D11629 . C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L � ' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �ro�ved copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: -City Gerk(Origina� BUDGET REVISION -Finance Dept.'s Accounting Division ��M��� -Requesting Dept. No: Date: • - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Executive Administration- Budget Office to amend the 1991 budget of the General fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT&DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND AND ACTIVfTY: BUDGET CHAN ES BUDGET FROM: 001-00101-0221 Postage 2,964 (1,500) 1,464 001-00101-0241 Printing-Outside 1,439 (500) 939 001-00101-0251 Transportation 960 (500) 460 001-00101-0256 Registration Fees- Local 1,405 (1,000) 405 001-00101-0283 Rental-Vehicles 115 (115) 0 001-00101-0368 Office Supplies- Purchasing Storeroom 1,729 (500) 1,229 001-00101-0369 Other-Office Supplies 538 (538) 0 001-001 01-081 5 Desks-Chairs-Tables 417 (41� 0 • 001-00101-0818 Other- Furniture 83 (83) 0 TO: 001-00101-0857 Data Processing Hardware 5,008 5,153 10,161 This Administrative Order reallocates spending authority within the Budget Office activity to afford the purchase of 3 replacement PC's. � ared by: Activity Manager Date Appr by: or Date Reques[ed by: Department Director Date swanaoNLOT90readutiondAO_FOFY11�0-90 �, _ DEPItRTM[NTlOFFICE/COUNqI �n �J DATE INITIATED �� �b�q Budg�rt Office �' `'�� GREEN SHEET No. .5938 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIMJ DATE INITIALIDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR a CITY COUNCIL B. Jeanet t a - 4140 �� �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK ST BE ON COUNdL AtiENDA BY(DA ROI�i1Np �BUOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.�MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OFl A8818TANT) � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAC�ES 1 (CLIP ALL�OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACT10N ESTED: This Administrative Ord�r reallocates�•spending authority within the Budget Office activit�.:to afford the purchase of 3 replacement PC's. REO0M1�1ENDAT1oN8:MP►�(N a► !Rl COl1NdL REPORT OPT�NAL _PUWNINO OOMMISSION _pVIL�RVIC.�COMMISSION ANALY$T PHONE NO. _GB OOMMITTEE _ _BTAFF _ COMMENTB: _DIBTAICf OOURT _ SUPPORTS NMICFI OOUNqL OBJECTIVEI INITIATINQ PROBIEM.IS8UE. (Who.Wh�t.WMn�Wl�s.Wh»: The need to replace 3 old micro computers before they break-down beyond repair. ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROYED: he Budget Offic� will be able to contine entering Budget Information p&1DVANTA�EB IF APPROVED: O ``�� No budget informa�ion will be available when needed. R�G 6,��1 _ ��Q - G��R� ���� DISADVANTAOE8IF NOT APPROVED: TAL AMOUNT OF TRAI�SACTION �! COBT/AEVENUE NJOOETED(CiRCLE ONE) YES NO F1lNDN�Ki SOURCE � ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWf� dw