D11518 � White - City Clerk I No. � ( I �I V Pink - Finance Dept. F Canazy - Dept. Accounticl Date ��J '�I Blue - Engineer Green - Contractor I • � CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Por CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 2 ADMINLSTR�iTIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as CLEVELAND CIRCLE known as Contract�.,-i 2o2h-3 City Project No. r_n n;Gt 17 HOLM & OL50N r , Contracta, is com�posed of the following: l. Add 21 @ �3" cal. Marshall Ash as specified by project Landscape Architectl approval. Materials and installation $9,993.42 Total addjitions to contract in Change Order #2 $9,993.42 2. Increase !the contractor's time 15 calender days caused by adding • the abov� mentioned trees to the contract. ORDERED, That the City of Sainf Paul, through ita Mayor, approves the foregoing adc�itions made in ac- cadance with the specifications in the sum of $ 9,99 3.42 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named ik� the contract, known as contract$- 12026-3 , and which amount is to be financed from: CPL C88-7R001-0�739-00000 In addition, tthe contract completion date is extended 15 calendar days, thereby establishing �lune 30, 1991 as the new date of project completion. APPROVED AS TO ORM r � " /�lg y �f'l�!'v� � U��OVI Asais ant ty Attor e Contractor +j i� 1 19 Q � By . `P.-.v� :rr 19 �J`� � ���'�7�CM/ ��_ C ' �ngin r Hea Dep tme of Fi ce � � � 19� Director of Administrative Assistant to the Mayor , T . �� �� 1518 DEPARTM[NTIOFFlCEICOUNCIL ? ATE INITIATED P.E.D. - DESIG � laeHa 6 13J9�1 GREEN SHEET No. �8���,�,DATE CONTACT PERSON Q PFIONE <{ D PARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNdI Mark Basten 2�-3332 �F� CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK ST BE ON COUNdL A(iENDA BY( ROUTIN�i BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BERVICES DIR. ; �MAYOR(OR ASSiSTM1T) /"' � Mark Basten TOTA�N OF SIONATURE P 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUREj ers Wisnews i ACTION REOUE8TE0: '� Execution of t e� attached contract change agreement #2 to the Landscaping Contract for C e�reland Circle, District 17. . ^�w ` K L, �Hw►�s:�+aa►a•cN p t�► cou�� amoN�u. _PLANNIN(i OOMMIBSION (�VIL BERVICE COMM18810N ��Y� P"°"E"°. ��N 1 g 1991 _���E �. CITY ATTO COMMENTB: A �"� r oFFicE oF r RNEY —��,� :� DEP H� �r►��cro suPPOArs wrxa+oouNa�oa� �N� MANAGE � c3F �'�ryANCE iN�ru►nNO P�M,�, lwno.wha.amsr�,wn.re,wny�: The trees added b , his change order will strengthen the visual impact of �he : Cleveland �ircle n�.rance and takes advantage of the lower than expected bid amount. .� /�DVANTIUiEB IF APPROVED: The visual impac �' Cleveland Circle would be strengthened. RECEIVED ; ,JUN 191991 , . CITY CLERK ������: N�TE DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: a The spatial e£f � of the trees will not be achieved as quickly without the added trees. ; ,,. � � TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA �`� 9,99 3.42 CO�T/REVENI�E 9UDOET�D(CIR�LE ON�� NO x �p��� 1988 C � �M�N� CPL-C88-7R001-0739-00000 • FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � �d�v ; . ` ) NOTE: COMPIETE DIRECTION3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN:$HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA'31Nii OFFlCE(PF10NE NO.2�-4225). ROUTINCi ORDER: � 8elow ere prsforrod routin�a for the five most trequsM types M documents: CONTRACTS (s�wmes autho�ized OOUNCIL RESOIUTION (Amsnd, Bdgta./ bud�st sxfsts) Accept.Oranb) 1. Outeide Ap�ncy 1. DepartrneM DireCtor 2. Initiatin�DspeRment 2. Budpet Qirector 3. Cit�r Attornsy 3. dty Attomsy 4. Mayw 4. MayoNAeeistent 5. Financs�Mgmt 3vcs. Director 5. (�ty Coundl 8. Flnancs Aocountlng `8. Chlef Accounta�t, Fln�Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RE80LUTION (all,others) ��o�� and oRawwc� �, q���y M�� 1. InRiating DspaRm�M Director 2. D�partmeM AccouMaM 2. dy Attomey 3. Dspertment Dinctor 3. MayoNAaistant 4. Bud�at DireCtor 4. dty COUf1Cil 5. Gty qsrk 8. Chisf/I000uMant� Fln 8 M�mt Sv�s. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all oth�rs) 1. Inftfatlnp Deputment 2. City Attomey 3. Me�yor/Aaeistant . 4. qty Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 3K33NATURE PACiE3 Indicl�e the�of pages on whk��sipn�tures are requirod end pepercNp each of these a�s. ACT'ION REOUE3TED Descrfbe what the projectlrpuest ss�b to acoomplNh in sithsr chronologi- � cal ordsr or order of imporfance,whfcFte�►er is most lipp►op�iate for the iseus. Do rwt writs canpl�e ssntenoss. Bepin each Item in your Itat with a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS Compkts M Ms laue in qusstion has bssn preseM�d bafors anY�Y� P�bl� ot privats. 3UPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OB,lECTIYE4 Ind�ete which Council objsctive(s)lbu�P�ojeCureciuest suPPorts bY�isdnp the ksy word(s)(HOUSIN(3, RECREATION, NfIGHB�iHOODS,EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET, 3EWER 3EPARATION).(8EE COMPLETE LI3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNdL COMMITTEFJRE8EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REOUESTED BY OOUNCIL INITIATIN�3 PROBLEM, 188UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain Me situetbn or conditfons that crotled a nesd for your project �requ�t. ADVANTAC�ES IF APPROVED Indicate whether thls ie aimply an annwl budpM proceduro required by law/ chartsc or whether thsre are spsdffc in whfch ths Gty of 3�int Paul and its citizens will be�efit fran this p�thction. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Whst negative effects a major ch�np�s to existin�or past process�might this projsct/rmqusst prod�s if it is pWSSd(a.g.,treffic delaya, ndse, tax ir�rsa�s or sa�artwnts)?To Whom4 YVhen4 For how Iong7 OISADVANTA�iES IF NOT MPROVHD Whet will bs ths r�SUvs conssquer�s if the promised action fa not . epproved?Inebilily to deliver s�rvice?Ca�Unued hiph trafNc, noise, acxid�nte?L.oss of revenus? FINANCIAL IMPACT Althouph y�ou mwt teilor the infamation you provide here to the isaus you eva addre�sin�, in psnenl you muat answe►two que�ions: How much is ft �Oinp to cost?Who is goinq w pay?