D11584 wn�t• - c��Y Clerk (j I T Y O F ►.S A I N T ��A U L Pinka — Fi.�t�t�Dept. C�ns►Y— O�Pt. OFFIGF OF THE MAYOR �I I ��� No: ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER �_n _n I Date: �� �� • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of that certain contract known as Activity No. 29001 for SEVENTH-OrI'TO STORM SEWER �PAVING City Project No. 90-5-8060 F 9D-P- 0 , ar utson, nc. Contractor, the speeified date of completion is ays an ays and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of completion because (See Attached) � and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to (See Attached) and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does not waive claim for liquidated damages on this pro3ect. R+sason and completion date varies for each block. For a detailed explanation, see attached. • APPROVE AS TO FORM • � ._.-,� -�� `� � . Assista C' y A to Department /� �J�i � \ • Date ' Administrative Assistant to Mayor � a „�► 'Di I5$4 P„bli�vo�n��c °lC� ,�s�� GREEN SHEET No. 8268 �,��.� ,� �,a►,� naniel A.Haak 2n-6112 � C�3�'"""°�•�•wea p cm cou�a. r+ur�n Fon Q cmr�rroa�r � cm c�wc ra�ee aa couNC�.�r�►er ca► � �euoc�r owec�roa 0 Fw a Mor. aa �MAYOR�R A8818 Q �,yry�� AL ! OF SK3NATURE P�GES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCA710Nt WN lIONATUi� ��u�� ��'�� �crioH Ext�d the contract"30-day"and"6aday"camp1etion date fa seveaal blocks. SEVENTH-0TPO STdRM SEWER 8c PAVIl�TG City Project No.90-P-8060 8�90-P-8045 ContrACtor: Knutson Canauuction Compeny �ooMMENOnrqr�s�vw�t�f«�d l�► PERSONAL sERVICE CONTRACT'd IIUST IWSwER TNE FOLLOMIINO _PI.At�N�M10 tbAAM18810N_CNL.BERVK:E COMMI8810N t. H�a thirpwwNflrm n+sr walwd under a aorw�act la tlds d�p�rtrmnt? qBCOMMRTEE YE8 NO /� �+ STAFF 2. Flas tl�s pweorvikm w�er been a dly�mploy�a9 ~�U 2 il,�' — — YEg Np � _ DIBTtiICT ootN�C� 9. Do�tl�is p�nonAlrm posMSS a sldN roc�r poweaed by� /�p1�2 _ SUPPORTB WHK)H COI�ICN.OBJECTNEI YES NO �I�� �Vi 1��EV ���.����������� NI'MTNrG PROBLQrI.�.OPPORTUtNM(WHO.YYFIAT.WI�EN.WHEiE.WF11�: Due to circumstances beyond the Contractar's control,as noted a�dze attaclunent,the Contractor was unable to caaplete d�e wark within the"30-day"and"60-day"roq�irements fa several bbcks. On severel otha blocks,d�e�could have comp�e�ed the wo�k within t1�e"30-day"limitation and he�S being charged 57,000 in licgiidated damages. L'c I�/E� NL� � j991 �p��`Jr,;-� (!i' r ADVANTA(�ES�APPROVED: • � T U� Q E ill provic�e tinu ac�on wh�re justif'led and will charge liquidated damages�����il�p�����ed IGES DIBAWANTAtiEB F APPROVED: The Contracto�will be cha�ged liquidated damages fa worlc extendiag past the"30-day"�d"60-day"limi���so�ne stre�ts. Howeva, as shown on the attachment,the Contractor h�d a valid reason fa noa�anpkdon in some�eas. DISADVANTA(�S�NOT A�ROYED: Liquidat�aid damages would be¢harged to the Contcacwr f�blocks tliaat he has a valid reason for a tinie exte�sion. This would most likely result in a�gal dispute. RECEIVED auc o s �991 CITY�CLERK AL AYOUNT OF TRANSACTION = N/A COST/REVENUE BUDGETED {CIRGLE dNE) YES NO FUNDINO sO�JRCE ACTIYiT1f NUMBER C40-2T623-0784-29091 FIPIAI�IAL�ORMATqN:(EI�LANq dw