98-69ORlGlNA� Presented By Referred To zo Council File # � � Green Sheet # V�,� a.. RESOWTION � OF S�I�jfT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Auto Repair Garage license (License ID #: 96883) held by Lewis Stevens d/b/a Civic Center Auto Service for the premises located at 459 Toronto Sireet is hereby suspended immediately for failure to pay 1997-981icense fees, and said suspension sha11 be in effect until such time as the license fees and any late charges have been paid in full and written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspecfions and Environmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above aze based upon the facts contained in the August 25, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the September 9, 19971etter to the licensee confirming that no payments had been received, and such azguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. Requested 6y Department of: � � � / �� Fozm Approved by City Attorn� \ By: _ � d Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � Approved by Mayor: By: Sy: Adopted by Cossncil: Date qqQ� Adoption Certified by Counc Secretar� 9 d� -�9 GREEN SHEET x�y .�ae�on TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �.,,�,�.��.e. No 62192 ❑ �.,,�, ❑ �� ^ ❑.,WIp,�,ErtVICF.OYt. ❑NIYItlfLfER1'„ICCf� ❑wmR(ulAa�rAxr) � (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning Auto Repair Garage License held by Lewis Stevens, dba Civic Center Auto Repair, 459 Toronto Street, for failure to pay 1997-98 license fees. PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SOURCE Has this persa�m� ever warlcetl under a conVact far this depaAmeM'7 YES NO Has this DeBONR'm ever been a cilY emPbYee? YES NO Does this peisoNfirm poase� a sidll twt rwrmallypocsessetl Dy any curreM city employeeT YES NO Is this pe1soNfim� a tarpetetl vendaY7 . YES NO GOST%REVplUE BUDfiETED (qRCLE ON� ACTIVITYNUMBER YES NO WFORMATON (IXPWNj CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayos January 6, 1998 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY PegBirlS CiryArlorney � v �`G 0 1 Cl��ll Dlvixfon 4QOCiryNa!! Tetephone:612266-8710 15Wes1KelloggBlvd Focrimi1e:672298-5679 Saint Pavl, Minnesom 55101 NOTICE OF RE-SCHEDULED COUNCIL IiEARING Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto 459 Toronto Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Auto Repair Garage License heid by Lewis Stevens, d/b/a Civic Center Auto Repair for the premises located at 459 Toronto Street in St. Paul License Number: 96883 Our File Number: G97-0416 Deaz Mr. Stevens: The public hearing which had been scheduled for October 22, 1997, has now been re-scheduled to 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 28,1998. The hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. This hearing, as you recail, is to determine the appropriate penalty based upon the failure to pay your 1997-98 license fees. Enciosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for theu consideration. You will be given an opportunity to present oral or written remazks regarding what penalty, if any, will be imposed. The recommendation of the licensing o�ce will be for the unmediate suspension of your auto repair garage license until all license and late fees are paid in full and written notice of the lifring of the suspension has been provided by the licensing office. °14 � � Lewis Stevens January 6, 1998 Page 2 If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � J ��.-,�ti Virgim�r Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, D'uector, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Betty Moran, Community Organizer, West Seventh/Fort Road Federation, 974 West Seventh St., St. Paul, MN 55102 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING g�"�`� Licensee Name: Lewis Stevens d/b/a Civic Center Auto Service Address: 459 Toronto Street Council Hearing Date: January 28, 1998 Violations: Unpaid License Fee 1997-1998 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmenta{ Protection: Immediate Suspension of License Until License and Late Fees Paid in Full and Notification of Lifting of Suspension Provided by License Office Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. 919/97 letter form City Attorney's Office 3. 9/8/97 note from licensee 4. $/25/97 Notice of Violation 5. License information 6. 7/8/97 letter from Licensing office OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Peg Bir/4 Ciry Attorney CITY OF SAIl�IT PAUL Norm Colema2 Mayor crva nNU,o„ 400 Ciry Hall IS West Ke/logg Blvd Saint Pau{ Mmnesom 55101 q�-�9 Telephone: 671166-8710 Facsunile: 611198-5679 September 9, 1997 Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto 459 Toronto Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Auto Repair Garage Center Auto Repair License # 96883 Dear Mr. Stevens: License held by Lewis Stevens, d/b/a Civic I received the Notice of Violation dated August 25, 1997 which I sent you along with a nete in which you indicate that you paid the 1997 license fees on July 31, 1997 and called me afterwards. T have not spoken to you regarding your license fees this year, and have not received any messages from you regarding your fees. I spoke to Christine Rozek, at the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, who did speak to you and informs me that you stated that you had mailed the fees. We have no record of having received a check or money order for the fees. I am aware that last year you did send the fees, and the money order was misplaced. However, neither the LIEP o£fice nor this office recall having seen any check for the current fees, so I will need information from you regarding how you made payment and to whom it was mailed. Sincerely, lSi Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP �t � - � � r s ; � Civic Center Auto 459 Toronto St. Paul, MN 55102 (612) 224-4861 �-r'l.� �� ��G-LGct�cu //O, �CSI�I3 J ! , CL� �? G� �itt� G 72 ��2�/ ! � � . � i '7 -l� �iI12-usr�l/ !lf y7G,�-o � - �i �'J ��„ � � �e� . � � � � �� �.� � E e � �. d CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co%man. Mayor August 25, 1997 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto Service 459 Toronto Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 OFFIC` 7F 7'F� CITY ATTORNEY Peg B'vi;,'_iry Attorney Civil Division 400 Ciry HaA !S West KelJogg Blvd Saint Pau� Mmnesom 55101 � 9dr-G°I Tekphone: 612 266-871 p Facsimik: 672 198-5619 RE: Auto Repair Garage License held by Lewis Stevens, d/b/a Civic Center Auto Repair License #: 96883 Dear Mr. Stevens: The .Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against the auto repair garage license held by you at the above-named premises. This recommendation is based on the following information: Licease fees were due for the 1997-98 license period by Jaauary 21, 1997, ia the amouat of Three Huadred and Seveateen Dollars ($317.00). Because the fee was aot paid oa time, there is also a late penalty due. As of August 25, 1997, those fees have not been paid. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter stating that they are true so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate penalty. You will have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administr�tive law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice o£' hearing with the date, time and place of the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. . : -.� � ""_' _ \ 0 � le -1. "'_ ' Please.le�_me know in writing no later than Friday, September 5, 1997 how you wish to proceed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are aot contestiag that the license fees have aot beea paid aad will schedule the matter for the hearing in front of City Council. Sincerely, � ��� Virgi ' Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kristina Schweinler ��- cq STATE Ofi MII3NESOTA ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF FtAMSEY JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on August 26, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto Service 459 ToYOnto Street St. Paul, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of August, 1997. i_� / L..� - � . �. � � RITA M. BOSSARD Z � � NOTARYPUBLIC-M1hNES0TA S . � RAMSEY COUN'fY � t�yC«nrri. �res,�ar�. ai, z000 a i Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address.................. Zip...... ............... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ...... .......... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 96883 AC STEVENS, LEWIS 459 TORONTO ST 55102 _ CSVIC CENTER AI3T0 SERVICE AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/21/97 � � �� `� INSP CHANGE FROM 02 TO O1 ON 4/09/92 2j7/95 - CHECK FOR LIC PAYMENT RETURNED NSF - LP.B 1/4/96 - PAID COLLECTION AGE23CY FOR BAD CHECK - 7.AR 7/1/96 - CHECK FOR LIC PAYMENI' RETURNED NSF - LP.B 1/15/97 - PAID BAD CHECK & COLL. AGENCY FEES - LAB 7/9/97 - SENT LETTER RE: DELINQUENT LIC FEE ($476. TO BE PAID IN CASH OR MONEY ORDER BY 7/30/97) - T.➢R 5725487 224-4881 CITY OF SAL'�'I' PAUL !.'arm Coleman,Afayvr July S, 1997 ot�cs oF uc�s�, r: ;�scno�s a�n �\l'IRO\3SE,\TAL PR. . -Ct70.`�' RobenKesrler,Direcres !AN RFPROFFSSTOA:9L BUIIDING Swte 300 330 St Pera Sneu SainrPauC Minnetoto 55101•1 S10 ,���L 1;� l9?7 Le��is Stevens Civic Cerner Auto Service 459 Toroato Street Saint Pau� ?vL�t 55102 RE: License ID n95883 Dear Mr. Ste��ens: �1 Telephcne: 61I-26b9090 Fctsimik: 612-16b9099 612-7 6 6 91 24 [ (� , Y , E L � • ` � � : �.:c r: % v � � r. �; �4 € �, � 4 �Z� i 1'�f�! I'he attached resolution number 97-677 u�as approved by the Saint Paul Ciry Council cn June 4, 1997. This resolution directs the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection to t2ke no action regarding unpaid license fees for 1996-1997 because the fees were paid in full on January 8, 1997., However, the license fees for 459 Toronto remain delinquent for 1997-1998. Renewal fees were due January 21, 1997 in the unount of 5317.00. Delinquent fees have now been added at the rate of 10 percent per momh so that the total now due is $476.00 ('invoice enclosed). This amount must be paid in full in cash or with a money order no later than July 30, 1997, or this matter a�ill again be sent to the City Attomey's O�ce for adverse action. � If you have any questions, please contact me at 266-9108 during normal office hours. Sincerely, l�`� Christine Rozek Deputy Director CR/1b . � � cc: Commander John Stumer, SPPD-Cenval District Robert Kessler, L?irector-LIEP Peter Pangborq Legal Assistznt LICENSE RENEWAL INVOICE COMPLETE OTHER SIDE OFTHISPORTION .4ND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT State Taz I.D. �/: 5725487 LEWIS STEVENS CIVIC CENTER AUTO SERVICB 459 TORONTO ST ` ST. PAUL, MAi SS1ffL i License C%v3e License 1Qame 2124 AUTO REPAIIt GARAGE - i � � s � � � � ;, � � � a z � � License I.D. // 968E REMtT To: CIT�' OF SAIIdT PAUL p OfSce of Lioeaee. Inspectiom � y ` \ a� Eavimnmental Protectioa 370 � Awer S. Set300 s.m wa. n+'�a. mox - (619�9DSo License Fxpiration Aate: OL21l5 Payment Due Date: 0112LS I.ate Fee : 159.t Total Amount Due: $476.( n t ocr Unita � e e e $317.00 01 $317.0 == - - *96883* :.:_ - - - � - -- - __. . � .... = °�.:; _ _ __ r r'_ ���s< ��a�� ...- .. - :.__ ;�-_..o ..�..,,�,..r„i�n ur wvRKt.RS COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA S7ATUTE §176.782 I hereby ceitify that I, oz my company, am in compliance wit� y�e workeis' camgensacan insurance coverage nquiremenu of Minnesora stay §376.182, subdivisioa 2, I also undetstand ihat provis➢on of filse iafmmaGOn in this certi5cation constitutes sufHcie�# gounda for advux a� all licenus held, including revocaton aad suspeation of said liceasa. . . _.. . Name of Insurance Company: - - . . . Policy Numbet • Cwerage from tp I have ao employea covered unda worYas' compensation insuraace . ��`�� Licensee / applicant signature (REQLIIRED for all reaewaLt) PAI'11�NT CAN 1�OW BE !VIADE BY CRIDTT CARD::I * ��� t � * �: r �**:k********r*�xs**t*�sms+ts�*�*tsssa�s:ks*s�a�**m***a��:k�sa:**:x***ss�r*****� * � *y:** ,� *** ,�� *** �� :* ��� * �� ***r *x�m**sx**ss**srs*x****sssss*a�s:s*s*�:**�:x�**x�x�x�*s*xx��a�**s��x*+xix*�:�x:�� * �� a �� xr IF PAYIIQG BY CREDTT CARD PLEASE COD�T.ETE THE FOLLOR�vG INFORMATION: � 1VlasterCard ❑� EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOI7I3'T NLTMBER: ❑�/0❑ ❑��❑ ❑00❑ ❑OC]❑ ❑L7( Name of Cardho7der (please priat) Signature of Ca� Holder(requiced for atl charges) Daze Daw DETACH HERE AI�'D MAII, TgIS ppRTION R'ITH YOIIR PAI'MENT LICENSE RENEWAL IIWOICE CITY OF SAINT PAiTI . _ _ _ KEEP TBIS Pl1RTlON POR YOUR RECORDS _ . _ _ _ _ _ . �� of Liceaae, Inspmyons - ind Eaviromnent.! P.otxeion a+os �mr a s:r 3ao s.mnutAr�,� ss�m (61A?b6509D � I�te Fee ; 159.00 Total Payme� Due: 5476.OU T,c e Licsn.aeName 2124 AUTO REPAIIt GARAGE - I.icense,I.D.,�: gb Zic.ense Expiration Date: Ol/27 PaYme� 11ue Date: OL27 ;t � 5317.00 �IIi� �rl�y,4ti O1 S317 N.FASE II.'FORM US TN RR7TINC IF YOU HAVE GONE OVf OF BUSINESS OR IF M'Y OT T8E ABpVE WFORMATJON HqS CHANGID SIS.00 Cxwnoe pOR Rennv:pa qfpnca L1TE FFES MAY BE CHARGID ff PAYA�hNT IS N07 RECSNED gy 7}�E DUE DATP Accounts Receivable Ugdate Screen °l� - �9 Date: Sep License ID: 96883 Trn: 1=New 2=Trans Owner 3=Add1.. 4=Trans Loc D.B.A.: CIVIC CENTER AUTO SERVICE Lic.Ex.Dt: 012197 Bus-Name: STEVENS LEWIS Min.Tax.Id: 5725487 Bus-Address: 459 TORONTO ST ST. PAUL 55102 Ho1d.Date: P i � � � b � � Code Unit Lic.Amt Fee Paid Ptd Trn License Description 1:2124 O1 317.00 0 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE 2: — 3: — — 4: — — . For all Amount, enter "22.22" for "$22.22" License: i First Invoice Last Payment Additional Appl Fee: Date:112296 Date: Fire: 1 Penalty Fee: $159.09 Pen 1:081897 Total Amount Due: $476.00 Add 2:071597 Lic. Printed Zoning: t Total Amount Paid: $0.00 Dt: 3:061697 On: 1:061196 Food: ( Computed Amt.Due: $476.00 4:051597 2:012495 Data entered will update AfR file and license information on BUS.LIC.FILE onl} Payments for CIVIC CENTER AUTO SERVICE DATE LIC qe�-�°I PAID .... CODE LIC.NAME ........................... AMOIJNT.... PAY.TYPE -nn' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' l0i 11. 06/11/96 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE _. . 06/11/96 6499 PENALTY FEE O1J24/95 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE 02/15/94 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE 02/05/93 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1j24/92 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/22/91 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/23/90 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1J23/90 4098 APPLICATION FEE - DISC. 1/2/91 O1/23/89 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/23/89 4098 APPLICATION FEE - DISC. 1/2/91 $317.00 CHECR � $32.00 CHECR, $317.00 ��� $290.00 $290.00 ��q�OI $128.00 $128.00 $128.25 $2.50 $120.00 $2.50 S - Select ss C - Clear ss ss can be number, range, ALL or VISIBLE - Q - Quit "^ - Refresh ? - Help on SHOW [Page=1] [Selected=0] (Last) --> i Y �t f r o I q, � a-� Y � f�. eU — 15 ��� s ; ORlGlNA� Presented By Referred To zo Council File # � � Green Sheet # V�,� a.. RESOWTION � OF S�I�jfT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Auto Repair Garage license (License ID #: 96883) held by Lewis Stevens d/b/a Civic Center Auto Service for the premises located at 459 Toronto Sireet is hereby suspended immediately for failure to pay 1997-981icense fees, and said suspension sha11 be in effect until such time as the license fees and any late charges have been paid in full and written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspecfions and Environmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above aze based upon the facts contained in the August 25, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the September 9, 19971etter to the licensee confirming that no payments had been received, and such azguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. Requested 6y Department of: � � � / �� Fozm Approved by City Attorn� \ By: _ � d Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � Approved by Mayor: By: Sy: Adopted by Cossncil: Date qqQ� Adoption Certified by Counc Secretar� 9 d� -�9 GREEN SHEET x�y .�ae�on TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �.,,�,�.��.e. No 62192 ❑ �.,,�, ❑ �� ^ ❑.,WIp,�,ErtVICF.OYt. ❑NIYItlfLfER1'„ICCf� ❑wmR(ulAa�rAxr) � (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning Auto Repair Garage License held by Lewis Stevens, dba Civic Center Auto Repair, 459 Toronto Street, for failure to pay 1997-98 license fees. PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SOURCE Has this persa�m� ever warlcetl under a conVact far this depaAmeM'7 YES NO Has this DeBONR'm ever been a cilY emPbYee? YES NO Does this peisoNfirm poase� a sidll twt rwrmallypocsessetl Dy any curreM city employeeT YES NO Is this pe1soNfim� a tarpetetl vendaY7 . YES NO GOST%REVplUE BUDfiETED (qRCLE ON� ACTIVITYNUMBER YES NO WFORMATON (IXPWNj CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayos January 6, 1998 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY PegBirlS CiryArlorney � v �`G 0 1 Cl��ll Dlvixfon 4QOCiryNa!! Tetephone:612266-8710 15Wes1KelloggBlvd Focrimi1e:672298-5679 Saint Pavl, Minnesom 55101 NOTICE OF RE-SCHEDULED COUNCIL IiEARING Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto 459 Toronto Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Auto Repair Garage License heid by Lewis Stevens, d/b/a Civic Center Auto Repair for the premises located at 459 Toronto Street in St. Paul License Number: 96883 Our File Number: G97-0416 Deaz Mr. Stevens: The public hearing which had been scheduled for October 22, 1997, has now been re-scheduled to 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 28,1998. The hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. This hearing, as you recail, is to determine the appropriate penalty based upon the failure to pay your 1997-98 license fees. Enciosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for theu consideration. You will be given an opportunity to present oral or written remazks regarding what penalty, if any, will be imposed. The recommendation of the licensing o�ce will be for the unmediate suspension of your auto repair garage license until all license and late fees are paid in full and written notice of the lifring of the suspension has been provided by the licensing office. °14 � � Lewis Stevens January 6, 1998 Page 2 If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � J ��.-,�ti Virgim�r Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, D'uector, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Betty Moran, Community Organizer, West Seventh/Fort Road Federation, 974 West Seventh St., St. Paul, MN 55102 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING g�"�`� Licensee Name: Lewis Stevens d/b/a Civic Center Auto Service Address: 459 Toronto Street Council Hearing Date: January 28, 1998 Violations: Unpaid License Fee 1997-1998 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmenta{ Protection: Immediate Suspension of License Until License and Late Fees Paid in Full and Notification of Lifting of Suspension Provided by License Office Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. 919/97 letter form City Attorney's Office 3. 9/8/97 note from licensee 4. $/25/97 Notice of Violation 5. License information 6. 7/8/97 letter from Licensing office OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Peg Bir/4 Ciry Attorney CITY OF SAIl�IT PAUL Norm Colema2 Mayor crva nNU,o„ 400 Ciry Hall IS West Ke/logg Blvd Saint Pau{ Mmnesom 55101 q�-�9 Telephone: 671166-8710 Facsunile: 611198-5679 September 9, 1997 Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto 459 Toronto Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Auto Repair Garage Center Auto Repair License # 96883 Dear Mr. Stevens: License held by Lewis Stevens, d/b/a Civic I received the Notice of Violation dated August 25, 1997 which I sent you along with a nete in which you indicate that you paid the 1997 license fees on July 31, 1997 and called me afterwards. T have not spoken to you regarding your license fees this year, and have not received any messages from you regarding your fees. I spoke to Christine Rozek, at the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, who did speak to you and informs me that you stated that you had mailed the fees. We have no record of having received a check or money order for the fees. I am aware that last year you did send the fees, and the money order was misplaced. However, neither the LIEP o£fice nor this office recall having seen any check for the current fees, so I will need information from you regarding how you made payment and to whom it was mailed. Sincerely, lSi Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP �t � - � � r s ; � Civic Center Auto 459 Toronto St. Paul, MN 55102 (612) 224-4861 �-r'l.� �� ��G-LGct�cu //O, �CSI�I3 J ! , CL� �? G� �itt� G 72 ��2�/ ! � � . � i '7 -l� �iI12-usr�l/ !lf y7G,�-o � - �i �'J ��„ � � �e� . � � � � �� �.� � E e � �. d CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co%man. Mayor August 25, 1997 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto Service 459 Toronto Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 OFFIC` 7F 7'F� CITY ATTORNEY Peg B'vi;,'_iry Attorney Civil Division 400 Ciry HaA !S West KelJogg Blvd Saint Pau� Mmnesom 55101 � 9dr-G°I Tekphone: 612 266-871 p Facsimik: 672 198-5619 RE: Auto Repair Garage License held by Lewis Stevens, d/b/a Civic Center Auto Repair License #: 96883 Dear Mr. Stevens: The .Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against the auto repair garage license held by you at the above-named premises. This recommendation is based on the following information: Licease fees were due for the 1997-98 license period by Jaauary 21, 1997, ia the amouat of Three Huadred and Seveateen Dollars ($317.00). Because the fee was aot paid oa time, there is also a late penalty due. As of August 25, 1997, those fees have not been paid. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter stating that they are true so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate penalty. You will have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administr�tive law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice o£' hearing with the date, time and place of the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. . : -.� � ""_' _ \ 0 � le -1. "'_ ' Please.le�_me know in writing no later than Friday, September 5, 1997 how you wish to proceed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are aot contestiag that the license fees have aot beea paid aad will schedule the matter for the hearing in front of City Council. Sincerely, � ��� Virgi ' Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kristina Schweinler ��- cq STATE Ofi MII3NESOTA ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF FtAMSEY JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on August 26, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto Service 459 ToYOnto Street St. Paul, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of August, 1997. i_� / L..� - � . �. � � RITA M. BOSSARD Z � � NOTARYPUBLIC-M1hNES0TA S . � RAMSEY COUN'fY � t�yC«nrri. �res,�ar�. ai, z000 a i Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address.................. Zip...... ............... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ...... .......... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 96883 AC STEVENS, LEWIS 459 TORONTO ST 55102 _ CSVIC CENTER AI3T0 SERVICE AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/21/97 � � �� `� INSP CHANGE FROM 02 TO O1 ON 4/09/92 2j7/95 - CHECK FOR LIC PAYMENT RETURNED NSF - LP.B 1/4/96 - PAID COLLECTION AGE23CY FOR BAD CHECK - 7.AR 7/1/96 - CHECK FOR LIC PAYMENI' RETURNED NSF - LP.B 1/15/97 - PAID BAD CHECK & COLL. AGENCY FEES - LAB 7/9/97 - SENT LETTER RE: DELINQUENT LIC FEE ($476. TO BE PAID IN CASH OR MONEY ORDER BY 7/30/97) - T.➢R 5725487 224-4881 CITY OF SAL'�'I' PAUL !.'arm Coleman,Afayvr July S, 1997 ot�cs oF uc�s�, r: ;�scno�s a�n �\l'IRO\3SE,\TAL PR. . -Ct70.`�' RobenKesrler,Direcres !AN RFPROFFSSTOA:9L BUIIDING Swte 300 330 St Pera Sneu SainrPauC Minnetoto 55101•1 S10 ,���L 1;� l9?7 Le��is Stevens Civic Cerner Auto Service 459 Toroato Street Saint Pau� ?vL�t 55102 RE: License ID n95883 Dear Mr. Ste��ens: �1 Telephcne: 61I-26b9090 Fctsimik: 612-16b9099 612-7 6 6 91 24 [ (� , Y , E L � • ` � � : �.:c r: % v � � r. �; �4 € �, � 4 �Z� i 1'�f�! I'he attached resolution number 97-677 u�as approved by the Saint Paul Ciry Council cn June 4, 1997. This resolution directs the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection to t2ke no action regarding unpaid license fees for 1996-1997 because the fees were paid in full on January 8, 1997., However, the license fees for 459 Toronto remain delinquent for 1997-1998. Renewal fees were due January 21, 1997 in the unount of 5317.00. Delinquent fees have now been added at the rate of 10 percent per momh so that the total now due is $476.00 ('invoice enclosed). This amount must be paid in full in cash or with a money order no later than July 30, 1997, or this matter a�ill again be sent to the City Attomey's O�ce for adverse action. � If you have any questions, please contact me at 266-9108 during normal office hours. Sincerely, l�`� Christine Rozek Deputy Director CR/1b . � � cc: Commander John Stumer, SPPD-Cenval District Robert Kessler, L?irector-LIEP Peter Pangborq Legal Assistznt LICENSE RENEWAL INVOICE COMPLETE OTHER SIDE OFTHISPORTION .4ND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT State Taz I.D. �/: 5725487 LEWIS STEVENS CIVIC CENTER AUTO SERVICB 459 TORONTO ST ` ST. PAUL, MAi SS1ffL i License C%v3e License 1Qame 2124 AUTO REPAIIt GARAGE - i � � s � � � � ;, � � � a z � � License I.D. // 968E REMtT To: CIT�' OF SAIIdT PAUL p OfSce of Lioeaee. Inspectiom � y ` \ a� Eavimnmental Protectioa 370 � Awer S. Set300 s.m wa. n+'�a. mox - (619�9DSo License Fxpiration Aate: OL21l5 Payment Due Date: 0112LS I.ate Fee : 159.t Total Amount Due: $476.( n t ocr Unita � e e e $317.00 01 $317.0 == - - *96883* :.:_ - - - � - -- - __. . � .... = °�.:; _ _ __ r r'_ ���s< ��a�� ...- .. - :.__ ;�-_..o ..�..,,�,..r„i�n ur wvRKt.RS COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA S7ATUTE §176.782 I hereby ceitify that I, oz my company, am in compliance wit� y�e workeis' camgensacan insurance coverage nquiremenu of Minnesora stay §376.182, subdivisioa 2, I also undetstand ihat provis➢on of filse iafmmaGOn in this certi5cation constitutes sufHcie�# gounda for advux a� all licenus held, including revocaton aad suspeation of said liceasa. . . _.. . Name of Insurance Company: - - . . . Policy Numbet • Cwerage from tp I have ao employea covered unda worYas' compensation insuraace . ��`�� Licensee / applicant signature (REQLIIRED for all reaewaLt) PAI'11�NT CAN 1�OW BE !VIADE BY CRIDTT CARD::I * ��� t � * �: r �**:k********r*�xs**t*�sms+ts�*�*tsssa�s:ks*s�a�**m***a��:k�sa:**:x***ss�r*****� * � *y:** ,� *** ,�� *** �� :* ��� * �� ***r *x�m**sx**ss**srs*x****sssss*a�s:s*s*�:**�:x�**x�x�x�*s*xx��a�**s��x*+xix*�:�x:�� * �� a �� xr IF PAYIIQG BY CREDTT CARD PLEASE COD�T.ETE THE FOLLOR�vG INFORMATION: � 1VlasterCard ❑� EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOI7I3'T NLTMBER: ❑�/0❑ ❑��❑ ❑00❑ ❑OC]❑ ❑L7( Name of Cardho7der (please priat) Signature of Ca� Holder(requiced for atl charges) Daze Daw DETACH HERE AI�'D MAII, TgIS ppRTION R'ITH YOIIR PAI'MENT LICENSE RENEWAL IIWOICE CITY OF SAINT PAiTI . _ _ _ KEEP TBIS Pl1RTlON POR YOUR RECORDS _ . _ _ _ _ _ . �� of Liceaae, Inspmyons - ind Eaviromnent.! P.otxeion a+os �mr a s:r 3ao s.mnutAr�,� ss�m (61A?b6509D � I�te Fee ; 159.00 Total Payme� Due: 5476.OU T,c e Licsn.aeName 2124 AUTO REPAIIt GARAGE - I.icense,I.D.,�: gb Zic.ense Expiration Date: Ol/27 PaYme� 11ue Date: OL27 ;t � 5317.00 �IIi� �rl�y,4ti O1 S317 N.FASE II.'FORM US TN RR7TINC IF YOU HAVE GONE OVf OF BUSINESS OR IF M'Y OT T8E ABpVE WFORMATJON HqS CHANGID SIS.00 Cxwnoe pOR Rennv:pa qfpnca L1TE FFES MAY BE CHARGID ff PAYA�hNT IS N07 RECSNED gy 7}�E DUE DATP Accounts Receivable Ugdate Screen °l� - �9 Date: Sep License ID: 96883 Trn: 1=New 2=Trans Owner 3=Add1.. 4=Trans Loc D.B.A.: CIVIC CENTER AUTO SERVICE Lic.Ex.Dt: 012197 Bus-Name: STEVENS LEWIS Min.Tax.Id: 5725487 Bus-Address: 459 TORONTO ST ST. PAUL 55102 Ho1d.Date: P i � � � b � � Code Unit Lic.Amt Fee Paid Ptd Trn License Description 1:2124 O1 317.00 0 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE 2: — 3: — — 4: — — . For all Amount, enter "22.22" for "$22.22" License: i First Invoice Last Payment Additional Appl Fee: Date:112296 Date: Fire: 1 Penalty Fee: $159.09 Pen 1:081897 Total Amount Due: $476.00 Add 2:071597 Lic. Printed Zoning: t Total Amount Paid: $0.00 Dt: 3:061697 On: 1:061196 Food: ( Computed Amt.Due: $476.00 4:051597 2:012495 Data entered will update AfR file and license information on BUS.LIC.FILE onl} Payments for CIVIC CENTER AUTO SERVICE DATE LIC qe�-�°I PAID .... CODE LIC.NAME ........................... AMOIJNT.... PAY.TYPE -nn' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' l0i 11. 06/11/96 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE _. . 06/11/96 6499 PENALTY FEE O1J24/95 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE 02/15/94 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE 02/05/93 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1j24/92 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/22/91 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/23/90 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1J23/90 4098 APPLICATION FEE - DISC. 1/2/91 O1/23/89 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/23/89 4098 APPLICATION FEE - DISC. 1/2/91 $317.00 CHECR � $32.00 CHECR, $317.00 ��� $290.00 $290.00 ��q�OI $128.00 $128.00 $128.25 $2.50 $120.00 $2.50 S - Select ss C - Clear ss ss can be number, range, ALL or VISIBLE - Q - Quit "^ - Refresh ? - Help on SHOW [Page=1] [Selected=0] (Last) --> i Y �t f r o I q, � a-� Y � f�. eU — 15 ��� s ; ORlGlNA� Presented By Referred To zo Council File # � � Green Sheet # V�,� a.. RESOWTION � OF S�I�jfT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Auto Repair Garage license (License ID #: 96883) held by Lewis Stevens d/b/a Civic Center Auto Service for the premises located at 459 Toronto Sireet is hereby suspended immediately for failure to pay 1997-981icense fees, and said suspension sha11 be in effect until such time as the license fees and any late charges have been paid in full and written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspecfions and Environmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above aze based upon the facts contained in the August 25, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the September 9, 19971etter to the licensee confirming that no payments had been received, and such azguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. Requested 6y Department of: � � � / �� Fozm Approved by City Attorn� \ By: _ � d Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � Approved by Mayor: By: Sy: Adopted by Cossncil: Date qqQ� Adoption Certified by Counc Secretar� 9 d� -�9 GREEN SHEET x�y .�ae�on TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �.,,�,�.��.e. No 62192 ❑ �.,,�, ❑ �� ^ ❑.,WIp,�,ErtVICF.OYt. ❑NIYItlfLfER1'„ICCf� ❑wmR(ulAa�rAxr) � (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning Auto Repair Garage License held by Lewis Stevens, dba Civic Center Auto Repair, 459 Toronto Street, for failure to pay 1997-98 license fees. PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SOURCE Has this persa�m� ever warlcetl under a conVact far this depaAmeM'7 YES NO Has this DeBONR'm ever been a cilY emPbYee? YES NO Does this peisoNfirm poase� a sidll twt rwrmallypocsessetl Dy any curreM city employeeT YES NO Is this pe1soNfim� a tarpetetl vendaY7 . YES NO GOST%REVplUE BUDfiETED (qRCLE ON� ACTIVITYNUMBER YES NO WFORMATON (IXPWNj CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayos January 6, 1998 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY PegBirlS CiryArlorney � v �`G 0 1 Cl��ll Dlvixfon 4QOCiryNa!! Tetephone:612266-8710 15Wes1KelloggBlvd Focrimi1e:672298-5679 Saint Pavl, Minnesom 55101 NOTICE OF RE-SCHEDULED COUNCIL IiEARING Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto 459 Toronto Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Auto Repair Garage License heid by Lewis Stevens, d/b/a Civic Center Auto Repair for the premises located at 459 Toronto Street in St. Paul License Number: 96883 Our File Number: G97-0416 Deaz Mr. Stevens: The public hearing which had been scheduled for October 22, 1997, has now been re-scheduled to 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 28,1998. The hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. This hearing, as you recail, is to determine the appropriate penalty based upon the failure to pay your 1997-98 license fees. Enciosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for theu consideration. You will be given an opportunity to present oral or written remazks regarding what penalty, if any, will be imposed. The recommendation of the licensing o�ce will be for the unmediate suspension of your auto repair garage license until all license and late fees are paid in full and written notice of the lifring of the suspension has been provided by the licensing office. °14 � � Lewis Stevens January 6, 1998 Page 2 If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � J ��.-,�ti Virgim�r Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, D'uector, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Betty Moran, Community Organizer, West Seventh/Fort Road Federation, 974 West Seventh St., St. Paul, MN 55102 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING g�"�`� Licensee Name: Lewis Stevens d/b/a Civic Center Auto Service Address: 459 Toronto Street Council Hearing Date: January 28, 1998 Violations: Unpaid License Fee 1997-1998 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmenta{ Protection: Immediate Suspension of License Until License and Late Fees Paid in Full and Notification of Lifting of Suspension Provided by License Office Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. 919/97 letter form City Attorney's Office 3. 9/8/97 note from licensee 4. $/25/97 Notice of Violation 5. License information 6. 7/8/97 letter from Licensing office OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Peg Bir/4 Ciry Attorney CITY OF SAIl�IT PAUL Norm Colema2 Mayor crva nNU,o„ 400 Ciry Hall IS West Ke/logg Blvd Saint Pau{ Mmnesom 55101 q�-�9 Telephone: 671166-8710 Facsunile: 611198-5679 September 9, 1997 Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto 459 Toronto Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Auto Repair Garage Center Auto Repair License # 96883 Dear Mr. Stevens: License held by Lewis Stevens, d/b/a Civic I received the Notice of Violation dated August 25, 1997 which I sent you along with a nete in which you indicate that you paid the 1997 license fees on July 31, 1997 and called me afterwards. T have not spoken to you regarding your license fees this year, and have not received any messages from you regarding your fees. I spoke to Christine Rozek, at the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, who did speak to you and informs me that you stated that you had mailed the fees. We have no record of having received a check or money order for the fees. I am aware that last year you did send the fees, and the money order was misplaced. However, neither the LIEP o£fice nor this office recall having seen any check for the current fees, so I will need information from you regarding how you made payment and to whom it was mailed. Sincerely, lSi Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP �t � - � � r s ; � Civic Center Auto 459 Toronto St. Paul, MN 55102 (612) 224-4861 �-r'l.� �� ��G-LGct�cu //O, �CSI�I3 J ! , CL� �? G� �itt� G 72 ��2�/ ! � � . � i '7 -l� �iI12-usr�l/ !lf y7G,�-o � - �i �'J ��„ � � �e� . � � � � �� �.� � E e � �. d CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co%man. Mayor August 25, 1997 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto Service 459 Toronto Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 OFFIC` 7F 7'F� CITY ATTORNEY Peg B'vi;,'_iry Attorney Civil Division 400 Ciry HaA !S West KelJogg Blvd Saint Pau� Mmnesom 55101 � 9dr-G°I Tekphone: 612 266-871 p Facsimik: 672 198-5619 RE: Auto Repair Garage License held by Lewis Stevens, d/b/a Civic Center Auto Repair License #: 96883 Dear Mr. Stevens: The .Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against the auto repair garage license held by you at the above-named premises. This recommendation is based on the following information: Licease fees were due for the 1997-98 license period by Jaauary 21, 1997, ia the amouat of Three Huadred and Seveateen Dollars ($317.00). Because the fee was aot paid oa time, there is also a late penalty due. As of August 25, 1997, those fees have not been paid. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter stating that they are true so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate penalty. You will have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administr�tive law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice o£' hearing with the date, time and place of the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. . : -.� � ""_' _ \ 0 � le -1. "'_ ' Please.le�_me know in writing no later than Friday, September 5, 1997 how you wish to proceed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are aot contestiag that the license fees have aot beea paid aad will schedule the matter for the hearing in front of City Council. Sincerely, � ��� Virgi ' Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kristina Schweinler ��- cq STATE Ofi MII3NESOTA ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF FtAMSEY JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on August 26, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Lewis Stevens Civic Center Auto Service 459 ToYOnto Street St. Paul, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of August, 1997. i_� / L..� - � . �. � � RITA M. BOSSARD Z � � NOTARYPUBLIC-M1hNES0TA S . � RAMSEY COUN'fY � t�yC«nrri. �res,�ar�. ai, z000 a i Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address.................. Zip...... ............... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ...... .......... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 96883 AC STEVENS, LEWIS 459 TORONTO ST 55102 _ CSVIC CENTER AI3T0 SERVICE AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/21/97 � � �� `� INSP CHANGE FROM 02 TO O1 ON 4/09/92 2j7/95 - CHECK FOR LIC PAYMENT RETURNED NSF - LP.B 1/4/96 - PAID COLLECTION AGE23CY FOR BAD CHECK - 7.AR 7/1/96 - CHECK FOR LIC PAYMENI' RETURNED NSF - LP.B 1/15/97 - PAID BAD CHECK & COLL. AGENCY FEES - LAB 7/9/97 - SENT LETTER RE: DELINQUENT LIC FEE ($476. TO BE PAID IN CASH OR MONEY ORDER BY 7/30/97) - T.➢R 5725487 224-4881 CITY OF SAL'�'I' PAUL !.'arm Coleman,Afayvr July S, 1997 ot�cs oF uc�s�, r: ;�scno�s a�n �\l'IRO\3SE,\TAL PR. . -Ct70.`�' RobenKesrler,Direcres !AN RFPROFFSSTOA:9L BUIIDING Swte 300 330 St Pera Sneu SainrPauC Minnetoto 55101•1 S10 ,���L 1;� l9?7 Le��is Stevens Civic Cerner Auto Service 459 Toroato Street Saint Pau� ?vL�t 55102 RE: License ID n95883 Dear Mr. Ste��ens: �1 Telephcne: 61I-26b9090 Fctsimik: 612-16b9099 612-7 6 6 91 24 [ (� , Y , E L � • ` � � : �.:c r: % v � � r. �; �4 € �, � 4 �Z� i 1'�f�! I'he attached resolution number 97-677 u�as approved by the Saint Paul Ciry Council cn June 4, 1997. This resolution directs the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection to t2ke no action regarding unpaid license fees for 1996-1997 because the fees were paid in full on January 8, 1997., However, the license fees for 459 Toronto remain delinquent for 1997-1998. Renewal fees were due January 21, 1997 in the unount of 5317.00. Delinquent fees have now been added at the rate of 10 percent per momh so that the total now due is $476.00 ('invoice enclosed). This amount must be paid in full in cash or with a money order no later than July 30, 1997, or this matter a�ill again be sent to the City Attomey's O�ce for adverse action. � If you have any questions, please contact me at 266-9108 during normal office hours. Sincerely, l�`� Christine Rozek Deputy Director CR/1b . � � cc: Commander John Stumer, SPPD-Cenval District Robert Kessler, L?irector-LIEP Peter Pangborq Legal Assistznt LICENSE RENEWAL INVOICE COMPLETE OTHER SIDE OFTHISPORTION .4ND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT State Taz I.D. �/: 5725487 LEWIS STEVENS CIVIC CENTER AUTO SERVICB 459 TORONTO ST ` ST. PAUL, MAi SS1ffL i License C%v3e License 1Qame 2124 AUTO REPAIIt GARAGE - i � � s � � � � ;, � � � a z � � License I.D. // 968E REMtT To: CIT�' OF SAIIdT PAUL p OfSce of Lioeaee. Inspectiom � y ` \ a� Eavimnmental Protectioa 370 � Awer S. Set300 s.m wa. n+'�a. mox - (619�9DSo License Fxpiration Aate: OL21l5 Payment Due Date: 0112LS I.ate Fee : 159.t Total Amount Due: $476.( n t ocr Unita � e e e $317.00 01 $317.0 == - - *96883* :.:_ - - - � - -- - __. . � .... = °�.:; _ _ __ r r'_ ���s< ��a�� ...- .. - :.__ ;�-_..o ..�..,,�,..r„i�n ur wvRKt.RS COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA S7ATUTE §176.782 I hereby ceitify that I, oz my company, am in compliance wit� y�e workeis' camgensacan insurance coverage nquiremenu of Minnesora stay §376.182, subdivisioa 2, I also undetstand ihat provis➢on of filse iafmmaGOn in this certi5cation constitutes sufHcie�# gounda for advux a� all licenus held, including revocaton aad suspeation of said liceasa. . . _.. . Name of Insurance Company: - - . . . Policy Numbet • Cwerage from tp I have ao employea covered unda worYas' compensation insuraace . ��`�� Licensee / applicant signature (REQLIIRED for all reaewaLt) PAI'11�NT CAN 1�OW BE !VIADE BY CRIDTT CARD::I * ��� t � * �: r �**:k********r*�xs**t*�sms+ts�*�*tsssa�s:ks*s�a�**m***a��:k�sa:**:x***ss�r*****� * � *y:** ,� *** ,�� *** �� :* ��� * �� ***r *x�m**sx**ss**srs*x****sssss*a�s:s*s*�:**�:x�**x�x�x�*s*xx��a�**s��x*+xix*�:�x:�� * �� a �� xr IF PAYIIQG BY CREDTT CARD PLEASE COD�T.ETE THE FOLLOR�vG INFORMATION: � 1VlasterCard ❑� EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOI7I3'T NLTMBER: ❑�/0❑ ❑��❑ ❑00❑ ❑OC]❑ ❑L7( Name of Cardho7der (please priat) Signature of Ca� Holder(requiced for atl charges) Daze Daw DETACH HERE AI�'D MAII, TgIS ppRTION R'ITH YOIIR PAI'MENT LICENSE RENEWAL IIWOICE CITY OF SAINT PAiTI . _ _ _ KEEP TBIS Pl1RTlON POR YOUR RECORDS _ . _ _ _ _ _ . �� of Liceaae, Inspmyons - ind Eaviromnent.! P.otxeion a+os �mr a s:r 3ao s.mnutAr�,� ss�m (61A?b6509D � I�te Fee ; 159.00 Total Payme� Due: 5476.OU T,c e Licsn.aeName 2124 AUTO REPAIIt GARAGE - I.icense,I.D.,�: gb Zic.ense Expiration Date: Ol/27 PaYme� 11ue Date: OL27 ;t � 5317.00 �IIi� �rl�y,4ti O1 S317 N.FASE II.'FORM US TN RR7TINC IF YOU HAVE GONE OVf OF BUSINESS OR IF M'Y OT T8E ABpVE WFORMATJON HqS CHANGID SIS.00 Cxwnoe pOR Rennv:pa qfpnca L1TE FFES MAY BE CHARGID ff PAYA�hNT IS N07 RECSNED gy 7}�E DUE DATP Accounts Receivable Ugdate Screen °l� - �9 Date: Sep License ID: 96883 Trn: 1=New 2=Trans Owner 3=Add1.. 4=Trans Loc D.B.A.: CIVIC CENTER AUTO SERVICE Lic.Ex.Dt: 012197 Bus-Name: STEVENS LEWIS Min.Tax.Id: 5725487 Bus-Address: 459 TORONTO ST ST. PAUL 55102 Ho1d.Date: P i � � � b � � Code Unit Lic.Amt Fee Paid Ptd Trn License Description 1:2124 O1 317.00 0 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE 2: — 3: — — 4: — — . For all Amount, enter "22.22" for "$22.22" License: i First Invoice Last Payment Additional Appl Fee: Date:112296 Date: Fire: 1 Penalty Fee: $159.09 Pen 1:081897 Total Amount Due: $476.00 Add 2:071597 Lic. Printed Zoning: t Total Amount Paid: $0.00 Dt: 3:061697 On: 1:061196 Food: ( Computed Amt.Due: $476.00 4:051597 2:012495 Data entered will update AfR file and license information on BUS.LIC.FILE onl} Payments for CIVIC CENTER AUTO SERVICE DATE LIC qe�-�°I PAID .... CODE LIC.NAME ........................... AMOIJNT.... PAY.TYPE -nn' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' l0i 11. 06/11/96 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE _. . 06/11/96 6499 PENALTY FEE O1J24/95 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE 02/15/94 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE 02/05/93 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1j24/92 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/22/91 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/23/90 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1J23/90 4098 APPLICATION FEE - DISC. 1/2/91 O1/23/89 2124 AUTO REPAIR GARAGE O1/23/89 4098 APPLICATION FEE - DISC. 1/2/91 $317.00 CHECR � $32.00 CHECR, $317.00 ��� $290.00 $290.00 ��q�OI $128.00 $128.00 $128.25 $2.50 $120.00 $2.50 S - Select ss C - Clear ss ss can be number, range, ALL or VISIBLE - Q - Quit "^ - Refresh ? - Help on SHOW [Page=1] [Selected=0] (Last) --> i Y �t f r o I q, � a-� Y � f�. eU — 15 ��� s ;