D11620 Whit• — City Clerk G I TY O F ►_�. A I 1\'T ��A U L Pink — Finsne�Oept. Canary— Dept. ()t�'Y'IC;F. ()F THN.' MAY�)R �I I / /�� No: lJ L lJ • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER � _I I _�' Bl'IlGE7'KI;�7tiI0� Date: .��T�ZS�.����)�ER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of �Oflll'Cllln 1 tYServi ce� - Q]V_7���n Of pUh1 i C Heal th to amend the 19�_budget of the Sn2C1 dl RP_VPY111E fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget G HfiAI,Tfi SPBCIAL PBOJBCT FU�iDB 30b-33233-0353 FAMILY PLANHIAG - I,ABOBATaBY SUPPLIB3 31,QOd.00 �5,600,00 36,0OO.OQ 305-33233-0216 FAMILY PLANNING - FBBS - NSDICAL 115,600.00 (35,060.00) �10,600.d0 303-33243-0121 AIDB BCBBBNINC t PBSVBATIOIi - P.T� PBBSONABL �15,604.Q0 ��4,570.00 320,17�.00 306-33243-0352 AIDS SCfl6BNING t P6BVBNTIaN - MBDICAI, 3UPPLIB3 f5,960,00 SS,OOG.00 �10,960,00 305-33243-d439 AIDS SCBBBNING l PBBVBHTION - FBIHGfi 6ENBFITS �16,970,00 �2,850,00 �19,820.00 365-33243-0219 AIDS BCBBSNIAG � PBBVBIITION - FgBS #59,595,00 (�12,420,00) 945,175,00 • ------------ ------------ ----;------- '112,729,00 fO.OG lI12 729,00 WflB&BAS, THfi AID9 P&OG6AM NBBDS SPBNDING AUTBOBITY IN OI21 AAD 0439 FOB T8B INCBBASS C09T OF PBS90ANBL AND FBINGB BBNBFITS AND IA 0332 ROS THB INCBBASBD C6ST OF DBUGS, FAflILY PLAHNING NBBDS AUTHOBITY FOB THB PUBCHASB OF LABO6ATOBY 30PPI,IB9; AND WABBfiAS, T9BBB IS AllTHORITY IN 0215, AND 0219 THAT CAN BB T@ANSFBBRBD TO COYBB TIig3S BYPBN9B3, THBBBFO�B Bfl flBSOLVBD, THAT TAB HAYO& APPSOYBB TAB CBANGB TO T8B 1991 BUDGBT, • ' i Pr par y:Activi Manag Approved by:Ma r Requested by:Department di r � � ��� pe� � I'�I �620 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL ��ya ,`��� � DATE INITIATED Publ i c Heal th GREEN SHEET No. 4���Q� A PERSON 6 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL ath Mohrl and 292-7702 ��� ❑cm�rroRNev �CITY CLERK BE ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTIDKi BUD(3ET DIRECTOR FIN.�MQT.BEFlVICE3 OIR. MAYOR(OR A881STANT) TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� ACiION REQUESTED: Signatures on Administrative Order transferring spending authority .between various Health Special Revenue Funds. � RECOMMENDA710N8:Approvs W a RsJect(iq COUNGL COMMRTEE�ESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PUINNINO COMMISSION _pVIL SERViCE COMMISSION ��Y� PHONE NO. _CIB�MMITTEE _ A U G � 1�7 I O�AMENTS: _BTAFF _ _DI8TRICT COURT — �� SUPPORTS WHICH(�UNpI 08JECTIVE7 INITIATINO PROBLEM�ISBUE.OPPOR'R1NI7Y(Who�WhM�When.Whsro�WhYI. Spending authority is needed in AIDS 0121 nad 0439 for the increased cost of Per�onnel and fringe benefits and in 0352 for drugs. Family Planning needs authority in laboratory supplies There is au�hority in 33233-0215 and 33243-0219 that can be transferred to cover these expense . ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: RECEIVED penses will be paid. SEP __ 31991 CITY CLERK DI&ADVANTAfiE8 IF APPROVEO: ONE . RECEIVED Au� 2� �99� D18ADVANTIK�ES IF NOT APPROVED: xpenses will not be paid. BUUG�r �1�Fr�CE OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i 17,42O C08T/REVENUE BUDQETED(qRCLE ON� YES NO FuNaNa sou� S.pp��a� Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER 33243.33233 FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(DCPWI� dw