D11571 White • - City�Clerk No, D � ' � + � Pink - Finance Dept. O�� � I Canary - Dept. Accounting Date 0 Slue - Engineer Green - Contractor • CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0.�_ ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as A traffic control signai svstem at the i nterGC�c-�ti nn nf Arr�arla �+:_ and Seeger Square Entrance/Exit. , Act '��_ 28 y � 90-T-1241 , Peoples Electrical Contractors known as _Q�5, Cit Pro'ect No. , Contracta, is canposed of the following: Additional work, not shown in the contract and necessary for contract completion described as follows: Add two overhead signals (pole 2,4) and repair/ modify ped. pole heads (pole 3) . $2,440.00 Install temporary bituminous sidewalk 590.00 TOTAL$3,030.00 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Maya, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cadance with the specifications in the sum of � 3.0 3 0.0 0 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- � Acti t 2g025 sideratian named in the contract, known as��adx , and which amourrt is to be financed from: Log S-6621; Page D-110 C90-2T822-0784-28025 APP VED AS TO OR ' �'�9� ' C i I�AC ssistant Ci orne C ontractor • 7-�o-9/ • ��19� By • Engineer . 19 Chi ngineer Head of e rtment of Finan � �19� Director of Adm' rative Aasistant to t ayor �O 17115� I DEPA IL I Pubiic Works - Traffic Engineering ���91 GREEN SHEET NO. 10035 c:onrrncT�r�a P►a� ge� �►� — n�mr�uonre ��� Mike Kotita 292-7863 ��"�� �m�� ��� r eE oN co�ca�o�►er�a►Tq �NO UDOET DIi�CTOH Fx�.a�:�RV�s aa. MAVOR(WiASSISTANn TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAQES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� /�c��C 7 Ii� 41 �cnoN aEa�st�o Approve the attached Administrative Order for Contract Change Agreement No. 1: Traffic Signal at Arcade St. and Seeger Square. Contractor: People's Electrical Contractors I�A :MD�IN a�(Rl PERSONAL SERVK�CONTRACfs UUST AIiSWEA THE FOLLOWING CtJEBTIONS: _PLANrowa coMMlBS�oa _Cnr�seRVK�E coMM�ssIW�► �. �s eas persanrnrm eva wor�c.d undw a corr�racc tor u,�a deParonenc� _CB Co1AMtT7EE _ YES NO �gT� _ 2. He81Fds pers0►Vfiml lver bean 9 dty Ympbye�? _����� YES NO — 3. Does tl�iss paraon/ikm possoss a dttll not normaYy possad by�y anant dty employe�? BUPPORTSWFxCF1O0lkIC��,1ECrnE9 YES NO NeighbOrhoods exr�.0 r...�.w...�..p.►.e..r+�.�e�to�,�w� MIITIATqVCi PROBLEM�ISSUE,OPPOR7t1N (WFlO.VYHAT�WHEN.YYHERE.WHY): Additional work, not shown in the contract and necessary for project comp'letion. (See Attached Administrative Order). RF�c RECEIVED Jt,, �vFO J U L 2 5 1991 ANTACiEB�APPtiOVEO: / '� �F'°,q`�a�� ` �y.�, C I 1�Y N��TO R N�EY ity will pay for work actually performec��M�A����r����R , . Ct� �C; '�'�s�:�►r��'�4�,�R ���'� RECEtVED "��r�s J��' '� �991 AUG 1 1991 M�Y���OFfiCE D13ADVANTA(iE8 F APPF�VED: CITY CLERK None DISADVIWTALiES�NOT APPROVED: Contract cannot be finalized. ����������= 3,030.00 CpgT/qEVENUE BUDGETED(qRCLE ONE1 rES No �,��,� Log S-6621; Page D-110 ACITVRY NUMBER C90-2T822-0784-28025 FRrANCU1LINFOWrtATION:(EXPIJ1tN) Original CorrtraCt: $43,050.00 �w Change Order No. 1: 3.030.00