D11512 Whit� — City CN�k G I TY O F SA I 1\'T ��A U L Pi�k — Finane�D�pt. Csnsry— Dept. ()!�'FIGF OF TFiI: MAY()R � I I� I� No: • ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER ��I�"`1 I BL'tl(iET ItF,�7SI0� Date: :���ZS�.�� �)�ER,,Consistent with the authority�g ranted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of t e Director of the Department of Planning & Economic Dgvelo�ment to amend the 19 91 bu et of the HRA General Fund fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Manage nt Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget SPENDING PLAN 145 HRA General und 145-36605—OS Transfer to Debt Service Fund (215 . 9th Note Debt Service) 136,449 (136,449) 0 145-36605-0611 Long-Term Debt Maturity - 215 E. 9th ote 0 6,349 6,349 145-36605-062 Long-Term Debt Interest - 215 E. 9th ote 0 130,100 130,100 Net Change to Spend ng Plan p • Approved by: Budget Director � �6 �.�o.p� � Prepar by:Actfvity Apprpved by:Maycr W ` Requested by:Depertment director pa�e �1 11512 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE tNITIATED Plannin & E ono � GREEN SHEET N° . 12919 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE 1 UDATE INITIAUDATE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Me er A$$�aN �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. T BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY( TE) ROUTlNO ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn �(!}�j�f /��,�,p TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE P (iES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Admin strative Order - Budget Revision. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or eJect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION ClVll SEFVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persontfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF YES NO _DISTRIC7 COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB,IE VE1 YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separate sheet and attech to green sheet INI7IATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPP TUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Budget needs to b revised to reflect debt service expenditures on 215 East Ninth Construction Note in the correct expenditure category. No change to total budget. NTAGES IF APPROVED: Budget at major o ject level will show overrun. RECEIVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: JUN 5 1991 None. gUUUti urr��t , DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED See above. RECEIVED JUN 12 1991 CITY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA ION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO • FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 145-36605 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAI l�(.' . �t 0-ua.�L •