Level I: " Contact probztion cauer ior uodate on o�er.der stztus � Phy'sical ceri.`ic C�5°\llcl OiiEP.C°:'S dG.�iC2S5 Oi?C° pEC Ye3t • EdUCci!011dl COR1iilU(iliy tP.z°!!!745 iOCUSiCi� on pe,;onal, business �ne home ;aiec� �c[ion Proposa! for Level 2: � Contac: orobation o�:icer for uoea;e on o�ender sca�us • Limitzd communitp nocifica:ion according ro euideiines (parks, schools, ne;<�i�borsl � Physical verificz.ion of sesuai offenders' addresses every six mon�hs • Educationaf community meeungs focusinQ on pzronal, business, and home sa[ery Action Proposa] for Level 3: 5 ° CO'ttD� communi.y nouncztion to includ� li�z:aturz droo oFappropriate nei_hberhooe r,ou icauon o� schoo!;, pzrk;, media, ecc (Th�s ��'ill include all preparation :or in:pac� e❑ neienborhood) • Edecaeienaf communicy me�un��s �ocusino on oersonal, business, and home sa`z:y o Verificauon of se�ual o�ieneer's .�ddress en a quz<<erl�� basis The SPPD «i!1 pa� �icioa,e : s a memo: r o: �h� End or Coa�:nement Revie�.v Board (�hu cos<<�on �� n bi-;veeki}' comr:�i[mz::[) Personnel Ftequirements: The SPPD t�.1�i hire "r.C��lil0"'.li �2;Svili'�� i0 IRiD!Z:112�; il:� COiIItriU[l(Cy f10CICICdUOt7 �°�U�?[:�'° �,,,.;�dateS T��ii �lili restti; tn ore po1 ice oi; ic« .. �� �.".� de;ica! Posi[ion m Attachment 1 Page 5 of 7 °l � ' `gG PROGRAM BUDGET Provide the proposed budeet for this project for the time frame listed on pa�e I(one) of this application. Specify the budeet amount that will be covcred by this nrant. YEAR ONE 1 � Total Proposal Proposed Amount Requested 13udget From DPS for This Purposc Personnel 78,669 50,000 FringeBenefits 22,027 Contract Services Travel Training Printing/Posta�c 15 , o00 Telephone Rent/Mortgaoe UtiIities Insurance Maintenance/Repair Supplies Equipment 2 , 300 Other (Specify) Totals 117,946 50,000 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 7 l� I YEAR TWO Personnel Fringe Benefits Contract Services Trave( 'l�raining Printing/Posta<,c Telephone RenUMortgage Utifities Insurance Maintenance/Repair Supplies Equipment Other (Specif} ) Totals T�+�o Ycar Total Total Proposaf 13udget 78.669 * 22,027 20 000 1 �f1�fi9F 238,692 Proposed Amount Requcsted From DYS for This Purposc 50.000 �0,000 100,000 � No 211owance for increzse has been included - Attachment 1 Page 7 of 7 �l �'�� � PERSONNEL BUDGET List all staff paid partialt}' or wholly with DPS sources for this pronram. Year 1 Position Titic xF.T.E. DPS-Funded Non-DPS- Total Salary (for In this program Salary (do NOT Funded Satxry % of position in including fringe tEiis program) benefitc) Police Ofii_ccr Cierk 111 ]00% 100% Year 2 45,365 '�,635 0 28.669 45,365 33,304 Position Tittc FF.T.E. DPS-Funded Non-DPS- Total Salary (for In t/ris program Salary (do NOT Fundcd Salar}� % of position in including fringc tf1iS [7t'Odi'atTl� benefits� Police Officer ]00% 45,365 0 45,365 C1erk i?I 100% 4,635 28,669 33,304 ` l=.�I�.E-- List amount oCstaCf time each position spends in this program. I=or e�ample, iCa fuil- timc ncrson �xorks 40 perccnt timc in this program and 60 perccnt timc in at�other program, you ���ould onl� list 40 percent. ORIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Council File # 9Q' -�q G Green Sheet �17T6� �C T Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has received a grant from the Minnesota Department 2 of Public Safety, in the amount of 5100,000 for Community Notification for the period 3 July 1,1997 to June 30, 1999, and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety requests a designated authority for the eaecution of 6 agreements, and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 �8 29 30 31 32 33 34 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accept this grant award for $100,000 for the Community Notification Grant and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety. by Department of: OC/ItllIEV (/ Blakey J Bastrom ,� Coleman ,J Harris � Lantry ,� Reiter Adopted by Co ci :, Da Adoption ertified by C BY� � l� Approved by o : D: By: ✓ I: Fc : to Council: DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIl. DA7E INITIATED � PoliceDeparhnent 6/24/98 GREEN SHEET �►o. 61006 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INmAUDA7E INmauDA7E ChiePFitlIley 292-3588 � o�aaneexrort�crox 5 crrccauwca /y¢ �/q MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) ^ ' "'�0 �� � .. �i0 1�I�'ATTORNEY �CLERK '� �I �nrvu�CW.SQtNCESD �FlWWCIALSQN/ACGTG , -r �mnYOR(ORASSIST/WI)� I I u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Signahues requested on the attached Council Resolurion accepting the Community No6fication Grant from the Depariment of Public Safety in the amount of $1OQ000 RECOMMENDATION ApprOVe (A) ol' Rejett (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a conVact for ihis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent cily employee? YES NO 4. Is this personlfirtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO Explain atl yes answers on separete sheet and aHach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Depar[ment will utilize the gant for community notificaGon for the release of sexual offenders, we will receive funding for personnel wsts to���t the Community notification legislative mandates. JU� 17 i998 �e •� ����,�.,R� ��.�_.�� - '� �t .� ls3iAt"�.Lid e - _,,. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ��� J�L 2 � l999 The Saint Paul Police Department will receive grant funds of $100,000 for costs „�:, associated with the Community Notification Program. � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � , ,e � None � - - ----°--__ _ s��4 - DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED "' "'-' c = �� ' ,�j;*,�;; � - 'W�3:_\r.�� u _�� �j The Saint Paul Police Department will not receive grant funds of $100,00Q: rr' ` .. , 3 q ��, �� c3�� , . . � f:�";' ;i _ _ -?�- �� a � ��� � .. u.._�:�'i TOTA� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1 OO,OOO COSLREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDMG SOURCE DBpHtLwOIIt OPPIIb�1C S3f0ty ACTIVITY NUMBER �i� �w FINANCIAL INFORMAiION (EXPLAIN) STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT AGREEMENT Community Notification Grant q� —�`1c� OR1G1�1,��� SFY 7998 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 6860 Appr.Unit 686 Entry Locn Object Cod° 5600 Requisition No. Contract No. Order No 6000-� 07 FY98 1��- , 6000-11 � 6000-1 � � FY98 6000-107A FY99 ���)�'t< 6000-111A FY99 Vendor Number Commodity Code Totai Obligation Total Obligation FY 98 066790002 00 5100,000.00 $50,000.00 THIS COOPERATIVEAGREEMENT, by and betweenthe Stateof Minnesota, Departmentof Public Safety, (hereinaftercalled the STATE) 2nd Saint Paul Police Department, 100 East Eleventh Street, Saint Paul, MN 5510'I. (hereinafter called GRANTEE), witnesseth thzt: WHEREAS, the Governor has designated the STATE as the agency responsible for administration of funds available to the State of Minnesota under provisions of Chapter 239, Articie 1, Section 7, Subdivision 8, of the 1997 Minnesota Legisiative Session; and WHEREAS, the STATE is authorized under the provisions of 1997 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 239, Article �, Section 7, Subdivision 8 to make grant contracts from state funds to reimburse local governmental units that have incurred costs impiementing community notifications for released sex offenders; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for the purpose specifed in Attachment 1; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duiy qualified and willing to carry out the tasks described in Attachment 1. NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows: SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEMENT. GRANTEEwili carry out those tasks described in this agreement and the tasks described in the grant application as stated in Attachment 1 of this agreementwhich is hereby incorporatd by reference and made a paR of this agreement. CONSIDERAi ION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. A Consideration for all services performed and goods or materials suppiied by the STATE as follows. Compensation shall be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget, included in Attachment 1 of this agreement. Reimb�rsement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessariiy incurred by GRANTEE in performance of this agreem°nt m an amount not to exceed N/A dollars (S N/A l; provided, thatthe GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for travei and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no greater amountthat provided in the current "Commissioner's Plan" promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Reiations. GRANTEE shail not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred outside of the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approvai for such out of state travel from the STATE. Page 1 of �/ St. Paul Po'_ice Denartment/Community Noti£ication Grant q�-�9G 3. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed FiftyThousandDollars(550.000.00)fromJuly'I,'1997 throughJune30,1998 andFiftyThousandDoilars f550.000.001 from Juiy I, 1998 through June 30, '1999. B. Terms of Payment. Full payment for the first year of this Grant Agreementwiii be paid to the GRANTEE by the STATE within 30 days of the execution date of this agreement. Full payment for the second year of this Grant Agreement will be paid to ihe GRANTEE by the STATE within 30 days of July �, �998. 2. Payments are to be made for the STATE funds obtained by the STATE through the Community Notification Grant authorized by Chapier 239, ARicle 1, Section 7, Subdivision 8, of the 1997 Minnesota Legislative Session. If at any time funds become unavailable, this agreement shall be terminated immediately upcn written notice of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE. In the event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rate basis, for services satisfactorily performed for which State funds are availabie. The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE. 3. The GRANTEE will expend grant funds allocated for this project according to the attached pro�ect budget included in At±achment 1 of this agreement. The GRANTEE w:il submit a revised budget for any deviation of � 0% or more between the ailowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by the STATE before any expenditures can be made based on the revised budget 4. The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE uniess prior approval tor an axten;ion has been granted by the State's authorized agent and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duiy executed. Unused funds must be returned to the STATE within 30 days of the ending date of the agreement. iil. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. Ail services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant shall be performed to the satisfaction of the STATE as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accord with all applicab� federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. GRANTEE shall not receive payment forwork found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance, rule, or regulation. IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to return funds to the STATE for any work the STATE in its sole discretion determined to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state or local law, ordinance, rule or regulation. V. REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. If a GRANTEE does not fulfill obligations under the agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if GRANTEE violates conditions of the agreement, the STATE may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-day notice of the effective date of the action. GRANTEE shail be entitled to payment for work or service satisfactorily per�ormed for which state funds are available. This Grant Agreement may aiso be canceled by the STATE at anytime with or without cause upon 30 days written notice to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation, GRANTEE shaii be entitled to payment de'termined on a pro rata basis for work or services satisfactorily performed. Vi. TERMS OF GRANTThis grantagreementshall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is obtain� by the STATE, pursuantto MS �6B.06, Subd. 2, and shall remain in effectuntil June 30, 1999, or until all obligations set foRh in this grant contract have been satisfactorily fuifiiled, whichever occurs first. The GRANTEE may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after July. 1. 1997. VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the purposes of this agreement is Pamela J. Docken, or her successorin office, Department or Pubiic Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55�0�-2�2fi. Such ageni shall have final authoriry for accepiance o� GRANTEE'S services Page 2 of �/ St. Paul Police Departm=nt/Community Notification Granc � � ak'-`9� VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning project progress through such reasonable means as the . STATE may find convenient. These will include the following and shall be submitted to the STATE's authorized agent per Section VII of this agreement: A. GRANTEE shall make any and all project records , repor[s and other data available to the STATE upon request; this includes submission oi copies of any reports, data, surveys (including survey instruments), or other materials for review and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six copies of all materiais produced by the project following production of the materials. B_ Permittingperiod�csit2visitsbytheSTATE'sauthonzedagent,otherSTATEsta"rforotheremployeesoftheState of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE. C. If initiated, participation in statewide data collection and cooperatfon with a desfgnated evaluator on behalf of the STATE, for the purpose of statewide evaluation efforts and assistance with individual project evaluation plans. IX. ACCOUNTING, AUDIT AND RETENTION OF RECORDS. A. GRANTEE will establish a separate account of this project and will maintain fiscal records in accordance with generallyacceptableac�cunting principles. GRANTEE's records, documen[s, and accounting procedures and practices for this pro�ect shall be subject to the examination of the STATE's authorized agent and by the LegislativeAuditor. Fiscal records shall be retained for a period of three years following submission of the final report. B. The books, records, documents, and accountirg procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or consultant reievant to this agreement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized agent and the iegislative auditor. X. NONDISCRIMINATION. As a condition of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it wiil meet all appiicable requirementsof the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (nondiscrimination on the basis of handicapping conditions), and of any applicable state civil rights statutes XI. ASSIGNMENT. GRANTEEwill neitherassign nor transferany rights of obligatia�s under this agreement without th2 prior written consent of the STATE. Xil. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND PRODUCTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, instruments, curriculum, videotapes, training manuals, media messages, or other documents or products (hereinafter called documentsorproducts)preparedbyorforGRANTEE intheperformanceofitsobligationsunderthisagreementshall be exclusive property of the STATE. All such documents or products shall be remitted to the STATE by GRANTEE upon compietion, termination, or cancellation of this agreement. GRANTEE shall not use, willingly allow, or cause to have such materials used for obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE. XIIi. OWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT. All right, title and interest in ail copyrightable material which GRANTEE shall conceive or originate either individuaily or jointly with others, and which anses out of the performance of this agreement, will be the property of the STATE and are by this a9reement assigned to the STATE along with ownership of any and all copyrights of the copyrightabie material. GRANTEE also agrees, upon the request of the STATE, to execute all papers and perform ail other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register copyrights on such materials. Where applicabie, works of authorship created by GRANTEE for the STATE in performance of this agreement shail be considered "works made for hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act. XIV. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing, and shall be execut°d by the same parties who executes the original agreement, or their successors. XV. LIABILITY. To the extent permitted by law, GP.ANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agents, and empioyees harmless from any and aii claims or causes of action rising from the performance of this agreement by GRANTEE or Page 3 0° 4/ St. Pau1 Police Department/COmmua�ty P?oti£ication Graat °tF-`9(, GRANTEE'Sagentsoremployees. ThisclauseshalinotbeconstruedtobaranylegalremediesGRANTEEmayhave for the STATE's failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this agreement. XVI. WORKER'SCOMPENSATION TheSTATEatirmsthatGRANTEEprovidedacceptableevidenceofcompliancewith the worke:s' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, 176.181, Subdivision 2. XVII. DATAPRIVACYACT. TheGRANTEEagreestocomplywiththeMinnesotaDataPracticesActasitappliestoalldata provided by the STATE in accordancewith this agreement and as it applies to al! data cseated, gathered, generated or acquired in accordance with this agreement. XVIII ANTITRUST. GRANTEE hereby assigns to the State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and/orservices provided in connectionwith this grant agreementresulting from antitrust violations which arise under the antitrust laws of the United States and the antitrust laws of the State of Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the grant to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED I �. GRANTEE 2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY B 'q �/ � By 7itle: ` � } ' Title Date: Date By: Title: Date 3 ATTORNEY GENERAL 4. ENCUMBERED BY Approved to sign on behaif ofthe Attorney General as to form and execution By: By. Date: Date Person(s) signing ihe agreement and obligating GRANTEE to the conditions of the agreement, must be authorized A ceRified copy of the resolution authorizing the GRANTEE to enter mto this agreement and designating person(s) to execute this agreement must be atiached hereto. NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE is other than a government agency, it is required by Mi�nesota Statutes, Section 270.66, to provide the social security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers could result in action to require you to file state iax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. These numbers will be available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations ny c o� c� S�. Pau1 �o;.ice Depzrr.mentjCommuniLy Not?£ication Grant Attachment 1 Page 1 of 7 MI\NESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY i����� 1997 STATE OMn'If3US CRI:�4E ACT COiVIMUNITY NOTIFICATION GI2��NT ST. PAUL PI2E - CONTIZACT APPLIC.ATIO�` CO\TRACTIt�3G AGENCY: Use your le�al name Project Director Name: and full address. This is the fiscal agent with whom the grant aereement �vill be executed. Lt. .lohn vonastek � Sex Crines Unit S2in[ Pau1 Police Dep�rtment Saint Pau1 Police Department 100 E. llch Strect 100 E. 11[h S[ree[ St. Pau1 M\ 55101 Saint Paul, M� >i!O1 ' 'I�elephone Number ( G7 2 ) 291-illl Pa� ?��umbcr ( ) COI�'TRAC"I� MAILING ADllRGSS (If different Contact Name: i�ldll3�)OV�� Amy 13rown Acting Research & Grants Manager Saint Pau1 Police Depa:tment 100 ::. ll�n S[., S�. Pau1, MN 55101 Tclephone \wnber ( 612 ) 292-3507 I'a� Numb�r ( 01 Z) 292-3542 Projec[ Stan Uate: ��l �, �997 Yroject I;nd Date: Ju�e 30, t99� A�IIv Ta� Lxemot ID = go25o9 Federal Employce ID n 41-6005521 Grant :\n�ount Available: 512�.000.00** Grant �mount Requcsted: �100,000 00 "'�Thc totai sppropriation «�as �500,000 for [wo ycars . 1 lo��c��cr, thc abovi; amount will be dividcd beni-eeu \�Iinncapolis and St. Paul as a flat grant. I hc halancc to bc awardcd on cost rcimhurscmcnt basis to all applicants in the statc. PI20JECT INFORMAT[O\ SHEET l. flpplication Agency (with w�hich contract is to be e�ecuted) Attachment 1 Page 2 of � a �.`q� Legal ��ame Street - City - Zip � Pl�one Saint Pau1 Police Dent. 100 E. llth Street �612� 292-3558 , � 2. Autliorized Official Le�al \Tame Street - City - Zip Phone h'illiam l:. Pinney 100 E. llth Street St. Paul, PSN SS10i (6121 292-358fi ,. Operatin�, A<,e:ncy (if difterent from #1) Le�al Name Street - City - Zip Phone { ) 4. Contact Person for further information on application Lesal t�iame Street - City - Zip Phone Amy Brown 100 E. llth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 �612� 292-3507 >. 7 certif;� that the inPormation contained herein ue and accurate to the best of my kno��'led,c and tliat I submit t�s application it bql�alf of the applicant a��ency. Si�_nature of Authorized OfficiaL' Z'jt�� : Chie: oi Police / Date: 2/1 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 7 P I20JECT SUMMARY � � � �� � PROJECT SU�I�I.�RY Attachment 1 Page 4 of � Community Noti�cation Plan: a� -c��� This policy estaofishes procedures for community notifica!ion, as deemed appropria,e, relative to the releas° of sexual orienders inro �he Ciry of Sai�t Paul. I� is the po!icy of the Sain, Paul Poiice Deparmeat (SPPD) [e provide infor.na:ion authorized by la�v, consisteoc n;�n tne iieeds oi �uoiic szfety, �vhiie maintair:in� the le�zliy reauirec privzcy zne other ri�hts oi the orznder. Tne SppD ��ill exercise any and alt discre[ion a�:or�ed by app(icable la�.s. - The Minnesotz Deoaam°nt oi Corrections will procide tne SPPD �vitn noufication of se� o«znder reieases as soon zs a resdence for the offeeder is established. The notificztion will be in a form of"Oriender Fact Sneet"and background packet. A review of a(I fact ;heecs and chzne° of address notices �vill occur under the direction of the Sez C;imes lir.i� Commander At a minimum, the S°x Crimzs Unit �vill revie�v the nle with �he aoprooriare corrections pzrsonnel, no[iirv �ictims/witnesses, ard forv✓ard copies of tnz Oaenders Fact Shee� to the incesti?ati�e lizucznant in each oi the �hree patrol districts. Acciens be}ond those minimalty rzquired ior fevel one, nvo, or thrze cviil occur at the direc:ion o: thz Se� Crimes linit Commander, consistent �vi�h Deoarment of Correceions Guidelines :�ction Proposal for Level I: " Contact probztion cauer ior uodate on o�er.der stztus � Phy'sical ceri.`ic C�5°\llcl OiiEP.C°:'S dG.�iC2S5 Oi?C° pEC Ye3t • EdUCci!011dl COR1iilU(iliy tP.z°!!!745 iOCUSiCi� on pe,;onal, business �ne home ;aiec� �c[ion Proposa! for Level 2: � Contac: orobation o�:icer for uoea;e on o�ender sca�us • Limitzd communitp nocifica:ion according ro euideiines (parks, schools, ne;<�i�borsl � Physical verificz.ion of sesuai offenders' addresses every six mon�hs • Educationaf community meeungs focusinQ on pzronal, business, and home sa[ery Action Proposa] for Level 3: 5 ° CO'ttD� communi.y nouncztion to includ� li�z:aturz droo oFappropriate nei_hberhooe r,ou icauon o� schoo!;, pzrk;, media, ecc (Th�s ��'ill include all preparation :or in:pac� e❑ neienborhood) • Edecaeienaf communicy me�un��s �ocusino on oersonal, business, and home sa`z:y o Verificauon of se�ual o�ieneer's .�ddress en a quz<<erl�� basis The SPPD «i!1 pa� �icioa,e : s a memo: r o: �h� End or Coa�:nement Revie�.v Board (�hu cos<<�on �� n bi-;veeki}' comr:�i[mz::[) Personnel Ftequirements: The SPPD t�.1�i hire "r.C��lil0"'.li �2;Svili'�� i0 IRiD!Z:112�; il:� COiIItriU[l(Cy f10CICICdUOt7 �°�U�?[:�'° �,,,.;�dateS T��ii �lili restti; tn ore po1 ice oi; ic« .. �� �.".� de;ica! Posi[ion m Attachment 1 Page 5 of 7 °l � ' `gG PROGRAM BUDGET Provide the proposed budeet for this project for the time frame listed on pa�e I(one) of this application. Specify the budeet amount that will be covcred by this nrant. YEAR ONE 1 � Total Proposal Proposed Amount Requested 13udget From DPS for This Purposc Personnel 78,669 50,000 FringeBenefits 22,027 Contract Services Travel Training Printing/Posta�c 15 , o00 Telephone Rent/Mortgaoe UtiIities Insurance Maintenance/Repair Supplies Equipment 2 , 300 Other (Specify) Totals 117,946 50,000 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 7 l� I YEAR TWO Personnel Fringe Benefits Contract Services Trave( 'l�raining Printing/Posta<,c Telephone RenUMortgage Utifities Insurance Maintenance/Repair Supplies Equipment Other (Specif} ) Totals T�+�o Ycar Total Total Proposaf 13udget 78.669 * 22,027 20 000 1 �f1�fi9F 238,692 Proposed Amount Requcsted From DYS for This Purposc 50.000 �0,000 100,000 � No 211owance for increzse has been included - Attachment 1 Page 7 of 7 �l �'�� � PERSONNEL BUDGET List all staff paid partialt}' or wholly with DPS sources for this pronram. Year 1 Position Titic xF.T.E. DPS-Funded Non-DPS- Total Salary (for In this program Salary (do NOT Funded Satxry % of position in including fringe tEiis program) benefitc) Police Ofii_ccr Cierk 111 ]00% 100% Year 2 45,365 '�,635 0 28.669 45,365 33,304 Position Tittc FF.T.E. DPS-Funded Non-DPS- Total Salary (for In t/ris program Salary (do NOT Fundcd Salar}� % of position in including fringc tf1iS [7t'Odi'atTl� benefits� Police Officer ]00% 45,365 0 45,365 C1erk i?I 100% 4,635 28,669 33,304 ` l=.�I�.E-- List amount oCstaCf time each position spends in this program. I=or e�ample, iCa fuil- timc ncrson �xorks 40 perccnt timc in this program and 60 perccnt timc in at�other program, you ���ould onl� list 40 percent.