D11540 CITY OF SAINT PAUL �i1' I��1 O OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No.: �� `'t • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: � -15• I BUDGET REVISION ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of PubliC WOfkS to amend the 19 �1 budget of the C2t?Ital Imrtrovement fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current �►�� Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN C91-2T433 ALLEY CONTRACTS - 91 ASSESSMENT 50,000.00 (19, 806_50) 30, 193.50 50, 000.00 (19, 806.50) 30,193.50 SPENDING PLAN C91-2T433 ALLEY CONTRACTS - 91 • CONSTRUCTION �0,000.00 (19. 806.50) 30.193.50 50, 000.00 (19,806.50) 30, 193.50 FINANCING PLAN C91-2T452-25031 SYLVAN STREET-Ivy to 150' N ASSESSMENT 29,300.00 25.282.72 54,582.72 29,300.00 25,282.72 54,582.72 SPENDING PLAN C91-2T452-25031 SYLVAN STREET-Ivy to 150' N CONSTRUCTION 29.300.00 25,282.72 54,582.72 29,300.00 25,282.72 54,582.72 To transfer spending and financing in the amount of $19,806.50 from Alley Contract for alley work in the Dawson's Earl Street Addition and add assessment financing of 55,476.22 to the Sylvan St.-Ivy to 150' North. , 7 � Prepared by:Activiry Mana er Approved By:M or • . Requested by:Dep ent D' e o D8� � \ ATE INITW D �b���wo�� ��a sn9�� GREEN SHE�i � No. � 1347 � �� CONTACT PER3�18 PFIONE Q � CITY COUNCiI Daniel J.Dunf�d 292-6750 N���� �cm arroan�r ng CITY CLERK MUST BE ON(�1NCIL AtiENDA BY(DA ) HOU11N3 a BUDCiET�tECTOR �g FIN 3 Mf3T.SERVICES DIR. OROER �MAYOR(OFi ASStSTIU�T) t D�DuMad L #k OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81ONATURE) IA DEPARTMENTA(xOINdT� S/�p/ ACTION RE�UES Approval of Administrative Order transferring Spending and Financing plans for Alley in Daw�n's Earl St.Addidon from 1991 Alley Contracts to Sylvan Street-Ivy to 150'North paving project in the amount of$19,806.50 and increasing assessment financing f�Sylvan Street paving by$5,476.22. REC�AMEND11TqN391ppvow(l y a R�d(F� pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINO CUE3TIONS: _PIANNttr(3 COMMISSqN_CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSbN 1. Hea this pxeoNfirtn ever worked�der a aontract tor this departrnent? _CIBC�AMfiTEE _ YES NO ��F 2. Has d�ia persoNfirm ever been a aty empbyee? — — YES NO _ DISTR�T WUNCIL _ 3. Doea this peraorYflml pos8eae a 8kid not rartnaMy poesesaed by any Curcent city emplc�ea? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE7 YES NO Explain ali yss answsrs on s�parab fhat u�d attaeh to�n sMwt NITIATIPKi PR�LEM.ISSUE.OPPOR7IJMTY(VVHO.WHAT.WF�N.VYFIERE,WFIY): Public Works has let bids for the paving of Sylvan Street and the Aliey in Dawson's Earl S�Addidon. We are ready tp award this contract for both jobs under one job. This administraave order transfers the spending and financing for the alley poraon from the 1991 Alley Contract and increases the assessment funding for Sylvan SG ADVIWTAGES IF APPROVED: One contract for both jobs can be awazded,resulting in savings to the City. D6SADVANTACiES F APPi�VED: None. REC�Vfr.O DISADVIWTACiE3 IF NOT APPROVED: ,v Both projects would have to be re-bid as separate jobs and two contracts awarded costing BvDv���� RECEIVED JUL 12 1991 CITY CLERK AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ; 547622 COST/REVENUE 9UDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO DINCi SOURCE Assessments ACTIVITY NUWBER C91-2T433 8c C91-2T452 FbJANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAM dw