D11614 . . . _ wh�t. - c�tv c�.►k G I TY O F SA I 1\'T ��A U L Pink — Fin�ne�D�Dt. _ CansrY— p�pt. ON'FIGN: OF TH�: MAYUR �I 161� No: • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 13L'Ix,ET�7tii0� Date: `�_�I � Gr8T1tS Ma173g2iri�CLt :���ZS�.����)�ER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of to amend the 19�budget of the fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget CD Year XVII ----------------------- Single Family Rehabilitation P6-100-37712-0589-61273 $605,600.00 ($260,000.00) $345,600.00 Selective Clearance P6-100-37701-0559-61140 _$0_00_ $260,000.00 $260,000.00 Totals ---'°- ------------------- $605,600.00 $0.00 $605,600 00 • � g�� Prepared •A er Approved by:Msyoc Requested by:DepaR df w pate _ 17f 161N . DEPARTM@NT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITUITED Q /' PED-Grants N�.anagement 8-23�91 GREEN �ET No. i74i65 A� CONTACT PERSON d PHONE �DEPARTMENT pRECTOR �CITV�UNCIL Ron Ro s s 32 54 ��a �� ❑aTV�rraar�r �]cm c�eAK T BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE� AOUTWO �BUOOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVK�ES DIR. �MAVOR(OR A8818TANTl � Bob Hamme -14 TOTAL N OF 81QNATURE PAGES �e �1� (CLIP AL�LOCATIONS F�OR SKiNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Approval of the attached budget revision. ' RECOMMENDATIONB:APP�'�IN a�1� ) COUNCIL AEPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINQ COMMI8810N _qVll BEFiVICS COMM18$ION ANALY8T PHONE NO. _pB OOMMITiEE _ _BTAFF _ COMMENT8: _DISTRIC'T COURT _ SUPPORTS WFIICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISBUE.OPPORTUNITY(YVIa�Nrtut�NIM���Nhe►��MThy). HUD has requested that selective clearance, which has been part of the Single Family Rehab Program, have a seperate activity nu�ber so the acquisition � expenditures can be differentiated from the rehabilitation expenditures. This revision will move funds into selective clearance. ADVANTAOES IF APP�VED: Ftmding will be available for selective clearance activities. DISADVANTAQE8 IF APPROVED: � None. RECEIVED A�� 2'� 1991 � OfFICE D18ADVANTAGEB IF NOT APPROVED: There will be no funding for selective clearance,' RECEIVED RU� 2 9 1991 CITY CLER14 OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i 26O�OOO.OO CQST/REV@NUE ellDOETED(dRCLE ONE)J YES/ NO L.../ �N��� CDBG Xear 17 ACTIVITY NUMBER P6�-100-47701�-.0559-6114� FlNANCIAL INFORMATI�1:(EXPLAII� dw