D11487 White — City Clerk I C I TY O F SA I N T PA IT L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— DepL OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Return copy to: No: �( �y g� Real Estate Divi ion ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER �_ 7 p _�� 218 City Ha11 Date: �'� • (EC) (AdmOrder) ADMINISTRATN ORDER, WHE S, Lease Agreement PW/27 granted , on behalf of the City of Sai t Paul Department of Public Works, the use of 127 ,429 square fee of vacant land to West Publishing Company for parking space, fro June 1, 1986 through May 31, 1989 ; and WHE S, Addendum �1 provided an additional 13 ,800 square feet of vac nt land to the leased premises and Addendum #2 extended the ter of the agreement through May 31, 1991; and WH AS, the parties thereto would like to extend the term of the agr ement until such time as the LESSEE moves to a new location; and WH S, the said parties have negotiated Addendum #3 , extending the term of said Lease Agreement PW/27 at the rent of $9 ,738 .48 per •month . FORE BE IT ORDERED, that the proper City officials are her by authorized and directed to execute Addendum #3 to Lease Agr ement PW/27 extending the term of said Lease Agreement PW/27 • thr ugh either: 1. May 31, 1992; or 2. the date Lessee vacates its present location, which ever comes first . � I I I APPROVED AS TO FOR , - � � � f � „ � X C.� Assistant C ty Attorney Department Head ^ Y • Date i Mayor I - 7i 11�8� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED nce & Mana em nt Services 5/6/91 GREEN SHEET N° _14991 CONTACT PER30N&PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL ve Nelson 298-531 ABSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �'�` � �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR O BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIR. 3T BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY ATE) � /; ROUTIN(i `�1�{ ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn [�6 Real Estate Divisio TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE QES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: To extend Lease reement PW/27, which grants to West Publishing Company the use of 141$��9 square feet of va ant land for parking space for one year, from June l, 1991 through either Ma.y 31, 1992 or t e Lessee's date of departure from its present location, whichever is first. f Lease A reement PW/27 and Addendum III thereto. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a e�ct(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _STAFF 2• Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJE IVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on aeparats sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATIN�PROBLEM,ISSUE,OP RTUNIT��+ Where,Why): n a..v� Said Lease Agree entM�WY 2��7�w19��expire on Ma.y 31, 1991. RECEIVED 0 ICE 4� THE DIRECTOR MAY 1 ? 1991 D PARTMENT OF FINANCE ti�f MANAGEMEN7 SERVICES MAYOR'S OFFICE VANTAQES IF APPROVED: This agreement 11 raise the rento for the Leased Premises by 4.1� effective June 1, 1991. DISAOVANTAQES IF APPROVED: N/A DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVE : The present agr ement will continue on a month-to-month basis with no increase in rent. RECEIVED MAY 2 3 1991 CITY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA TION $3H,953.92 COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLA ) /�1. 1 uW