D11616 �:?-�--- . ... _ Whit� — City C�trk C I TY O F �A I 1\'T ��A U L Pi�k — Finane�Dept. Cansrv— p�pt- Ul''1''1(il: OF TtIE MAYUR �) I�I� No: • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER p_;�n_/�� BL'Ix,ET ItF,�'ISIO� Date: � JU `1 ��IL�ZS�.����)IZDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of — to amend the 19 budget of the fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Manaqement Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget G flOUSINC PBOCBAHS 001-03226-0111 aOUSItIG INSPBC-CO!lFLAIHTS - FOLL TINB PBBK {�89,116.00 f18,861.06 �507,977,04 001-03227-0111 if�BCHIIiG t BOAEDING BLDG9. FULL TIlIB PB�X �83,992.00 '13,711,OU �97,703.00 001-032Z6-0369 90USINC IN8PBC-CONPLAIATS - OPFICB BUPPLI89 31,071.00 �1,9Z�.06 12,995.06 001-03227-0296 fiHBCgIAG t BOABDIIIG BLDG, - fiBSCHIAC � DBNO. ;1�7,704.50 (�11,695.60) 3136,009�50 601-03228-0219 SNBBPB - FBBB OTHB� �17,820,00 (315,956.00) =1,864.00 OA1-03228-OZZ1 SfiBBFS - POSTAGB ;2,000.00 (;1,000.00) �1,000.06 • OA1-03228-Ot34 Sf(BBPS - lIILBAGS ;2�,000.00 {31,000.00► 323,U00.00 001-03226-0274 80U8IAG I1�9PBC-CO�PLAIAT9 - YBH�BBPAIS =1,9Z4.00 (11,9Z4.00) ;0�00 001-03ZZ6-OZl4 80U8I11G INSPBC-COKPLAINTS - �ICBOFILNIIiG s1,071.00 i�1,071.001 '0,00 001-03226-0294 HOUSIAG IN9PBC,-COKPLAINTS - TBBTIIiG SBBYICB 11,030,00 (;1,030.00) �0,00 001-03226-0815 8aU8ING INSPBC.-001lPLAINTS DB9B8 �675.00 (�670�00) ;105,00 001-03227-0851 f�BBCHINC a BOAEDING BLDG. - BADIO BQUIP �250.00 (f250,U01 =0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ �770,653.50 ;0.00 �910,653.50 ii8B6BA9, THB HOUSINC INSPBC-CONPLAINS9 AAD KBBCHING d BOAgDIAG OF BLDGS. PBOGB6l18 NSBD 9PBIIDINC AUTBOBITY IN PBBSONIISL (0111) F0� PBOKOTIO�S; AND ViHBBBAS, TBBBB IS dUTfi08IlY IN YABIOUS OBJBCT CODBB IN ACTIVITIBS 03Z26, 03227, 1 032ZS THAT CAN BB TBANBFBBBBD TO COYBB T9BSB BYPBNSB3, THBRBFOBB BB SBSOLYBD, TBAT T9B BAYOB APPBOVB8 THB CBANCB TO THB 1991 BUDGBT. • � _ Pr red by: tiv� Manager Approved by:Ma r Requesoed by:Department diroctor Date DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/00UN L al i.1, DATE INITIATED �I ��(� C.S. / public � u' S55�edar 28 1 GREEN SHEET No. 4�087� CONTACT PER80N 8 PHONE pEP/W'fMENT p�pEC'TpR �GTY OOUNCIL �&� CITY ATTORNEY �CIT1f CI.ERK NUTABER FOR BE COUNdL AQENDA BY(DA'TE) ROUTINO DOET aF�CTOR �FlN.d MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. a TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAQES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 8KiNATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: Signatures on Administrative Order transferring spending authority between various Housing Activities. REC)O�AMENDATIONB:Apprars W c►Ry�,K(f� COUNCIL COIAMRTEEIR�ARqI I�PORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMISSION _GVIL SERNICE COMMIS610N _pB OOMMITfEE _ �V'� COMMENT3: _STAFF _ -������ - JUL � � "'�� �omn�ih servke: SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 INITWTIN(i PROBLEM,138UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,Whsn,WMro,Why): Spending authority is being transferred to activities 03226 Housing and 03227 V�recking & Boarding for salary costs. This increase is to cover various promotions in these activities. , There is spending authority in object codes 03228 - fees, mileage, & postage, 03227 Equip & D r�o� and 03226 Veh. repair, microfilming, testing & equip. ADVANTApE3 IF APPROVED: here will be spending authority to cover the cost of the :personnel promoted. RECEiVED DISADVMITACiEB IF APPROVED: J U BUDV�� �r�iVE NONE DIBADVANTAQE3 IF NOT APPROVED: There could be staff who hours would be .reduced or laid - off. RECEIVED AUG 2 9 1991 CITY CLERK OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ��4g6 COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO80URCE�pnPral Fund ACTIVITYNUMBER Various FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) d�