D11594 _ � - ___ —_ -- .� T r _ -- - _ White - City Clerk No. � ( I �-1 " � Pink - F3nance Dept. _ I��n I Canary - Dept. Accounting Date ��� Blue - Engineer Green - Contractor • CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 4 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as M�'SHALL-H�1Nff.INE SEWER � PAVING PROJECT , ctivity #2g070 Austin P. Keller Construction Co. known as� , City Project No. - - , , Contracta, is canposed of the following: Disposal of contaminated soils� encountered in Albert Street near Marshall Avenue. Tom Eilen $ Sons - Trucking $ 2,712.00 C.S. McCrossan, Inc. - Soil Treatment/Disposal $35,747.20 Bay West, Inc. - Environmental Services $ 5,711.49 Austin P. Keller Constructian - Ma.terial, Labor, Equip- $25,839.27 ment � TOTAL $70,009.96 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing ad&itions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of $ �0,009.96 , $aid amount to be added to the lump sum con- � Activit #2g070 sideration named in the contract, known asx�L� . and which amount is to be financed from: 1989 CSSP Ftmding APPROVED AS TO FORM 19 Gt ti�, � �/ �/L �bti 5 T. C�o • Assista ity Attorney Contractor ��19 `�� By • 'n er � � ��_ 19�. Q,,Q•1�� nee ep nt 7 Z ls �1 D'uector of v istant he Mayor �� rl)� ' rr t I 2 4 � DEPf.ATMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL TE INI H � �,bi�wo�s �/s/9i GREEN SHEET No. � 7� INITIAWATE CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE CITY COUNCIL Larry Lueth/Bruce Elder 292-6113 N�BERFOR CITYATTORNEY �anraEwc T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DAT� ROUTING ET DIRECTOR FIN.b M(iT.SERVICES DIR ORDER �YOR(ORASSISTAN'T) Larry Lueth 2�0 K e�g TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3 (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE�Q�������rtZ ACTION REWESTEO Approval of Contract Change Agreements#3&#4 providing compensation for extra worfc required to complete the projed. MARSHALL-HAMLINE SEWER SEPARATION City Project No.89-S-8005 8�89-P-8021 Contractor. Austin P.Keller Construction Company PFC:OMMENOATIONS:Approve(ly a pyx:t(F� CWNGI COM REPORT OPTIONA _PLANNIN(�COMMISSION _CIV�SERVK:ECOMMISSION ANAL1'ST PHONENO. _CIB COMMITiEE — �MENTS _sT� = J�L 19 1991 T����� _o���T���� ��TY AT SUPPORTSWHK�ICOUNCILOBJECTNE? 0�'r'IE;C. UF THE DfRECTOR "'`- `•:?=�'��NT OF FINANCE INITIATINCiPROBLEM.�ssu�.o�oRTUrim�w►�o,wFUT.w►�N.w►�EaE.'w�:���H��Ni.u_ S RVICES� Change Agreemerrt#3: Misceilaneous materials and labor made necessary by uTiforeseen conditions. Change Agreemerrt#4:TreatmeM and disposal of petroleum-coMaminated soils encountered in Albert Street. (Soii disposition per Minnesota Pollution Control Agency permit.) . ` ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Mractor and subc:orrtractors are fairly compensated for work performed at the request of the Engineer. Said work being essary for the timely completion of the project. RECEIVED ` DISADVM(TkOES IF APPROVED: q 1 No disadvarrtages foreseen. ,uL 1 $ 19 MAYOR'S Of�ICE ` OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Contractor and subcorrtractors will not be compensated for services rendered. RECEIVED AU G 16 1991 � C1TY CLERK AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i 88�470'� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES No wNaNO souRCe 1989 CSSP Acmnrr NUMBER�9-2T622-0784-29070 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:IEXPUINI �Ul