D11610 wn�t. - c�tv c�..k G I TY O F SA I 1`'T ��A U L Pi�k — Finane�O�pt. ' Can�rY— O�Pt. - O1''!'IGF. OF Tfil: MAYOR �I �/ lo PED-Director's Office �� � Grants Management NO' • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Q i3l'IX�EI'ItF,�'ISIOX Date: v-� �I :���ZS�.����)�ER,Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the req�te�s t of the Director of the Dep�rtment of •:�],p*++*�*+* to amend the 19 yU budget of the Co�unity Deve opmen oc ran fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the fol�owing manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget CD Year XV � ----------------------------------- Neighborhood Partnership Program P6-100-39505-0547-61225 _ $75,000.00 ($24,686.96) $50,313.04 P6-100-39512-0547-61225 $94,313.04 ($94,313.04) $0.00 Wabasha Initiative Rental Rehab (NPP) $0.00 $100,000.00 P6-100-39512-0547-61389 $100,000.00 West 7th Health Center (NPP) P6-100-39512-0547-61390 $0.00 $19,000.00 $19,000.00 ------------------------$---- 169 313 04 Totals '°------------- $169,313.04 0.00 $ � , • . � $/�,��, " �� Pre r by: ti e Approved by: Requested by:Depert di[ecto► - pate DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL I DATE INITIATED V I ��I O PED Director's Office � 8/20/91 GREEN ET No. 8�}i���� CONTACT PER80N 8 PFIONE �D�ARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNqI ROII ROSS x3254 �� �,,,,�,,�,, ��y�ERK 8T 8E ON COUNpL A(�ENOA BY(DATE) pOUTINO �BUDOET aRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. N/A �tiu►ron�on�ssisrMm [� y� TOTAL N OF 81QNATUR�e PA�iES (�IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Approval of the attached Administrative Order/Budget Revision will allow the implementation of the Wabasha Initiative Rental Rehab Neighborhood Partnership Program Pro�ect. It also authorizes the implementation of the West 7th Health Center NPP. p���n7toN8:�ov►a+�(�U a►'�(R) COUNC� REPORT NAL _PLANNINO COAMYN8S�N __dVll�RVI�COMMISSION ANALYST PNONE NO. —pB OOMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ �MENTB: —���� _ au� 2 s �991 3UPPORTS WHICH OOUNGL OBJECT1yE9 C� fNITIATINO PR08t.EM�ISSUE�OPPORIUNITY(Who.VYhet.WMn.YVhsro�Wh»: . The Wabasha Initiative Rental Rehab NPP pro3ect was approved as part of the 12th cycle NPP process. The West 7th Health Center project was also approved as part of this proces . The A.�O. transfers the approved funds into the proper expenditure codes. �vaarnoES��aovEo- Both pro�ects will be able to be implmented. as�ov�r�u�s�u+r�oveo: None DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: � Thw Wabasha NPP and the West 7th Health Center NPP will not be able to be implmented. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : �1`9�OOO.00 COfT/REVENU!ot1D0ETED(CIRCL.E ONE) YEd NO Fw�DINa�uR�Community Development Block Grant ��,��� P�-180-395IZ-S547-b�390 FlMI1P1(�Al INF�iAAATION:(EXPL.AII� d�,