D11570 V�hite ='City Clerk No. 0� '�'���'=" Pink - Finance Dept. p� Q Canary - Dept. Accounting Date D �I� 7 � Blue - Engineer Green - Contractor • CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Wheteas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as remove existing clay tile and install new clay tile roof system on the Central Library & James J. Hill Library, 90 W. 4th St. , St. Paul, Mn. 55102 , known as Contract �-009631, City Project No. 8936.00 , Curran V. Nielsen Co. , Inc. , Contracta, is composed ot the following: Additional work and precautions taken to prevent asbestos fibers from becoming airborne. See attached letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000.00 This amount is to be split, two-thirds for Central Library $16,668.00 and one-third for Hill Library $8,332.00. The Contract time shall be increased to 100 days. • ORDERED, That the City oi Saint Paul, through its Maya, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cadance with the specif�cations in the sum of � 25,000.00 , $aid amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the c�tract, known as contract I� ��9��1 , and which amount is to be financed from: C89 3R012-0898-33048 SUNINIARY: Original Contract. . . . . . . . .$433,500.00 This Change Order. . . . . . . . . 25,000.00 Total Contract Amount $458,500.00 D AS T FORM 1-z y 19� Curran V. Nielsen Co. , Inc. Assiatant�ty �ttor ey Contractor . _ � ZZ �L 19� By ee attached signed letter neet � � . Y �s" �9.�. c� l Chief En n He d o f tme o f Fin ce ����� � � 19_L �tp�t of Community Services Mayor �r �`�$ --� -�o �.���n y ,���.�.y— :� � _ o- i�s? 3 OEPARTM[NT�FFlCE/OOUNGL DATE INITIATED corn�z� SERVICES BIDD 5/15/91 GREEN SHEET No. 939 CONTACT PERSOPI 6 PHONE . INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CiTY COUNqL � H. L. Holzschuh 298-4785 - �� GTY ATfORNEV �cm c��uc .- 8E ON OOUNpL A(iENDA BY(DAtE) ROUTINO �BUDOET WRECTOR FIN.�MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSIBTAN'n g H.L. Holzschuh TOTAL N OF SK,SNATURE PAt#E8 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATWRE) ty a ACT10N RECUE$TED: Signatures Required on Change Order No. i JUL 1 8 1991 Central Library and Hill Library Roof Replacement 90 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Mn. 55102 RECOMMENDA :ADWw+(�)a R�x(F� COUNqL COMMITT REPORT OPTIONAL ` _PLANNINO COMMI8810N _GVII SERVI�COMMISSION ANALY3T PMONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ ��� _ COMMENT8: I VED _DIS7pIC'T OOURT _ $���,�«,���� JUL 2 3 1991 inm�nr��M,�,oP�TUNm�wrw,whe�,wn«,,wMre,�,,,,: C I TY QTrn V Asbestos fibers pulled thru moisture protection while removing tile and'�3bdd''��Is. Work procedures and precautions were set up to protect the workers and prevent asbestos fibers from becoming airborne. AOVANTA(iES IF AP�iOVED: The workers and the environment will be protected by having a third-party asbestos testing agency set up procedures for tile removal and establish a base line on asbestos fiber release. This is an EPA requirement. �� RECcIVED JU� 3 p �g� J�L 2 5 1991 DISADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: �1� �'�' ��[ OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENl'OF FINANCE NONE �•Nl7 MANAGEMENT SERVICES RECEIVED . ,��1� 3 0 1991 °'�"°""'''T"°�'F"°T"�°: CITY CLERK The possiblity of the EPA and/or the construction workers question the possible release of asbestos fibers and putting them in peril. Increase the possibility of a law-suit resulting from the unknown condition. TAl�ouerr oF��cTaN = 25,OOO.00 cos�rn�evENUE su�o�D(G� YES r�o � 3(�v/�-- �N��� CPL ���y N��p C89-kR6�0898-33048 FlNANdAI INFORMATION:(EXPL.AII� ��