98-684Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall OR1GiNAL OF Resented By Referred To MINNESOTA Committee: Date �o[ i WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did by Resolurion C.F.#95-565 dated 7uly 5, 1995 z and Resolution C.F.#96-1090 dated September 4, 1996 vacate certain public lands within the City of s Saint Paul and, 4 s 6 7 s 9 io ii WHEREAS, portions of the vacated areas did not accrue to the petitioner's property due to the configuration of the land and abutting streets and, WHEREAS, the areas in question aze needed for the United Hospital complex, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the proper City Officiais to convey the subject vacated areas to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority by Quit Claim Deed. Requested by Department of: Technologv & Management Services By: �..�.Gt/L l�l l:1r,/G!/!� DirecCor Form Approved by City Attorney By: .���.s���/,Gl/YNf'-, /�9 /'� � �y Mayor for Sub}nission to Council t � . . Council File # �g - �� Green Sheet # S z13 � / i, � _G T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: July 7, 1998 Green S t Number: 52131 ntact Pexson and Phone N�mber: �/ EPARTMLNC i 4 CPfY COiINCII, h Tom Sawyer ' 266-8850 1 `' �� 5 °'�` UDGEf DIItF.Cl'OR � FFICE OF FAIANCIAI. SVCS. be oa Coimd7 Agenda by: 3 YOR (OR ASSLSfANn 6 FSTATE OTAL # OF SIGNATCTRE PAGES _3 ccLB nt.L i.oca'rioxs �ox sicxn�� CiTON REQUESCID: Authorize the proper City Officials to execute quit claim deeds for properties previously vacated. OMMENDAT[ONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECf (R) ONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSK'ER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the persod6rm ever worked under a coMrac[ for this deparhnent? YES NO PI,ANNA'G COMMISSION A SfAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII. SERVICE COMhI75510N . Does t6is person/fum possess a ski71 not normaIly possessed by any YES NO current C�ty employee? CIB COhIMITTEE E lain all YES an.swers on a se arate sheet and atfach. RTS WHICH COUNCII, OBdECTIVE? COUNCII. WARD(S) 2, DISTAICT PLANNING COUNCII. 9 TIlVG PROBI.EM, ISSOE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, WLat, When, Where, Why?): On July 5, 1995, Resolution C.F.#95-565 and on September 4, 1996 Resolution C.F.#96-1090 did vacate certain public lands and due to the configuration of the property and surrounding streets some of the vacated property did not accrue to the petitioner. For the vacated area to accrue to the adjoining property, quit claim deeds must be signed to convey the City's interest. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Vacated property can accrue to the adjoining property which is part of the United Hospital complex. ���-� _= �;_� s 6������ °� � ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: r° • . �E.��.. : F, � 3 �� None. �'-� �-. � � � JUL 20199� m �,�� • ,��� , N-�• � LSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: .� �� � � � � �� � �� �: S`�. 3 To not convey the areas would be inconsistent with current policies. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �Q COSP/REVENU� BUDGETED (CIltCLE ONE) YES NO IIVG SOURCE: ACTIVITY NOMBER: � r i " . �„�O ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIPn JUL 2 1 199� , e. . . • j— 'p0 �`\ I I . . .-+ � V I � `G` r ` \ -� � b ��� � q� - G�y j0 G_ o T^6� `�� \ ^ - S �e J' _° •' 'V 0 2 � �' .�n o� �� . / I ! '6p �� ° � ,o • o �� . �. � S V � � � 4 �• � ' J � � V � � ^ � �n U \ � n 5� J�� � �r � u '� o °� o u R' + E n:, -' j� 0 6 2 �, <o o � .- ` ��� `.> ocK �� � - � � \ �ao �•,,�� � � . � � � � i /lli � � u� Z �J .o '^ - ,�o � _� ' � � /. 6 90l � �. .8D N . 4C S � � \ � � y ` � ` o . � ,� � (s is a�� �sid � 2 /. � /� `J l �� .�. . � Ma. � '� b % - _ � ( lS - 3t A H1N 1 �II !b�� p . n� 98. � ° I. % °� ' . >v'08 . 9928 . L9'SL ' -"'"" n.8£.9s.8> N n.BE.9S.8� � n.BE.9S.8e N � 99 � , . ! P � . ) � �{' m o g� � � � �' v � � O.-. W o om ° u ' ! ? � ' . � - . ! ` �ry0!')./ v I t.� z �`-' �o_ o_ ' o ° . O� � _ � /� �� �4� W m� L''1 z-° 3.8E.95.8> S a � � Q < . L9 SL a / ,. � � " W � e �. zrsz . z � � -� � W , 2 � � � � _ t., l� . OO"2E1 z v 'm' N�^, �m:. n°�^,� m � ? 3•10.££.LO S �•�o.[t.t+ s0 ��--;^_ �� n , Z 2 � SC2B o� W . W Q . �. 6t92 , •, w O A S � � r , rn � ��� z . 81 6( I r1 .I�.�E•LD N Q n.IC £f.(> N � 2' m �. � � hr. /� — 1 O O O r� n .. ' �'1 O �v� � � � � � `^ N � '�I � W Q' Q /I . � P .� � 0 0 0 3� z � W �, m o N e a � z ^ o o I m � � �-�--� :� m i'' n r 4 ✓� _ p 1 , W � : � e � ('I N � � Z = P � ^ m . 06"8[t 3.IO.E£.[b S ~� w ? l f � v ^ � � / '' P Z (� U � �'i � � �� � SC'E21 n .10.££-Gb N � �^ � o n � U l� ' \ ob � � � 0 ^ `� •o o Q m r, �, r ,� , -' � O � , 9 `7 � \ � 3� �" !` \ o � J. . ,v`�i t � d ��ti�. ,� �9 � .� )�d, o - i� ry � N N ) °, \ Ul J�6� `� 99 " zt • LbBLI 15 ,IO.E£.Lb N • 2ZEV1 n .IO.£E.Ln H \ S --- � .._. ._ �' �' C' c' ' - :1S -a`.., d ^ 1f1N1S3H� � Fonn No. 31-M — QUtT CLA@1 DEED No deli�qurnt mxu aM trav(cr entcrtd; Cen�fia�e of 0.ea1 Esp¢ Value () filed () tmt mryired Cerofip¢ of Real ettaa Value No. 1998 Counry Auditor STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ (ecxrvW far rtcortling data) uace: , 1998 � I FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the Ciry of Saint Paul, a municipal cotporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Gracrtor, hereby conveys and quitdauns to the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry, _ a co3poration under the law of th tate of Mi eeot Gran[ee, real property in Raznsey County, Minneso[a, described as follows: Vacated West PiRh Street bounded entirely by Line 1 with Line 1 being the right-of-way line for I 35E with Line 1 bei�g described as follows: (See attached) (if more space is nwded cominuc on 6ack) together will all hereditaments and appurtenances betonging [hereto, subject to the following exceptions: The Grantor certifies tf�at the Grantor does not know of any wells on the described real property. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here State of Minnesota Its City Clerk County of Ramsey �ss .-- / �� '� �� `l � By Its Director of the O�ce of Financial ervice� The foregoing insmiment was acknowledged before me this_ day by 19_ _, Grantor(s). NOiARIAL SI'AMP OA SEAL (OR OTHER TffLE OR RANK) THIS QiSTRUMENT WAS DI2AFfED gy (IypINE & ADDRESS) The City of Saint Paul Departrnent of Technology & Managemern Services Rea( Estate Division 15 Kellogg Boulevard W Room 140 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1613 SIGNATORE OF PERSON TAK[IYG ACKNOWLEDGMENT tae s�acemen¢ for Nc reai property describcd in Hus �nsttumrn[ should be sem to (include reme ar.d addmss of Grznlee). Housing and Redevelopment Authority City Hall Annex 25 4th Street West - 12th Floor Saint Paul MN 55302-1634 q�-cry �8- � �y Line 1: Commencing at the northwest comer of Lot 11 said Block 63 Irvine's Enlazgement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to the Town of Saint Paul, thence run southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said Lot 11 on an azimuth of 132 degrees Ol minutes 11 seconds for 12.68 feet to the point of begimiiug of Line lto be described; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 9.08 feet; thence on an azimuth of 323 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 6 feet; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 212 feet; thence deflect to the right on a nontangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 104035 feet, a delta angle of 12 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds and a chord aznnuth of 58 degrees 50 minutes 44 seconds for arc equaling 226.41 feet; thence on an azimuth of 65 degrees 04 minutes 49 seconds for 170.24 feet; thence on an azimuth of 109 degrees 32 minutes 32 seconds for 34.96 feet; thence on an azimuth of 166 degrees 44 minutes 19 seconds for 102.96 feet; thence deflect to the left on a tangenfial curve having a radius of 470.74 feet and a delta angle of 08 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds for 50 feet and there terminating. Form No. 31-M — QUIT CLAIM DEED No ddi�puen[ tues aM vaeufer rnrcrN; Cenificate of RW Esd�e Value () filed () rot rcquimA Ccnifica¢ af Rwl csu�c Value No� 1998 County Auditor � ��r � l - . STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: � (reurvd for recording dae) Date: , 1998 � � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation under the laws of the Sta[e of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry, _ a comoration under the laws of the State of Mimesota Grantee, rea] property in Ramsey CounTy, Minnuota, described as follows: Vacated Keilogg Boulevard lying between the North line of Smith Avenue and Line 1 being the right- of-way line for I 35E with Line 1 being described as follows: (See attached) (i( more space is needed connwe on back) together will all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to [he following exceptions: The Grantor certifies that the Grantor does not know of any wells on the described real property. Affix Deed Tax S[amp Here S[ate of Minnesota County of Ramsey �ss Its Mavor Its Director of the OfFice o£ Financia} Services The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_, day of - 19 Granror(s). NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OA OTNER TIiLE OR RANK) THIS INSIRUMEN'I WAS DRAFIE� BY (NAME & ADDRESS) The City of Saint Paul Department of Technology & Management Services Real Fstate Division 15 Kellogg Boulevard W Room 140 Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102-1613 SIGNAiUAE OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLEDGMENT ax stammcn6 for Ne roal pmpcny ducnbed m Nis instrument sM1OUid be scnt w (irclude name aM address of Granme)� q�-6r`� �'� Line 1: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot ll said Block 63 Irvine's Enlazgement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to the Town of Saint Paul, thence run southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said Lot 11 on an azimuth of 132 degrees Ol minutes 11 seconds for 12.68 feet to the point of beginuing of Line lto be described; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 9.08 feet; thence on an 2ziniuth of 323 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds foz 6 feet; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 212 feet; thence deflect to the right on a nontangenfial curve concaue to the southeast having a radius of 104035 feet, a deita angle of 12 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds and a chord azimuth of 58 degrees 50 minutes 44 seconds for azc equaling 226.41 feet; thence on an�zimuth of 65 degrees 04 minutes 49 seconds for 170.24 feet; thence on an azimuth of 109 degrees 32 minutes 32 seconds for 34.96 feet; thence on an azimuth of 166 degrees 44 minutes 19 seconds for 102.96 feet; thence deflect to the left on a tangential curve having a radius of 470.74 feet and a delta angle of 08 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds for 50 feet and there terminating. Fortn No. 31-M — QUIT CLAA1 DEED No aa��purnc mxcs am aanskr rnmrca; Cerofiaa of Real Em¢ Va1ue () fiIN () mt rtWireA Cenilam of R�al upm Valuc No 1995 Counry Auditor by STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: � " Jn n �� � �� l (RU..w ro� re�mNa aaa) Date: , 1998 � I FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the City of Saint Paul, a municipal cocporation under the laws of the Srate of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to the Housing and Redevelopmeut Authority of Ihe City of Saint Paul a comoration under the law¢ of the State of Minnesota Grantee, real ptoperiy in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lot 6, Block 62, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addi[ion to the Town of Saint Paul. (if morc space ¢ needcd cominue on back) [oge[her will all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging [here[o, subject to [he following excep[ions: The Grantor certifies tha[ [he Grantoc does no[ know of any we(ls on the described real property. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here State of Minnesota 1 Its Citv Clerk Counry of Ramsey �)ss Its Ditectoc of the Office of Financial Services The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me this_ day 19 Grantor(s). NOTARLII. STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) 'tHi5IN5TRUMENT WAS DRAFCED BY (NAME & ADDRE55) The City of Saint Yaul Deparanent of Tecfinology & Management Services Real &tate Division IS Kellogg Boulevard W Room 140 Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102-1613 SIGNA]'URE OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLEDGMENT ux spmmems for Ne rW pmperty dewribed "m th�s ms�mmen[ sMWd be sent m (include namc a�d address oF Gronree): Aousing and Redevelopment Authority Cicy Hall Annex 25 4th Street Wwt - 12th Floor Saint Paul MN 55102-1634 q�-G�� Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall OR1GiNAL OF Resented By Referred To MINNESOTA Committee: Date �o[ i WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did by Resolurion C.F.#95-565 dated 7uly 5, 1995 z and Resolution C.F.#96-1090 dated September 4, 1996 vacate certain public lands within the City of s Saint Paul and, 4 s 6 7 s 9 io ii WHEREAS, portions of the vacated areas did not accrue to the petitioner's property due to the configuration of the land and abutting streets and, WHEREAS, the areas in question aze needed for the United Hospital complex, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the proper City Officiais to convey the subject vacated areas to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority by Quit Claim Deed. Requested by Department of: Technologv & Management Services By: �..�.Gt/L l�l l:1r,/G!/!� DirecCor Form Approved by City Attorney By: .���.s���/,Gl/YNf'-, /�9 /'� � �y Mayor for Sub}nission to Council t � . . Council File # �g - �� Green Sheet # S z13 � / i, � _G T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: July 7, 1998 Green S t Number: 52131 ntact Pexson and Phone N�mber: �/ EPARTMLNC i 4 CPfY COiINCII, h Tom Sawyer ' 266-8850 1 `' �� 5 °'�` UDGEf DIItF.Cl'OR � FFICE OF FAIANCIAI. SVCS. be oa Coimd7 Agenda by: 3 YOR (OR ASSLSfANn 6 FSTATE OTAL # OF SIGNATCTRE PAGES _3 ccLB nt.L i.oca'rioxs �ox sicxn�� CiTON REQUESCID: Authorize the proper City Officials to execute quit claim deeds for properties previously vacated. OMMENDAT[ONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECf (R) ONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSK'ER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the persod6rm ever worked under a coMrac[ for this deparhnent? YES NO PI,ANNA'G COMMISSION A SfAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII. SERVICE COMhI75510N . Does t6is person/fum possess a ski71 not normaIly possessed by any YES NO current C�ty employee? CIB COhIMITTEE E lain all YES an.swers on a se arate sheet and atfach. RTS WHICH COUNCII, OBdECTIVE? COUNCII. WARD(S) 2, DISTAICT PLANNING COUNCII. 9 TIlVG PROBI.EM, ISSOE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, WLat, When, Where, Why?): On July 5, 1995, Resolution C.F.#95-565 and on September 4, 1996 Resolution C.F.#96-1090 did vacate certain public lands and due to the configuration of the property and surrounding streets some of the vacated property did not accrue to the petitioner. For the vacated area to accrue to the adjoining property, quit claim deeds must be signed to convey the City's interest. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Vacated property can accrue to the adjoining property which is part of the United Hospital complex. ���-� _= �;_� s 6������ °� � ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: r° • . �E.��.. : F, � 3 �� None. �'-� �-. � � � JUL 20199� m �,�� • ,��� , N-�• � LSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: .� �� � � � � �� � �� �: S`�. 3 To not convey the areas would be inconsistent with current policies. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �Q COSP/REVENU� BUDGETED (CIltCLE ONE) YES NO IIVG SOURCE: ACTIVITY NOMBER: � r i " . �„�O ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIPn JUL 2 1 199� , e. . . • j— 'p0 �`\ I I . . .-+ � V I � `G` r ` \ -� � b ��� � q� - G�y j0 G_ o T^6� `�� \ ^ - S �e J' _° •' 'V 0 2 � �' .�n o� �� . / I ! '6p �� ° � ,o • o �� . �. � S V � � � 4 �• � ' J � � V � � ^ � �n U \ � n 5� J�� � �r � u '� o °� o u R' + E n:, -' j� 0 6 2 �, <o o � .- ` ��� `.> ocK �� � - � � \ �ao �•,,�� � � . � � � � i /lli � � u� Z �J .o '^ - ,�o � _� ' � � /. 6 90l � �. .8D N . 4C S � � \ � � y ` � ` o . � ,� � (s is a�� �sid � 2 /. � /� `J l �� .�. . � Ma. � '� b % - _ � ( lS - 3t A H1N 1 �II !b�� p . n� 98. � ° I. % °� ' . >v'08 . 9928 . L9'SL ' -"'"" n.8£.9s.8> N n.BE.9S.8� � n.BE.9S.8e N � 99 � , . ! P � . ) � �{' m o g� � � � �' v � � O.-. W o om ° u ' ! ? � ' . � - . ! ` �ry0!')./ v I t.� z �`-' �o_ o_ ' o ° . O� � _ � /� �� �4� W m� L''1 z-° 3.8E.95.8> S a � � Q < . L9 SL a / ,. � � " W � e �. zrsz . z � � -� � W , 2 � � � � _ t., l� . OO"2E1 z v 'm' N�^, �m:. n°�^,� m � ? 3•10.££.LO S �•�o.[t.t+ s0 ��--;^_ �� n , Z 2 � SC2B o� W . W Q . �. 6t92 , •, w O A S � � r , rn � ��� z . 81 6( I r1 .I�.�E•LD N Q n.IC £f.(> N � 2' m �. � � hr. /� — 1 O O O r� n .. ' �'1 O �v� � � � � � `^ N � '�I � W Q' Q /I . � P .� � 0 0 0 3� z � W �, m o N e a � z ^ o o I m � � �-�--� :� m i'' n r 4 ✓� _ p 1 , W � : � e � ('I N � � Z = P � ^ m . 06"8[t 3.IO.E£.[b S ~� w ? l f � v ^ � � / '' P Z (� U � �'i � � �� � SC'E21 n .10.££-Gb N � �^ � o n � U l� ' \ ob � � � 0 ^ `� •o o Q m r, �, r ,� , -' � O � , 9 `7 � \ � 3� �" !` \ o � J. . ,v`�i t � d ��ti�. ,� �9 � .� )�d, o - i� ry � N N ) °, \ Ul J�6� `� 99 " zt • LbBLI 15 ,IO.E£.Lb N • 2ZEV1 n .IO.£E.Ln H \ S --- � .._. ._ �' �' C' c' ' - :1S -a`.., d ^ 1f1N1S3H� � Fonn No. 31-M — QUtT CLA@1 DEED No deli�qurnt mxu aM trav(cr entcrtd; Cen�fia�e of 0.ea1 Esp¢ Value () filed () tmt mryired Cerofip¢ of Real ettaa Value No. 1998 Counry Auditor STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ (ecxrvW far rtcortling data) uace: , 1998 � I FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the Ciry of Saint Paul, a municipal cotporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Gracrtor, hereby conveys and quitdauns to the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry, _ a co3poration under the law of th tate of Mi eeot Gran[ee, real property in Raznsey County, Minneso[a, described as follows: Vacated West PiRh Street bounded entirely by Line 1 with Line 1 being the right-of-way line for I 35E with Line 1 bei�g described as follows: (See attached) (if more space is nwded cominuc on 6ack) together will all hereditaments and appurtenances betonging [hereto, subject to the following exceptions: The Grantor certifies tf�at the Grantor does not know of any wells on the described real property. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here State of Minnesota Its City Clerk County of Ramsey �ss .-- / �� '� �� `l � By Its Director of the O�ce of Financial ervice� The foregoing insmiment was acknowledged before me this_ day by 19_ _, Grantor(s). NOiARIAL SI'AMP OA SEAL (OR OTHER TffLE OR RANK) THIS QiSTRUMENT WAS DI2AFfED gy (IypINE & ADDRESS) The City of Saint Paul Departrnent of Technology & Managemern Services Rea( Estate Division 15 Kellogg Boulevard W Room 140 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1613 SIGNATORE OF PERSON TAK[IYG ACKNOWLEDGMENT tae s�acemen¢ for Nc reai property describcd in Hus �nsttumrn[ should be sem to (include reme ar.d addmss of Grznlee). Housing and Redevelopment Authority City Hall Annex 25 4th Street West - 12th Floor Saint Paul MN 55302-1634 q�-cry �8- � �y Line 1: Commencing at the northwest comer of Lot 11 said Block 63 Irvine's Enlazgement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to the Town of Saint Paul, thence run southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said Lot 11 on an azimuth of 132 degrees Ol minutes 11 seconds for 12.68 feet to the point of begimiiug of Line lto be described; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 9.08 feet; thence on an azimuth of 323 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 6 feet; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 212 feet; thence deflect to the right on a nontangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 104035 feet, a delta angle of 12 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds and a chord aznnuth of 58 degrees 50 minutes 44 seconds for arc equaling 226.41 feet; thence on an azimuth of 65 degrees 04 minutes 49 seconds for 170.24 feet; thence on an azimuth of 109 degrees 32 minutes 32 seconds for 34.96 feet; thence on an azimuth of 166 degrees 44 minutes 19 seconds for 102.96 feet; thence deflect to the left on a tangenfial curve having a radius of 470.74 feet and a delta angle of 08 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds for 50 feet and there terminating. Form No. 31-M — QUIT CLAIM DEED No ddi�puen[ tues aM vaeufer rnrcrN; Cenificate of RW Esd�e Value () filed () rot rcquimA Ccnifica¢ af Rwl csu�c Value No� 1998 County Auditor � ��r � l - . STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: � (reurvd for recording dae) Date: , 1998 � � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation under the laws of the Sta[e of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry, _ a comoration under the laws of the State of Mimesota Grantee, rea] property in Ramsey CounTy, Minnuota, described as follows: Vacated Keilogg Boulevard lying between the North line of Smith Avenue and Line 1 being the right- of-way line for I 35E with Line 1 being described as follows: (See attached) (i( more space is needed connwe on back) together will all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to [he following exceptions: The Grantor certifies that the Grantor does not know of any wells on the described real property. Affix Deed Tax S[amp Here S[ate of Minnesota County of Ramsey �ss Its Mavor Its Director of the OfFice o£ Financia} Services The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_, day of - 19 Granror(s). NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OA OTNER TIiLE OR RANK) THIS INSIRUMEN'I WAS DRAFIE� BY (NAME & ADDRESS) The City of Saint Paul Department of Technology & Management Services Real Fstate Division 15 Kellogg Boulevard W Room 140 Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102-1613 SIGNAiUAE OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLEDGMENT ax stammcn6 for Ne roal pmpcny ducnbed m Nis instrument sM1OUid be scnt w (irclude name aM address of Granme)� q�-6r`� �'� Line 1: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot ll said Block 63 Irvine's Enlazgement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to the Town of Saint Paul, thence run southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said Lot 11 on an azimuth of 132 degrees Ol minutes 11 seconds for 12.68 feet to the point of beginuing of Line lto be described; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 9.08 feet; thence on an 2ziniuth of 323 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds foz 6 feet; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 212 feet; thence deflect to the right on a nontangenfial curve concaue to the southeast having a radius of 104035 feet, a deita angle of 12 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds and a chord azimuth of 58 degrees 50 minutes 44 seconds for azc equaling 226.41 feet; thence on an�zimuth of 65 degrees 04 minutes 49 seconds for 170.24 feet; thence on an azimuth of 109 degrees 32 minutes 32 seconds for 34.96 feet; thence on an azimuth of 166 degrees 44 minutes 19 seconds for 102.96 feet; thence deflect to the left on a tangential curve having a radius of 470.74 feet and a delta angle of 08 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds for 50 feet and there terminating. Fortn No. 31-M — QUIT CLAA1 DEED No aa��purnc mxcs am aanskr rnmrca; Cerofiaa of Real Em¢ Va1ue () fiIN () mt rtWireA Cenilam of R�al upm Valuc No 1995 Counry Auditor by STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: � " Jn n �� � �� l (RU..w ro� re�mNa aaa) Date: , 1998 � I FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the City of Saint Paul, a municipal cocporation under the laws of the Srate of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to the Housing and Redevelopmeut Authority of Ihe City of Saint Paul a comoration under the law¢ of the State of Minnesota Grantee, real ptoperiy in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lot 6, Block 62, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addi[ion to the Town of Saint Paul. (if morc space ¢ needcd cominue on back) [oge[her will all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging [here[o, subject to [he following excep[ions: The Grantor certifies tha[ [he Grantoc does no[ know of any we(ls on the described real property. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here State of Minnesota 1 Its Citv Clerk Counry of Ramsey �)ss Its Ditectoc of the Office of Financial Services The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me this_ day 19 Grantor(s). NOTARLII. STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) 'tHi5IN5TRUMENT WAS DRAFCED BY (NAME & ADDRE55) The City of Saint Yaul Deparanent of Tecfinology & Management Services Real &tate Division IS Kellogg Boulevard W Room 140 Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102-1613 SIGNA]'URE OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLEDGMENT ux spmmems for Ne rW pmperty dewribed "m th�s ms�mmen[ sMWd be sent m (include namc a�d address oF Gronree): Aousing and Redevelopment Authority Cicy Hall Annex 25 4th Street Wwt - 12th Floor Saint Paul MN 55102-1634 q�-G�� Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall OR1GiNAL OF Resented By Referred To MINNESOTA Committee: Date �o[ i WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did by Resolurion C.F.#95-565 dated 7uly 5, 1995 z and Resolution C.F.#96-1090 dated September 4, 1996 vacate certain public lands within the City of s Saint Paul and, 4 s 6 7 s 9 io ii WHEREAS, portions of the vacated areas did not accrue to the petitioner's property due to the configuration of the land and abutting streets and, WHEREAS, the areas in question aze needed for the United Hospital complex, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the proper City Officiais to convey the subject vacated areas to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority by Quit Claim Deed. Requested by Department of: Technologv & Management Services By: �..�.Gt/L l�l l:1r,/G!/!� DirecCor Form Approved by City Attorney By: .���.s���/,Gl/YNf'-, /�9 /'� � �y Mayor for Sub}nission to Council t � . . Council File # �g - �� Green Sheet # S z13 � / i, � _G T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: July 7, 1998 Green S t Number: 52131 ntact Pexson and Phone N�mber: �/ EPARTMLNC i 4 CPfY COiINCII, h Tom Sawyer ' 266-8850 1 `' �� 5 °'�` UDGEf DIItF.Cl'OR � FFICE OF FAIANCIAI. SVCS. be oa Coimd7 Agenda by: 3 YOR (OR ASSLSfANn 6 FSTATE OTAL # OF SIGNATCTRE PAGES _3 ccLB nt.L i.oca'rioxs �ox sicxn�� CiTON REQUESCID: Authorize the proper City Officials to execute quit claim deeds for properties previously vacated. OMMENDAT[ONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECf (R) ONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSK'ER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the persod6rm ever worked under a coMrac[ for this deparhnent? YES NO PI,ANNA'G COMMISSION A SfAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII. SERVICE COMhI75510N . Does t6is person/fum possess a ski71 not normaIly possessed by any YES NO current C�ty employee? CIB COhIMITTEE E lain all YES an.swers on a se arate sheet and atfach. RTS WHICH COUNCII, OBdECTIVE? COUNCII. WARD(S) 2, DISTAICT PLANNING COUNCII. 9 TIlVG PROBI.EM, ISSOE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, WLat, When, Where, Why?): On July 5, 1995, Resolution C.F.#95-565 and on September 4, 1996 Resolution C.F.#96-1090 did vacate certain public lands and due to the configuration of the property and surrounding streets some of the vacated property did not accrue to the petitioner. For the vacated area to accrue to the adjoining property, quit claim deeds must be signed to convey the City's interest. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Vacated property can accrue to the adjoining property which is part of the United Hospital complex. ���-� _= �;_� s 6������ °� � ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: r° • . �E.��.. : F, � 3 �� None. �'-� �-. � � � JUL 20199� m �,�� • ,��� , N-�• � LSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: .� �� � � � � �� � �� �: S`�. 3 To not convey the areas would be inconsistent with current policies. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �Q COSP/REVENU� BUDGETED (CIltCLE ONE) YES NO IIVG SOURCE: ACTIVITY NOMBER: � r i " . �„�O ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIPn JUL 2 1 199� , e. . . • j— 'p0 �`\ I I . . .-+ � V I � `G` r ` \ -� � b ��� � q� - G�y j0 G_ o T^6� `�� \ ^ - S �e J' _° •' 'V 0 2 � �' .�n o� �� . / I ! '6p �� ° � ,o • o �� . �. � S V � � � 4 �• � ' J � � V � � ^ � �n U \ � n 5� J�� � �r � u '� o °� o u R' + E n:, -' j� 0 6 2 �, <o o � .- ` ��� `.> ocK �� � - � � \ �ao �•,,�� � � . � � � � i /lli � � u� Z �J .o '^ - ,�o � _� ' � � /. 6 90l � �. .8D N . 4C S � � \ � � y ` � ` o . � ,� � (s is a�� �sid � 2 /. � /� `J l �� .�. . � Ma. � '� b % - _ � ( lS - 3t A H1N 1 �II !b�� p . n� 98. � ° I. % °� ' . >v'08 . 9928 . L9'SL ' -"'"" n.8£.9s.8> N n.BE.9S.8� � n.BE.9S.8e N � 99 � , . ! P � . ) � �{' m o g� � � � �' v � � O.-. W o om ° u ' ! ? � ' . � - . ! ` �ry0!')./ v I t.� z �`-' �o_ o_ ' o ° . O� � _ � /� �� �4� W m� L''1 z-° 3.8E.95.8> S a � � Q < . L9 SL a / ,. � � " W � e �. zrsz . z � � -� � W , 2 � � � � _ t., l� . OO"2E1 z v 'm' N�^, �m:. n°�^,� m � ? 3•10.££.LO S �•�o.[t.t+ s0 ��--;^_ �� n , Z 2 � SC2B o� W . W Q . �. 6t92 , •, w O A S � � r , rn � ��� z . 81 6( I r1 .I�.�E•LD N Q n.IC £f.(> N � 2' m �. � � hr. /� — 1 O O O r� n .. ' �'1 O �v� � � � � � `^ N � '�I � W Q' Q /I . � P .� � 0 0 0 3� z � W �, m o N e a � z ^ o o I m � � �-�--� :� m i'' n r 4 ✓� _ p 1 , W � : � e � ('I N � � Z = P � ^ m . 06"8[t 3.IO.E£.[b S ~� w ? l f � v ^ � � / '' P Z (� U � �'i � � �� � SC'E21 n .10.££-Gb N � �^ � o n � U l� ' \ ob � � � 0 ^ `� •o o Q m r, �, r ,� , -' � O � , 9 `7 � \ � 3� �" !` \ o � J. . ,v`�i t � d ��ti�. ,� �9 � .� )�d, o - i� ry � N N ) °, \ Ul J�6� `� 99 " zt • LbBLI 15 ,IO.E£.Lb N • 2ZEV1 n .IO.£E.Ln H \ S --- � .._. ._ �' �' C' c' ' - :1S -a`.., d ^ 1f1N1S3H� � Fonn No. 31-M — QUtT CLA@1 DEED No deli�qurnt mxu aM trav(cr entcrtd; Cen�fia�e of 0.ea1 Esp¢ Value () filed () tmt mryired Cerofip¢ of Real ettaa Value No. 1998 Counry Auditor STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ (ecxrvW far rtcortling data) uace: , 1998 � I FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the Ciry of Saint Paul, a municipal cotporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Gracrtor, hereby conveys and quitdauns to the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry, _ a co3poration under the law of th tate of Mi eeot Gran[ee, real property in Raznsey County, Minneso[a, described as follows: Vacated West PiRh Street bounded entirely by Line 1 with Line 1 being the right-of-way line for I 35E with Line 1 bei�g described as follows: (See attached) (if more space is nwded cominuc on 6ack) together will all hereditaments and appurtenances betonging [hereto, subject to the following exceptions: The Grantor certifies tf�at the Grantor does not know of any wells on the described real property. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here State of Minnesota Its City Clerk County of Ramsey �ss .-- / �� '� �� `l � By Its Director of the O�ce of Financial ervice� The foregoing insmiment was acknowledged before me this_ day by 19_ _, Grantor(s). NOiARIAL SI'AMP OA SEAL (OR OTHER TffLE OR RANK) THIS QiSTRUMENT WAS DI2AFfED gy (IypINE & ADDRESS) The City of Saint Paul Departrnent of Technology & Managemern Services Rea( Estate Division 15 Kellogg Boulevard W Room 140 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1613 SIGNATORE OF PERSON TAK[IYG ACKNOWLEDGMENT tae s�acemen¢ for Nc reai property describcd in Hus �nsttumrn[ should be sem to (include reme ar.d addmss of Grznlee). Housing and Redevelopment Authority City Hall Annex 25 4th Street West - 12th Floor Saint Paul MN 55302-1634 q�-cry �8- � �y Line 1: Commencing at the northwest comer of Lot 11 said Block 63 Irvine's Enlazgement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to the Town of Saint Paul, thence run southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said Lot 11 on an azimuth of 132 degrees Ol minutes 11 seconds for 12.68 feet to the point of begimiiug of Line lto be described; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 9.08 feet; thence on an azimuth of 323 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 6 feet; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 212 feet; thence deflect to the right on a nontangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 104035 feet, a delta angle of 12 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds and a chord aznnuth of 58 degrees 50 minutes 44 seconds for arc equaling 226.41 feet; thence on an azimuth of 65 degrees 04 minutes 49 seconds for 170.24 feet; thence on an azimuth of 109 degrees 32 minutes 32 seconds for 34.96 feet; thence on an azimuth of 166 degrees 44 minutes 19 seconds for 102.96 feet; thence deflect to the left on a tangenfial curve having a radius of 470.74 feet and a delta angle of 08 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds for 50 feet and there terminating. Form No. 31-M — QUIT CLAIM DEED No ddi�puen[ tues aM vaeufer rnrcrN; Cenificate of RW Esd�e Value () filed () rot rcquimA Ccnifica¢ af Rwl csu�c Value No� 1998 County Auditor � ��r � l - . STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: � (reurvd for recording dae) Date: , 1998 � � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation under the laws of the Sta[e of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry, _ a comoration under the laws of the State of Mimesota Grantee, rea] property in Ramsey CounTy, Minnuota, described as follows: Vacated Keilogg Boulevard lying between the North line of Smith Avenue and Line 1 being the right- of-way line for I 35E with Line 1 being described as follows: (See attached) (i( more space is needed connwe on back) together will all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to [he following exceptions: The Grantor certifies that the Grantor does not know of any wells on the described real property. Affix Deed Tax S[amp Here S[ate of Minnesota County of Ramsey �ss Its Mavor Its Director of the OfFice o£ Financia} Services The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_, day of - 19 Granror(s). NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OA OTNER TIiLE OR RANK) THIS INSIRUMEN'I WAS DRAFIE� BY (NAME & ADDRESS) The City of Saint Paul Department of Technology & Management Services Real Fstate Division 15 Kellogg Boulevard W Room 140 Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102-1613 SIGNAiUAE OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLEDGMENT ax stammcn6 for Ne roal pmpcny ducnbed m Nis instrument sM1OUid be scnt w (irclude name aM address of Granme)� q�-6r`� �'� Line 1: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot ll said Block 63 Irvine's Enlazgement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to the Town of Saint Paul, thence run southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said Lot 11 on an azimuth of 132 degrees Ol minutes 11 seconds for 12.68 feet to the point of beginuing of Line lto be described; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 9.08 feet; thence on an 2ziniuth of 323 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds foz 6 feet; thence on an azimuth of 53 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds for 212 feet; thence deflect to the right on a nontangenfial curve concaue to the southeast having a radius of 104035 feet, a deita angle of 12 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds and a chord azimuth of 58 degrees 50 minutes 44 seconds for azc equaling 226.41 feet; thence on an�zimuth of 65 degrees 04 minutes 49 seconds for 170.24 feet; thence on an azimuth of 109 degrees 32 minutes 32 seconds for 34.96 feet; thence on an azimuth of 166 degrees 44 minutes 19 seconds for 102.96 feet; thence deflect to the left on a tangential curve having a radius of 470.74 feet and a delta angle of 08 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds for 50 feet and there terminating. Fortn No. 31-M — QUIT CLAA1 DEED No aa��purnc mxcs am aanskr rnmrca; Cerofiaa of Real Em¢ Va1ue () fiIN () mt rtWireA Cenilam of R�al upm Valuc No 1995 Counry Auditor by STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: � " Jn n �� � �� l (RU..w ro� re�mNa aaa) Date: , 1998 � I FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the City of Saint Paul, a municipal cocporation under the laws of the Srate of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to the Housing and Redevelopmeut Authority of Ihe City of Saint Paul a comoration under the law¢ of the State of Minnesota Grantee, real ptoperiy in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lot 6, Block 62, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addi[ion to the Town of Saint Paul. (if morc space ¢ needcd cominue on back) [oge[her will all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging [here[o, subject to [he following excep[ions: The Grantor certifies tha[ [he Grantoc does no[ know of any we(ls on the described real property. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here State of Minnesota 1 Its Citv Clerk Counry of Ramsey �)ss Its Ditectoc of the Office of Financial Services The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me this_ day 19 Grantor(s). NOTARLII. STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) 'tHi5IN5TRUMENT WAS DRAFCED BY (NAME & ADDRE55) The City of Saint Yaul Deparanent of Tecfinology & Management Services Real &tate Division IS Kellogg Boulevard W Room 140 Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102-1613 SIGNA]'URE OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLEDGMENT ux spmmems for Ne rW pmperty dewribed "m th�s ms�mmen[ sMWd be sent m (include namc a�d address oF Gronree): Aousing and Redevelopment Authority Cicy Hall Annex 25 4th Street Wwt - 12th Floor Saint Paul MN 55102-1634 q�-G��