D11624 White - City Clerk No. D I I p�"-1 Pink - Finance Dept. Canary - Dept. AccounLing Date �- I I^�I Blue - Engineer H. L. Holzschuh Green - Contractor 531 City Hall • CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 2 ADMIIVI3TRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described a$ Elevator & Storage Building addition to Riverview Library, 1 E. George St., St. Paul, Minnesota. known as Co�►ttact 1�- 9955 , City Pcoject No. 8808.70, Lovering - Johnson, Inc. ' Contracta, is composed of the following: � 1. Relocation of retaining wall per direction of Architect in field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 210.00 2. Demolition and replacement of concrete slabs at south side of building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,950.00 3. Erection and installation of two building identification signage, one facing George Street & one facing Humboldt. . 8,950.00 4. Install a flood light to illuminate George Street sign . . 790.00 • . $11,900.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Panl, through ita Mayor, approves the foregoing adc�itions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of � 11,900.00 , gaid amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, known as c�tract I�- 9955 , and which amount is to be financed from: C90-3C032-0898-33034 SUMMARY: C89-3T041-0898-32054 Original Contract. . . . . . .$185,887.00 Change Order No. 1 . . . . . . 26,707.00 This Change Order. . . . . . . 11,900.00 Total Contract $224,494.00 A VED AS T FO � Q/ � ��19� LoverinQ - Johnson, Inc. As istant 13 to�ney Contractor ' .�_ 2�; ,�� 19 �� By See Attached Letter • E � ee� q/ � �i 2� 19 er � 19 �� H a of epartme of ' anc �,, _h� �� � , ot ot CO N TY SERVICES A inistrative Assistant to the Mayor /�'� C%9�� ` � � ��162y �as-� DEPARTM[NT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED COMMUNITY SERVICE9 - BIDD �l C� 8/19/91 GREEN SHfET No. 4397 INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSOM d PIiONE DEPApTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Michael Michaud ' 298-4785 � ATTORNEY CITY CLEfiK NUM�ER BE ON COUNCI�AOENDA BY(DA� ROUTNIO �BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.Q MOT.SERVI(�3 DIR. . , 2 Jan Gaster d TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PA�B � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� � 5�1�Cit ZHa � ACTION REQUE8TED: SIGNATURES REQUIR�D FOR CHANGE ORDER PERTAINING TO ELEVATOR AND STORAGE BUILDII3G ADDITION TO RIVERVIEW LIBRARY, 1 E. GEORGE STREET. , ST. PAUL, MN. REOOMMENDATIONB:MPr�W o►�(R) COUNCIL RE�ORT OPTIOI�IAL _PIANNINO�AAMIS810N _�CIWL 8ERVIC:COMMISSION ANALYST PNONE NO. _GB OOMMITTEE _. _,�STAFF COAAMENT8: -����� - C I TY ATTO R N EY SUPPORTS WNldi OalNdl OBJECTiVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISSUE, NITY(Who,WMt,1NMn.WMro.Why): Item No. 1. Incorrect plan was sent to field. 2. Work done by previous contractor was unacceptable, required replacement of concrete slabs. 3. &. 4., The existing building indentification sign is unsitely and should be replaced. �cv�u,rr,�a¢s iF�r�o: Item No. 1. Retaining wall will be placed in correct location. 2. Unacc�eptable work will be corrected and paid for by retainage from previous pro�ect. 3, & 4. New lxuilding indentification signs will be installed at both entry points to the library. Also both signs wiil display open hours information, bootc drop ;location and handicap access information. �"°""�"�'F"�°: ECEIVED Item No:�.:l. , None 2. xone ; SEP 4 1991 3. & 4. None : RE�cIVED C�TY� C�ERK ��G 21 1951 OF�IC� p� pH� DIR� DI$ADVMITA(iE3 IF NOT A�aov��� p�p MAryA�E�� INANCE I�em No: ,1. , �ia�g wall would be located in wrong place and so�i� �n��YkC�.ocks would be e�kposed, and additional concrete slabs would be required. 2. Existing slabs would continue to deteriorate. 3. & 4. Some other from of signage will have to be erected to provide the information to the public. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANMC'AION s 11,900.OO CpgT/REVENUE pUDQETED(GRCLH ONE) rES No �N���� CPL ACJ�Y N��p C90-3C032-0898-33034 FlNAPIGAL INWAMATION:(EXPWNj �QI��"TI'��g�'3� ��,. ntrF ava.i L.