D11455 White � City C'lerk I G I T Y O F s A I N T PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGF, OF THE MAYOR �� ( ,t �� ' '-f No: � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 1 J_I L_ �I ._� V • I Date: � � ADMINISTRATI E ORDER, � Pursuant to he 1991 City Budget, the proper City officials are hereby authorized to renit a slrn not i.o ea�ceed $1000.00 to Kowalski's Market of 451 N. Lexington Saint Paul, � innesota 55104 for providing box lunches to the participants of the trainin ' seminar "Officer Survival" occuring on dates between April 8, 1991 to May 17, 991, held by the Saint Paul Police Department, a copy of said order to be kept n file and of record in the Departrnent of Finance and Managenent Services. Account Cod Number: 34012-0299-40060 � • � APPROVED AS TO FO M � ������� sistant ity At rney Department Head � r� - '_7 Date dmin' ra v istant to Mayor , � �DI �y55 � DEPARTMENTlOFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED (�j Police �oo E�<<}h 5t• ��-�/ GREEN SHEET Na 921� 8 CONTACT PERSON 3 PNONE �NITIAU W1TE INIT�AUDATE DEPARTAAENT DIRECTOH �GTY OOUNqL Arily BTOWil �� CITY ATTORNEY J�'CITV CLERK 8E ON COUNCIL/�OENDA BY T� �BUDOET DIi�CTai T FIN.8 MOt.SEfiVICES OIR. MAYOR(OR AS818TANT) � TOTAL N OF SKiNATURE P Q!°�S (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR�ICiNATURE) ACl10N REOUE$TED: Routit�g of a tached AdMinsitrative Order APR 10 1991 �ooM��,o�„oNS:�oww.w« c� COUNCIL � . _PLANNIPN�OO�AM18810N GVIL SERVIC�COMMI8810N ANAlY8T _(�B OOb1AAtTTEE COAAAAEPIT'3: _STAFF _DISTRICf OOURT BURPORlB WHlql COUNpL OBJE INITIATII�Ki PFOBLEM.188UE. I�NTY(Who�Whq.WMn.WIMro�Wlyr). The Saint Pa 1; Police Department is conducting a training program entitled "Officer Sur ival" which is mareketed to non—departmental police officers, such training to ccur between April 8, 1991 to May 17, 1991. The Department is �- providing bo lunches at the training site. ADVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: The Saint Pa 1 Police Training Fund will accrue a profit used to offset the �ost of tr•ai �.ng Saint Paul Police sworn personnel. as�nvu�r��c�s��aoveo: None apparen pBADVANTAQEB IF t�T/tPPROVED Nonpayment o vendor RECEIVED APR 12 1991 GITY CLERK OTAL AMOUNT OF = 1000.00 COtT/AEVENUE BUDOETED(qi�H ONB) � NO ��Q gpuq� ACTMTY NUM�R ��.n 1 9_n 9 9 Q_G.nn 1 7 FltiANC1AL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� 4 dw